Dog Adoption Through Social Media

In a 2018 ASPCA survey, animal rescue shelters recorded a whopping 66% increase in pet adoptions and 45% in volunteers — all credits due to social media.

With a 99% effectiveness rate, most animal shelters in the ASPCAPro list use Facebook as the #1 social media platform for pet adoption. 

The Sydney Dogs and Cats Home said in an interview that animals get adopted as quickly as 10 days with online interactions like tagging a friend on Facebook.

And before you even know it, shelters immediately post updates “waving goodbye to another happy adopter.”

Because of its algorithm and seemingly infinite reach, social media help gather pet lovers across the globe, too.

Phoenix Adoption Story
Phoenix's Viral Adoption Story | Local 10 WPLG

A video from the Humane Society of Broward County on TikTok featuring a heartwarming adoption story of a Pitbull breed Phoenix and barber Alfonso Bras went viral.

Bras was originally looking for a Chihuahua, but then “I saw her like so skinny, and I said, ‘No! That’s my dog,’” 

Gaining over 7 million views, Phoenix touched the hearts of many, and “Her story helped other people to adopt dogs, too,” Bras said. “I receive a lot of messages from other people that they adopted other dogs because of her.”

Netizens expressed their happiness about Phoenix’s new forever home. One TikTok user even commented, “I’m positive this dog is about to be spoiled like a baby.”

In a video update reposted on TikTok, Phoenix is living its best life — gaining 13 pounds in just 12 days!

dog phoenix before and after photo
Phoenix Before and After Photo | Alfonso Bras

Another adoption story — dog Bishop and cat Jerry (surrendered for being “too affectionate”) — gained a massive social media frenzy, with 67 million and 10 million views on TikTok, respectively. 

Furthermore, social media's impact on animal shelters includes increases in general awareness, donations, and adoption for hard-to-place pets, like sick and senior dogs.


Compassion for pets is fuel to Lenin's lifelong mission. As a fur mom to a Havanese dog and 6 stray cats, Lenin sees the joy in rescuing and giving pets a chance at a forever home. Even in her career as a freelancer, Lenin focused on writing everything about pets — from breed profiles to nutrition down to some of their interesting facts.