Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Dog Breed- Everything You Need To Know featured image

The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is a great hunting dog, specifically a gun dog, and is one of the best.

Gun dogs are hunting dogs used to help hunters locate and retrieve the game birds they shoot.

There are three main types of gun dogs: flushing dogs, retrievers, and pointing dogs.

Pointing Griffons are ideal gun dogs, recognizable by their wiry coat and eager-to-please personalities.

Read on for everything you need to know about the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon.

wirehaired pointing griffon standing in water

Wirehaired Pointing Griffon History

The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon dates back to the late 1800s when a Dutch breeder by the name of Eduard Korthals developed the breed for hunting purposes.

His goal was to create a breed of dog that would be able to hunt in various different types of terrain.

In 20 years' time, he succeeded by mixing German and French Pointers, German Griffons, Spaniels, Setters, and Barbets.

There is some disagreement over whether the breed is Dutch or French. Although the breeder was certainly Dutch, most of the breed’s development was actually in France.

Both countries are happy to take responsibility for this noble breed.

wirehaired pointing griffon running


The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is a medium-sized dog. Just by looking at one, you can tell they have a wiry, harsh coat. Although their coat is rugged-looking, they’re still a handsome breed.

Typically, their coloring is grey with some brown markings, a long mustache, and bushy eyebrows. Their tails are docked up to half of their natural length, where docking is legal.

The eyes of the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon are yellow or brown. They have average-sized ears lying flat against the sides of their head. Its head is square-shaped but domed on top.

Its legs are strong and muscular, and they were bred that way so they could easily navigate any terrain the hunter needed them to.

That includes marshlands with the help of their webbed feet. When the dog moves, it is graceful and cat-like.

The average height of a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is 22 inches at the shoulder. On average, they weigh around 50 pounds, although males may weigh up to 70 pounds.

wirehaired pointing griffon hunting dog


The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is a great field dog. It is loyal, smart, and has a keen sense of smell.

Their ability to point a hunter in the right direction is balanced by their independent thinking. They’re smart dogs as well as friendly. They’re also very gentle with children and affectionate.

Despite their friendliness, the dogs can be nervous in strange situations and with strangers if they aren’t socialized properly.

They should also have regular opportunities for exercise. The more mental stimulation and exercise they get, the more comfortable and friendly they are.

Wirehaired Pointing Griffons are also great watchdogs. They won’t do much more than bark, though, since they’re generally easygoing and friendly to everyone.

The breed does need early socialization, however, and reminders that you’re the boss.

Exercise Needs

Pointing Griffons are not well-suited for low-key lifestyles. They need active owners who are willing to allow the dog to be part of their daily activities.

Although they can think independently while hunting, they are very social and need a lot of attention. They won’t do well in a home with owners who travel, and they won’t do well if kept in a kennel all the time.

Being active from an early age, they should be trained as soon as possible, with lots of positive reinforcement.

Without being challenged daily, both physically and mentally, they can develop destructive behaviors. But a dog who has all those needs met will make a great addition to the household.

As for specific exercises, Wirehaired Pointing Griffons need to go for long walks daily, although jobs are ideal. They also like swimming, which is easy for them due to their webbed feet.

Due to their high activity levels, they’re not well-suited for apartment life and need lots of room to play and romp around.


The grooming of a Wirehaired Pointed Griffon puppy is different than grooming an adult dog. Some owners let the puppy coat fall out naturally, while others believe it is best to strip it out.

Generally, the more wiry the coat is, the less grooming they’ll need. And the softer the coat is, the more grooming they’ll need. Typically, the Pointed Griffon’s coat reaches its fullest around the age of 4 months.

That’s when the adult coat comes in, and the puppy coat needs to make room for it. Brushing them weekly from an early age will help ensure they’re ready for all the added brushing at the 4-month stage.

Although the adult Griffin doesn’t have high-maintenance grooming needs, it should be brushed weekly.

Owners should be sure to pay extra attention to the beard as it can accumulate food debris.

It doesn’t shed much, but its coat can benefit from being hand-stripped now and then when new growth should be encouraged.

The Griffon needs occasional trimming of hair around the feet. It also requires regular plucking of hair from the ear canal to avoid ear infections.

The beard should be kept clean of any food debris. Other than that, like any other dog, they need regular tooth brushing and nail trimming.

wirehaired pointing griffon swimming


The life expectancy of a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is 12 to 15 years. They aren’t particularly susceptible to any health conditions like some dogs are.

However, responsible breeders may conduct health screenings for hip dysplasia. This condition occurs when the dog’s thigh bone doesn’t fit right into the joint of the hip.

With some dogs, this is more obvious, and they might limp or indicate signs of pain. Others don’t show any signs that they’re uncomfortable right away but are likely to make it more obvious over time.


Wirehaired Pointing Griffons are just as trainable today as they were when Eduard Korthals developed the breed in the late 1800s.

They will work tirelessly to please their owner, especially when hunting game birds.

The earlier they’re exposed to hunting and the various weather and terrain that may be involved, the better the dog will be at the job. Although they’re easy to train, training needs to be consistent in order to be effective.

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Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Dog Breed Everything You Need To Know

Diana currently lives and works in London, UK and she's been an animal lover and dog owner since she was a child. After graduating high school, she focused on getting her degree in English to become a writer with a focus on animals, pets and dogs.