Home Dog News Species Doesn’t Matter To This Guy – He’ll Adopt Any Animal!

Species Doesn’t Matter To This Guy – He’ll Adopt Any Animal!

Species Doesn't Matter To This Guy - He'll Adopt Anything
Photo: Instagram / @wolfgang2242

An accountant by day and a super hero to animals the rest of the time, this guy's Instagram account has attracted millions of followers. Steve Greig is a nice guy. He has a pig, four chickens, ten dogs, a bunch of cats, a bunny and it doesn’t look like he’s slowing down when it comes to rescuing animals.

His dogs are mostly senior dogs, and his passion is rescuing animals and promoting animal rescue. He has used his internet fame to help raise awareness for animal rescue causes such as a farm animal rescue organization, Rooterville.

Rooterville recently did a fundraiser with a company called WagAware. They sold glow in the dark collar charms to promote pig adoption and raise funds. Greig uses his Instagram success to help organizations like this in any way that he can.

Species Doesn't Matter To This Guy - He'll Adopt Anything
Photo: Instagram / @wolfgang2242

This guy isn’t using his Instagram account to post selfies, he’s using it for a much more selfless reason, to help the animal kingdom. He has a photo with his dogs that was taken to support the ban of a festival that uses dog meat. Now that’s a post worth sharing!

I love how Steve is using his time and energy outside of work to do so much good for animals and promote animal rescue and adoption.

Check out his Instagram account @wolfgang2242 and see all the cute photos where his new baby chicks are sitting on his dogs and perched around his house. The chicks are staying inside, and once they're big enough, they will join the other chickens outside.

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Greig has cute pictures of all of his animals relaxing together and getting along. Sometimes he gives them a group bath, but he doesn’t recommend that because it’s just chaos!

The most recent additions to his animal family are Laverne and Shirley, the two baby chicks, which are now growing and doing well. He first posted a photo of them on his passenger seat with one of his dogs as he brought them home.

Adopting a pet is great option, but you need to be responsible about it. If you're thinking of adopting a new animal companion, the best thing to do is look for a shelter or rescue organization in your area. These types of organizations do screenings and health exams to make sure the animals are ready to go to their new forever home.

Species Doesn't Matter To This Guy - He'll Adopt Anything
Photo: Instagram / @wolfgang2242

It’s wonderful to see bunnies, cats, pigs, dogs and chickens all hanging out together peacefully. Steve’s animal kingdom is inspiring, because it shows what just one person is able to do with a big heart. Steve says if his accounting career doesn’t work out, he could always drive seniors around – that’s what he does with his 10 senior dogs anyway!

As you scroll through his pictures, notice the cute pictures of Bikini, the pig, and his large wolfhound. Have you ever seen someone with such a variety of species? Steve loves how the dogs make him feel like a waiter when he feeds them, and they always make him feel like he should serve the food faster!

If there was an award for a modern day hero, we think Steve deserves it. Please share his loving animal photos to promote adoption and we would love to hear if this has inspired you to adopt an animal! Remember to think outside of the box like Steve, pigs and chickens can also make great pets.

Diana currently lives and works in London, UK and she's been an animal lover and dog owner since she was a child. After graduating high school, she focused on getting her degree in English to become a writer with a focus on animals, pets and dogs.