Watch the Epic Weight Loss Journey of this Obese Dog Unfold
Photo: Zoom Room Virginia Beach
An obese golden retriever has lost almost half her weight after being rescued, and her journey is nothing short of inspiring.

Meet Strudel, the pup inspiring tons of people to meet their weight loss goals.

Strudel is a 7-year old Golden Retriever who was surrendered to a Virginia shelter when her owner passed away.

She was 80 pounds – roughly twice the weight she should be. This level of obesity was posing an immediate threat to her health.

Watch the Epic Weight Loss Journey of this Obese Dog Unfold
Strudel weighing in at 80 pounds when she was first surrendered.
Photo: Zoom Room Virginia Beach

Strudel was lucky enough to be picked up by Hearts for Hounds Rescue and found placement with foster parents Wynn and Kristen Horton.

The Hortons immediately set out to help Strudel live a much happier life, and enrolled her in fitness classes at Zoom Room Virginia Beach, a training facility offering tons of health and happiness programs for pups.

And this is where Strudel’s epic weight loss journey began.

After her first class in June of this year, the instructors did everything slowly for a 30-minute session to start. According to John Cotthaus, the facility owner, Strudel was completely pooped halfway through the class (as was anticipated).

Watch the Epic Weight Loss Journey of this Obese Dog Unfold
Strudel tired after her first workout session.
Photo: Zoom Room Virginia Beach

But Cotthaus said Strudel was different than many other dogs. While the trainers normally have to convince and bribe the dogs to do their workout routines, he said Strudel didn’t need any of that. Instead, her face lit up with happiness and she willingly did the activities.

All dogs love to run, and it’s probably safe to say Strudel was happy to finally be able to just be a dog and move around!

While it was slow moving to start, Strudel is on an amazing roll. She has lost a whopping 54 pounds since starting her fitness program this summer!

Watch the Epic Weight Loss Journey of this Obese Dog Unfold
Photo: Zoom Room Virginia Beach

Cotthaus jokingly promises to “get her to her beach body,” and her foster dad Wynn says she’s a whole new dog these days.

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According to Wynn, Strudel has a lot more energy and pep in her step. He said her entire behavior shifted; she went from being sluggish and lethargic to suddenly becoming very lively.

He reports that she absolutely adores walking and running whenever she can.

Strudel currently weighs in at about 50 pounds now (wow!) and she is looking and feeling absolutely beautiful.

Watch the Epic Weight Loss Journey of this Obese Dog Unfold
Strudel with everyone who loves her.
Photo: Hearts for Hounds

Strudel officially kicked off Hearts for Hounds’ first ever “Biggest Loser” program, inspired by the television show of the same name.

The spunky pup still attends agility classes every week, and also takes thyroid and joint supplements every day to remain in top form.

Strudel is still up for adoption! Her rescue reports that she is very friendly, laid back, and knows basic obedience.

Strudel’s amazing journey is surely inspiring all the people who see her story to meet their own weight loss goals. If this dog can lose half her weight with diet and exercise alone, we can keep her in mind while aspiring to our own weight loss goals.

Just in time for the holidays!

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Cody has worked and volunteered with rescue animals her entire life. She worked as a veterinary assistant and technician in shelters, rescues, boarding facilities, doggy daycares and animal hospitals in New York and Chicago throughout her teens and twenties, and now resides as a pet foster mom in Upstate New York.