Book Review: The Puppy Playbook by Joanna Russell

Raising a puppy is not for the faint of heart. Even if you're a seasoned puppy owner, it is always a challenge to keep your new pet on a consistent schedule.

Joanna Russell has written The Puppy Playbook to help all puppy owners stay on track while raising their new fur baby.

If you've recently adopted a puppy or you're eagerly awaiting the arrival of your new furry family member, there are a few things that every puppy parent should know.

In order to get prepared for your new pet, you need to get organized. This book makes creating and sticking to a schedule simple – and even a little bit fun!

I've raised a lot of puppies. I have the routine down.

But The Puppy Playbook has some tips and tricks from which even the most experienced dog owners can benefit.

It helps you track your pup's progress, take notes to help you in the future, and even record some of your new fur baby's “firsts”. It's like the ultimate baby book but for your puppy!

The Puppy Playbook by Joanna Russell Book Review

The Puppy Playbook

This puppy training guide is designed to match the developmental milestones of your new pup. The approach of this book teaches you what you need to know when you need to know it.

The Puppy Playbook keeps puppy training simple and manageable so new pet owners do not get overwhelmed. It also provides an easy-to-follow schedule to help seasoned puppy owners stay on course.

As you can see in my video review, this book breaks puppy training down into an 8-week schedule. Each week outlines the key tasks that should be accomplished and the learning outcomes that you should expect from your new pet.

I like the fact that this teaching guide doesn’t just tell you what to do; it explains why the tasks outlined are so important.

You can read the chapter’s information and use the checklists to keep track of how the training is going. If you feel that your puppy did not learn everything from that week’s training, you can repeat the week before moving on to new objectives.

puppy training

There is some very beneficial information for first-time pet owners, like how to prepare for your new puppy and what to expect in the first two months. The schedule will help you from feeling overwhelmed, and the tips and tricks will help answer the dozens of questions that you're sure to have.

This book shares tips on what to discuss with your veterinarian, how to break naughty puppy habits (like biting), and even offers places to take notes and jot down important information.

This book is not just informational. It offers a step-by-step puppy training guide with a full curriculum that features to-do lists, specific learning objectives, training sessions, helpful tips, and even a day-to-day checklist for developing a healthy routine with your puppy.

You can purchase this book for $33.50 on The Puppy Playbook website or through Amazon. This one is a no-brainer. If you're a first-time puppy owner or a seasoned dog owner who just adopted a new puppy, this book is great value for the money.

Use code RWCAV7T6QCE9 to get 15% OFF your copy of The Puppy Playbook.

Not only will I be using this book with our next puppy, but I've already purchased multiple copies for friends and family members who will be adding a furry family member in the near future.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who is about to adopt a new puppy. It is affordable, informational, and allows you to document important details about your pup's development.

READ NEXT: How To Potty Train A Puppy On Pads

Samantha’s biggest passion in life is spending time with her Boxer dogs. After she rescued her first Boxer in 2004, Samantha fell in love with the breed and has continued to rescue three other Boxers since then. She enjoys hiking and swimming with her Boxers, Maddie and Chloe.