Home Dog News Petbrosia Launches Site That Customizes Dog Food

Petbrosia Launches Site That Customizes Dog Food

Petbrosia Launches Site That Customizes Dog Food
Photo: 3milliondogs.com

Consumers spend billions of dollars every year on dog food, and recently many stories have popped up in the news that have made dog owners question the purchases that they’re making. Petbrosia, a company located in Cincinnati, Ohio, is hoping to make things a little easier on pet parents by creating custom dog food that is formulated to meet the needs of their individual dog.

With recent recalls and lawsuits hitting newspapers and televisions all over the world, it’s no wonder dog owners are looking for alternatives to commercial pet food brands. Researchers are learning more everyday about how balanced nutrition is vital for domesticated dogs, and it is up to their owners to provide that.

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Keith Johnson, the chief executive at Petbrosia, says that the company designs the makeup of each food it sells. He explains that different dogs require different nutritional standards. Just like infants, children, and adults all need different foods, so do canines.

Petbrosia Launches Site That Customizes Dog Food
Photo: nestfullofnew.com

Users of the site need to fill out a survey before getting information on the nutritional needs of their specific dog. They must input the dog’s age, weight, breed, sex, height, and any known allergies. The system recommends a formula and, if the dog owner decides to purchase it, sends the purchase order to the warehouse.

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Johnson says that the customer’s formula is mixed within 20 minutes of the order being placed and usually ships the same day. The company began in 2012 and now has 12 employees. In December of last year they received a $1.5 million commercial acceleration loan from the state of Ohio. They will be using it to expand their e-commerce business.

There is a section on the order form that allows buyers to fill in any special dietary needs and those orders are overseen by a human. Currently only about 10 percent of their orders come with noted special needs.

Johnson also reports that right now the company is targeting the higher-end of the consumer dog food market. They are focusing on people who are willing to spend more on their dog’s food in order to keep them as healthy as possible.

Petbrosia only uses organic ingredients and they never blend them with lower quality foods. Of course, subscription prices vary, but it is typically about $35 a month for an average-size dog. They have a formal partnership which brings them many referrals from veterinarians, but they don’t fulfil prescription diets just yet. However, they do hope to in the near future.

Samantha’s biggest passion in life is spending time with her Boxer dogs. After she rescued her first Boxer in 2004, Samantha fell in love with the breed and has continued to rescue three other Boxers since then. She enjoys hiking and swimming with her Boxers, Maddie and Chloe.