Home Dog Supplies Reviews Review: Pro Pet Hero Online Dog First Aid Course

Review: Pro Pet Hero Online Dog First Aid Course

What would you do if your dog had a seizure or fell down the stairs and couldn't get up? Would you know what to do if he began overheating on a hot summer day? Spending a few hours taking a canine first aid course, like this one from Pro Pet Hero, is an essential part of being a pet owner.

When something happens to your pet, panic sets in. You spend time wondering what to do and questioning whether or not he needs veterinary care. If you're trained in pet first aid, you won't waste time trying to come up with a plan – you'll already know what to do.

IPro Pet Hero Online Dog First Aid Coursef you own a pet or have animals in your home frequently, you should have a pet first aid kit on hand. You can buy a kit, similar to the one on the right, at your local pet store or from a number of online retailers. You can also make your own pet first aid kit if you choose.

Whether you buy or make your kit, be sure that it includes:

  • a pet first aid book
  • important phone numbers including your veterinarian, the closest emergency vet and the Pet Poison Helpline
  • Any necessary paperwork or medication that you may need for your pet
  • latex gloves
  • self-cling bandages
  • gauze pads and a gauze roll
  • adhesive tape
  • antiseptic lotion, wipes or spray
  • antibiotic oitment
  • cotton balls
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • petroleum jelly
  • a rectal thermometer
  • saline solution
  • blunt-ended scissors
  • tweezers and a tick remover
  • Benadryl

Now that you know what supplies you'll need, it would be beneficial to learn how to use them properly. Canine first aid is not the same as human first aid. Taking a class that specifically addresses first aid for animals is essential if you want to be the best pet owner you can be.

I had the pleasure of taking an online course from Pro Pet Hero, and I wanted to share my review with you all. Pet first aid is not something that most dog owners think about, yet it is so very important. I took a course many years ago and have wanted a refresher, but my schedule hasn't allowed for it.

If you're a busy pet owner and you don't think you have time for a first aid course, looking for one online is a great option. You can take the class at your leisure and don't have to commit to a strict schedule.

Pro Pet Hero Online Dog First Aid Course

Pro Pet Hero Online Dog First Aid Course

For $49.95 you can take this online class. It's a comparable rate to other courses offered online, and many live courses cost at least this much to attend. Don't just think of the money spent; think of it as an investment to provide the best care possible for your dog.

The Pro Pet Hero course teaches first aid for small and large dogs as well as cats. When you finish the online class you can immediately print your 2-year certification card. It's a nationally accepted certificate, too!

RELATED: First Aid Kit for Dogs – Most Essential Items

The class consists of 1 hour and 39 minutes of video training, and the videos include subtitles. It also includes knowledge reviews and a final test. It gives you the ability to review past material and also offers remedial help if you need it.

You're probably wondering what the class actually covers. I mean, what are you going to get for your $50?

The course was developed and is taught by Dr. Bobbi Conner, a small animal emergency veterinarian who is board-certified in veterinary emergency and critical care from the Amerivan College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. Dr. Conner is currently practicing and teaching at the school of veterinary medicine at the University of Florida.

After a brief introduction you'll learn the importance of monitoring your pet closely for any changes in behavior. You'll also be shown how to tell the difference between normal and abnormal behaviors in your pet. This is especially beneficial for new dog owners.

Modules of this online dog first aid course include:

  • illnesses
  • cardiovascular emergencies
  • injuries
  • allergic reactions
  • respiratory emergencies

The Pro Pet Hero online course teaches you how to deal with minor medical problems like vomiting, diarrhea, fevers and seizures. It also discusses more serious problems including cardiopulmonary arrest, poisoning, choking and how to perform CPR.

Pro Pet Hero Online Dog First Aid Course

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I loved the video guides because they show you up close demonstrations done on real pets. The live class that I took in the past showed demonstrations on dummy animals. It's much easier to learn when you can see how things are done in a real life situation.

Along the same lines, the videos show animals suffering real symptoms. It's scary when something happens to your dog. During this class you'll be able to see videos and pictures of real dogs experiencing some common symptoms, which will help you keep your cool if your dog ends up exhibiting the same behavior.

Not only will you learn a lot of beneficial information, it's also so easy to navigate the site! As you can see in my video review above, the site is well organized and it's easy to find what you need.

You login with a username and password, which allows the site to track your progress. Whether you spend 20 minutes or 2 hours working, your progress will be saved until the next time you log in. I even used my tablet to access the site while waiting at the doctor's office one afternoon!

Summary of the Pro Pet Hero Online Dog First Aid Course Review


Pro Pet Hero Online Dog First Aid Course
Photo: Pro Pet Hero
  • You will learn about illnesses, cardiovascular emergencies, injuries, allergic reactions and respiratory emergencies and how to treat them until you can seek veterinary help
  • The website is well-organized and easy to navigate
  • Videos and photos show real pets having real medical problems, which is much more helpful than seeing treatments performed on dummy animals
  • Your nationally accepted 2-year certificate of completion is immediately available to print as soon as you finish the course


  • It will take at least 3 hours to get through all the material
  • A one-time $49.95 fee will be charged before you can take the course

Now it’s your turn to review the Pro Pet Hero Online Pet First Aid Course

Have you taken this course? Have you used some of the information taught in this course to help your pet or another animal? We'd love to hear your feedback! Did you like the way the class was organized? Do you think the website is easy to use? Let us know your opinions in the comments below or share your own reviews on our Facebook page.

Disclosure: We may earn affiliate commissions at no cost to you from the links on this page. This did not affect our assessment of products. Read more here and find full disclosure here.

Easy of Use
Information Provided
Length of Course
Samantha’s biggest passion in life is spending time with her Boxer dogs. After she rescued her first Boxer in 2004, Samantha fell in love with the breed and has continued to rescue three other Boxers since then. She enjoys hiking and swimming with her Boxers, Maddie and Chloe.
pro-pet-hero-online-dog-first-aid-course-reviewThis online pet first aid course from Pro Pet Hero takes about 3 hours to complete. The site is easy to use, and it includes video guides and knowledge reviews. You'll also have to pass a final test before being allowed to print your nationally accepted 2-year certification.