Sunday's Recap: Blogs for Dog LoversIt's Sunday again, and you know what that means – time for my Sunday Recap. Did you have time to catch my column last week? It had some great information about caring for your dog on a budget. This week as I read so many insightful, funny, and informational posts on some of the dog blogs that I follow, I couldn't help but share them with you. If you follow a blog that isn't on my list, please share it in the comments below so we can all check it out.

Heart Like A Dog is a great blog written by a woman named Jodi. She writes about her dogs Sampson and Deliliah in an easy-to-read, whimsical way. This blog is a great read with lots of topics that most dog owners can relate to like this post about leash pulling from last week:

  • I’ve mentioned this before, Delilah is a hard core puller. We’re working on it, but until we get it right, she continues to pull. So Sampson stops to poop and Delilah goes right to the end of the leash. And stands there, staring off at Dog knows what.I had a funny thought. I thought, I’m more stubborn than she is.I have mentioned a time or two that she’s a lab, right? A chocolate lab. Actually, I think she might have some donkey in her, because that jackass just stood there, at the end of the leash for about two full minutes, with me at the other end waiting for her to give.Sampson got so bored, he laid down in the grass.

I'll let Carrie, writer of the All Things Dog Blog explain herself.

  • You'll find that I write articles on solving or preventing lots of problems that pups are prone to, including family problem-solving articles. We try to offer guidance for your doggie health questions and help you sort out your dog's behavior issues with simple, time-proven methods for training your dog. Lots of these articles involve behavior issues that you may find helpful at home.

She's right. You'll find a lot of her articles helpful. Carrie lives green and organic lifestyle with her family, and she adds a lot of tips for organic living with dogs into her blog. Keep the Tail Wagging is also a blog about healthy living with your pet. Blog author Kimberly focuses on the raw food diet, but also posts about ways to exercise with your pet and keep him healthy.

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If you're interested in the raw food diet, want some more information about it, or feed your pet the raw food diet and would like to follow this blog, I highly recommend it. You'll enjoy Kimberly's wit and charm. She writes in a very down-to-Earth style that makes you feel as if she's sitting right next to you having a conversation.

  • I believe that there was an argument, because no one wants to feel like they’re a bad dog owner, because they choose to feed an inferior dog food.  I’m about to make a sweeping judgment, but when I saw the backlash, my first question was “what are these people feeding their dogs?”  I’m willing to be that these aren’t raw feeders.Raw feeders have seen the improvements.  We’ve been to the mountain top and have come back as Raw Feeding Disciples, preaching the benefits of the diet to anyone who will listen.  I saw the missing tooth, I looked closer and saw the small tooth, and then I read Rodney’s post and the explanation.  I was good.

If you'd be interested in a bog that offers a little more variety, No Dog About It is the blog for you. The blog's author Mel changes it up each day with different blogging mediums. Her blog offers “Favorite Video Friday,” “Black and White Sunday” and “Wordless Wednesday.” Between the pictures, videos and written blog posts that she shares, you'll get a variety of dog-related information.

  • After that first day of Sue’s seminar, I came home and started looking through old video footage of Daisy and Jasper. (You can see one of them below.) It was pretty clear from what I found that the behaviors I saw were not always”play.” I wasn’t paying attention to dog body language, but seeing only what I wanted to see as a proud dog owner hanging out at the dog park. You can even hear me laughing on some of them. Maybe some of what I recorded was “play”, Daisy does have her tail up and she appears to be having fun in some of the video clips, but I would argue that sometimes what was fun for Jasper was not always fun for Daisy.

The writer of the Tales and Tails blog gets her inspiration from her two retired racing greyhounds and her two German shepherds. You'll find some great information on this blog as well, but most of the posts are simply tales of the family dogs and their hilarious antics. It will definitely make you smile, and you'll probably be able to relate to many of the silly canine behaviors.

  • If you’ve read the blog for a while, you might know that we have a colony of the world’s stupidest rabbits here in our yard. It is Morgan’s mission in life to protect us from these kamikaze rabbits. She has come close to catching one on several occasions, the most memorable of which was when she chased on into the bayberry bush and was pulled out with tail fur stuck between her teeth. To illustrate how stupid the rabbits in our yard are, not two hours later she had another close call with the same rabbit in the same spot.

Speaking of relating to dog-related stories, My Brown Newfies & Me is all about life with dogs and how interesting it can be. Jennifer Costello writes about the good, the bad and the ugly of life with dogs. She's funny and tells it like it is. This is a really fun blog to follow, and you never know what the next post will be about.

  • Over the years my nose has been trained to detect certain dog odors. Dog poop, dog vomit, dog urine are just a few of the odors I’m trained to smell. The training goes back to years working in the veterinary filed and of course having dogs of my own my entire life. Dog poop is probably my keenest scent that my nose has. It’s even been known to detect diarrhea over solid poop. Seriously, my nose has been that good at times. It has to be. The quicker diarrhea is detected the least likely it is to spread all over your house.

If you like traveling with your dog, you may want to follow Have Dog Blog Will Travel. CeliaSue Hecht is a professional writer who pens this blog that is chock full of information for any pet parent that travels with their dog. Whether you are frequent flyers or just going on a road trip, you'll find some beneficial tips and tricks in while reading this blog.

  • As we drove from Carson City, Nevada, (where I very much enjoyed going to the Hot Springs and Cici enjoyed being part of a pack of Jack Russells (three) and conquered using a doggie door), we made the “mistake” of going via Highway 299, which I thought was not too twisty and windy but WAS not only that but also HOT HOT HOT (weather), SMOKY from all of the fires, and lots of road work going on. Then when I decided to not go back that way to make our way south, the 101 was not at all as twisty and windy as I recalled. So either I have faulty memory or what?We stopped in Williams, CA and stayed at a very nice not pet friendly Ramada Inn. Since Cici is my service dog, we were able to stay there anyhow.

If you're into adventuring with your canine companion, you'll also want to check out You Did What With Your Wiener? Yes, the blog is as funny as its name suggests. Blog author Jessica tories talks about her adventures with her Dauchshunds (also known as wiener dogs), tips on being active with your dog, information about pet health and product and gear reviews. It's a great blog for anyone that likes to explore the outdoors with their dog.

  • This trip is special. It’s special because I am hiking it solo with Gretel – Girl’s Trip! – and it will be the first time I spend more than one night in the backcountry alone (and that one night was about 7 years ago). It’s special because staying multiple nights in the backcountry by myself has been a dream of mine. It’s also special because if you asked me two years ago, I would have told you that my bad back and knees would keep me from ever fulfilling my dream.

Finally, I also like to follow PupStyle. I'm not one for dressing my dog in an outfit that matches mine and taking her for a stroll around town, but Dara Foster is a world renowned Pet Style Expert and she writes this interesting blog about all the trends in doggy fashion. Not all the trends are about dog clothes and accessories though. She shares all kinds of products for dogs and dog lovers.

  • If you are a dog lover you must know that August 26th is National Dog Day! A perfect way to celebrate is to get order stuffed animal clone of your precious pooch by Cuddle Clones. They makes almost identical stuffed animal dogs of your pup from a photo that you send them. The resemblance is kinda freaky-good! They make clones of all different breeds of dogs even tri-pods!

Let me know what you think of these blogs, and please share any other dog blogs that you enjoy following so we can check them out too! Happy Sunday and have a great week!

Samantha’s biggest passion in life is spending time with her Boxer dogs. After she rescued her first Boxer in 2004, Samantha fell in love with the breed and has continued to rescue three other Boxers since then. She enjoys hiking and swimming with her Boxers, Maddie and Chloe.