Dog News

Dogs and dog businesses is a big market. As an authority on dog supplies, Top Dog Tips focuses on provide pet parents and pet business owners with the most recent, relevant and interesting dog news and news on dog businesses. We update several times a day, so make sure to stick around!

Happy or Mad, Your Dog Knows How You Feel, Researchers Say

Happy or Mad, Your Dog Knows How You Feel, Researchers Say

Dogs are attuned to the reactions of humans more than we thought, and a recent scientific experiment has taught researchers just how much our...
Heroic Pit Bull Alerts of Fire, Then Runs Back to Save a Baby from a Burning House

Heroic Pit Bull Alerts of Fire, Then Runs Back to Save a Baby from...

Sasha is yet another Pit Bull that’s tearing down the known stereotypes and hopefully ending the stigma about this specific breed. A family from Stockton,...
New Study Finds No Evidence That Dogs Can Predict Earthquakes

New Study Finds No Evidence That Dogs Can Predict Earthquakes

Most of us heard or read about dogs and other animals behaving oddly before an earthquake, owners often assuming their pets can predict an...
Grief Over Pet Loss - A Tragedy That Can Hurt More than Human Loss

Grief Over Pet Loss: A Tragedy That Can Hurt More than Human Loss

Scientists say that a pet’s death is a serious matter that can result in a significant emotional distress, and it’s important that pet owner's...
Genius Dog Opens Jammed Door After His Owner Locked Herself Out

Genius Dog Opens Jammed Door After His Owner Locked Herself Out

This yellow Labrador named Sam looked really proud of himself after helping and surprising his owner with some serious skills. A clever dog came to...
Dogs Like Fatty Food And Cats Want to Carbo-load, Study Finds

Dogs Like Fatty Food and Cats Want to Carbo-load, Study Finds

We thought that our dogs and cats love high protein meals the best, but new research findings say that is not the case at...
Researchers Found That Dogs Can Detect Diseases That Kill Trees

Researchers Found That Dogs Can Detect Diseases That Kill Trees

New study demonstrates how man's best friend is helping scientists sniff out what's killing avocado trees in Florida. "It is the best 'technology' so far...
Deaf Dog Missing For 5 Months Reunites With Family In Texas After Staying In Minnesota

Deaf Dog Missing for 5 Months Was Reunited With His Family in Texas

No one really wanted to adopt a sweet, loving but deaf dog and her foster mom figured out why. It was hard to figure out...
Clever Dogs Can Fake Sickness and Injuries to Get Attention and TLC

Clever Dogs Can Fake Sickness and Injuries to Get Attention and TLC

One dog in Utah did try this trick on his pet parents but experts explain why the trickery isn’t deliberate. It's already known that our...
Cute Rescue Dog's Breed Remains A Mystery Because She Has No Hair

Cute Rescue Dog’s Breed Remains a Mystery Because She Has No Hair

A woman with a soft spot for rescue dogs has taken Blossom into her home despite not knowing anything about the dog's past. A Los...
Cancer Vaccine for Dogs Set for Clinical Trial with High Hopes

Cancer Vaccine for Dogs Set for Clinical Trial with High Hopes

Scientists are attempting to vaccinate 800 dogs, and if this potentially universal cancer cure would work in dogs, it might also work in humans. Researchers...
Yes, You're a Good Boy! Yes You Are!

Yes, You’re a Good Boy! Yes You Are!

As it happens, baby-talking your dog is a bonding experience no matter how ridiculous it may make you feel, scientists say. Sometimes the urge to...


Sasha the dog running on the beach

4 Tips & Tricks for Navigating Peak Flea and Tick Season

Here it comes... the dreaded peak flea and tick season. For us pet owners, while we love those sunny beach trips and walking in the...
Sasha in the car

Have Pet, Will Travel: Guide to Spring or Summer Trips with...

In Partnership with Merck Animal Health In my opinion, there's no better time to travel with your pet than in either spring or summer. The weather's...
Can I Afford A Dog

Can I Afford A Dog?

Owning a pet is expensive. It’s more than just planning for food and toys. If you’ve been asking yourself, can I afford a dog, here is everything you need to know. A big part of being a responsible pet owner is preparing for the endeavor financially. Creating a consistent budget can help you plan for routine expenses like food, treats and toys, as well as unexpected expenses like vet visits in the event of an emergency. Asking the question can I afford a dog is a very responsible thing to do. Many pet owners don’t plan a budget before adopting a dog, and that can get you into a lot of trouble.
how to get rid of a dog

How to Get Rid of a Dog: The Right Way

Are you faced with the challenging decision of how to let go of your furry companion? We understand that circumstances change. And even...
Why Are Dogs So Loyal?

Why Are Dogs So Loyal?

One of the best qualities of our canine companions is their unwavering loyalty. Why are dogs so loyal? There are amazing stories about the unmatched loyalty of dogs - dogs that have sat on their owner’s graves, waited patiently for months for their owners to return from war and even stories of dogs walking thousands of miles to reunite with their masters.
Why Do Pets Make Us Happy?

Why Do Pets Make Us Happy?

Nothing beats the feeling of seeing a happy dog or friendly cat come running over to you looking for a pat on the head or a scratch behind the ears. Why do pets make us happy? Pets do a lot more than just keep us company. The unconditional love that they provide us with is priceless and incomparable to any love that we get other humans.

Dog Names Starting With Z

Are you looking for dog names starting with Z? Well, you're in the right place! Getting a new pup would mean preparing for a new set...
How many dogs are too many featured image

How Many Dogs Are Too Many?

We've all been there. Pet owners of one dog think, "Maybe I should get one more." Then, once you get the second dog, you'll...
Can dogs get sick from humans featured image

Can Dogs Get Sick From Humans?

If you have been caring for dogs for quite a while now, you must have known we can get sick from them. Rabies, giardia—name...
Dandie Dinmont Terrier Breed profile

Dandie Dinmont Terrier Breed Profile

Not a lot of people know about this breed, but the Dandie Dinmont Terrier is not something you should ignore when you chance upon...