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Tag: Pet Laws

This Horrific Puppy Trade is A Booming Business in the UK

Late last month, a veterinarian and his assistant in Leeds, England were convicted of six offences against the Animal Welfare Act. Almost one year...

Is It Too Cold to Leave Your Dog Outside?

Here in the northern part of the United States many of us have already seen the first snow storm of the season. As the...

UK’s MPs Trying to Condemn This Barbaric Canine Business

In the United States, and many other countries in the world, the thought of eating canine meat is grotesque. It is seen as a...

Is This Florida Dog Law Unconstitutional?

In every state there are ridiculous laws that were enacted at one time out of necessity. For example, one may not promote a “horse...

It’s Now Legal to Dine Out With Your Dog In New...

Pet friendly establishments are popping up in towns all over the United States – all over the world, in fact. Some businesses think it’s...

Can the Government Force You To Spay or Neuter Your Dog?

It probably won’t happen here in the United States, but it is a reality for citizens of South Australia. Proposed compulsory desexing laws could...

Some Cities Want to Pass ‘Pre-Bite’ Ordinances

You’ve probably heard of breed specific legislation (BSL) before. BSL is a term used for laws that ban certain dog breeds or place restrictions...

Let’s Talk: Breed Specific Legislation and Restrictions

Good afternoon readers. I hope you are all having a wonderful week. Did you happen to check out my column last week about the...

Unusual Dog Ban Launched in China District

Earlier this month what has become known by residents as “the cruelest dog ban” was issued in China by the local government of a...

California Humane Society Presses For Animal Cruelty Case Against Dog-Sitter

Humane Societies are not just shelters for abandoned animals. They help the animal welfare cause in so many other ways as well. From supporting...

Montreal SPCA Circulating Petition To End Permanent Dog Chaining in the...

The Montreal SPCA is urging all residents of Quebec, Canada to sign a petition that will end permanent chaining in the province. The petition...

Law Says Animals Sold in Phoenix Pet Stores Must Come From...

Late last month, a federal court decided to uphold a city of Phoenix ordinance that bans retail sales of cats and dogs in pet...


Sasha the dog running on the beach

4 Tips & Tricks for Navigating Peak Flea and Tick Season

Here it comes... the dreaded peak flea and tick season. For us pet owners, while we love those sunny beach trips and walking in the...
Sasha in the car

Have Pet, Will Travel: Guide to Spring or Summer Trips with...

In Partnership with Merck Animal Health In my opinion, there's no better time to travel with your pet than in either spring or summer. The weather's...
Can I Afford A Dog

Can I Afford A Dog?

Owning a pet is expensive. It’s more than just planning for food and toys. If you’ve been asking yourself, can I afford a dog, here is everything you need to know. A big part of being a responsible pet owner is preparing for the endeavor financially. Creating a consistent budget can help you plan for routine expenses like food, treats and toys, as well as unexpected expenses like vet visits in the event of an emergency. Asking the question can I afford a dog is a very responsible thing to do. Many pet owners don’t plan a budget before adopting a dog, and that can get you into a lot of trouble.
how to get rid of a dog

How to Get Rid of a Dog: The Right Way

Are you faced with the challenging decision of how to let go of your furry companion? We understand that circumstances change. And even...
Why Are Dogs So Loyal?

Why Are Dogs So Loyal?

One of the best qualities of our canine companions is their unwavering loyalty. Why are dogs so loyal? There are amazing stories about the unmatched loyalty of dogs - dogs that have sat on their owner’s graves, waited patiently for months for their owners to return from war and even stories of dogs walking thousands of miles to reunite with their masters.
Why Do Pets Make Us Happy?

Why Do Pets Make Us Happy?

Nothing beats the feeling of seeing a happy dog or friendly cat come running over to you looking for a pat on the head or a scratch behind the ears. Why do pets make us happy? Pets do a lot more than just keep us company. The unconditional love that they provide us with is priceless and incomparable to any love that we get other humans.

Dog Names Starting With Z

Are you looking for dog names starting with Z? Well, you're in the right place! Getting a new pup would mean preparing for a new set...
How many dogs are too many featured image

How Many Dogs Are Too Many?

We've all been there. Pet owners of one dog think, "Maybe I should get one more." Then, once you get the second dog, you'll...
Can dogs get sick from humans featured image

Can Dogs Get Sick From Humans?

If you have been caring for dogs for quite a while now, you must have known we can get sick from them. Rabies, giardia—name...
Dandie Dinmont Terrier Breed profile

Dandie Dinmont Terrier Breed Profile

Not a lot of people know about this breed, but the Dandie Dinmont Terrier is not something you should ignore when you chance upon...