My Dog Ate Eggshells featured image

My dog ate eggshells. Should I call the vet immediately?

How much did your dog eat? If in small amounts, no need to panic!

A small amount of eggshells typically has no negative effects. 

According to PetMD, eggs and eggshells, both provide incredible nutritional benefits for your dog

Evidence suggests that eggshells may be an even better source of calcium than a calcium supplement.

Feeling relieved?

They may improve immune function, heart health, joint health, and muscular health.

In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about how much eggshells you should feed Fido, the other nutritional benefits, and side effects.

Continue reading to find out more!

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Can Dogs Eat Eggshells?

Our direct answer to that is yes, dogs can safely eat eggshells.

Eggshells are high in calcium, which aids in the growth of your dog's teeth and bones.

However, remember that eggshells lack other necessary nutrients like phosphate and magnesium.

That means if you give your dog eggshells to supplement his calcium diet, he will also need to eat extra sources of these elements. 

While eggshells have nutritional value, too much of a good thing can be harmful.

Due to their high-calorie content, feeding your furry friend frequently may result in obesity and other medical issues.

So, while incorporating an eggshell or two into Fido's diet occasionally is fine, we don't recommend doing so at every meal.

Where can I find the best eggshells to feed my dog?

Make use of farm-raised eggshells from a reliable supplier.

We don't advise buying eggs from the grocery store since they frequently have a chemical treatment to make them look shiny.

RELEVANT READ: Let's Talk: How Many Calories A Dog Needs Per Day?

Can Dogs Have Eggshells What Are The Benefits

Can Dogs Have Eggshells? What Are The Benefits?

What are the nutritional benefits of eggshells for dogs? 


Adding some ground eggshells to your dog's food might be a healthy supplement if your pooch needs more calcium in his diet.

As a good source of calcium carbonate, they can support Fido's development of sturdy bones.

Also, it is essential for growing puppies and female dogs that are pregnant or lactating.

To reiterate, your dog will require additional sources of phosphorus and magnesium since eggshells do not contain these nutrients.

SUGGESTED READ: 5 Tips To Keep Your Dog’s Joint Health Intact and Prevent Joint Problems


Eggshells contain collagen as well, a vitamin that aids dogs with arthritis.

The connective tissues in the joints are lubricated and shielded by eggshell membranes.

In fact, a 2016 study on 51 dogs with joint problems showed that eggshell membranes greatly reduced joint discomfort.

If you're very patient, you can either ground the egg whites and add them to Fido's meal or take the egg white membrane off before cooking.


Because potassium helps to promote muscle contraction, eggshells can be beneficial for your dog's heart health.

Potassium serves a variety of functions in canine bodies as a main electrolyte.

Additionally, it supports bone health and cognitive function.

The potassium reserves in your dog can be replenished by illnesses that include vomiting and diarrhea, and more potassium may promote quicker recovery.

Side Effects Of Eating Eggshells

Most of the time, having a small amount of eggshells won't have any adverse effects.

The nutritional value we discussed prior may even be beneficial to your dog.

There are limitations to this, though.

The number of eggshells your dog has eaten, his general health, and the egg (and any potential contaminants) all come into play.

If your dog has ingested a large amount, keep an eye out for the following symptoms:

Poop Remnants

Occasionally, fur parents will find eggshell fragments in their dog's feces.

These appear to be little white dots.

Once more, there is no reason to be alarmed. It simply means that not all of the calcium was absorbed.

RELEVANT READ: Dog Poop Color Chart: What It All Means


If the eggshells were particularly sharp, you might occasionally see a tiny bit of blood (drawn from the gums as your dog swallowed them).

Again, your woofer ought to be OK. However, it's important to evaluate the seriousness of any wounds depending on how much bleeding you see.

Digestive Upset

When eggs are contaminated, more severe digestive issues—likely caused by Salmonella poisoning—can occur.

Fortunately, the likelihood of this is low. But they remain a possibility.

How would I know if my dog is poisoned by Salmonella? What are the signs?

According to PetMD, the most typical symptoms are those that affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of salmonellosis include the following:

  • Fever
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Bloody diarrhea
  • Severe, sudden onset, watery diarrhea
  • Decreased appetite, with or without weight loss

It also says that:

“Though it is rare, salmonella can travel to the lungs, causing pneumonia, or to the reproductive tract of breeding female dogs, leading to loss of pregnancy.”


Because the eggshell irritates their stomach lining, dogs may be seen to vomit occasionally.

Because of this, vomiting is your dog's instinctive way of passing the shell.

Salmonella poisoning is not the only situation where this can happen; often, there is an incubation period and a waiting period before symptoms appear.

RELATED: Home Remedies for Dog Vomiting: 5 Easy Options


Eggshells can irritate the digestive tract and interfere with regular gut function, resulting in diarrhea in dogs.

Vitamin Deficiency

When taken in large quantities, the excessive calcium found in eggshells can cause vitamin D deficiency in dogs.

Consuming too much calcium might prevent the body from absorbing other vital vitamins and minerals.

RELATED: Vitamin Deficiencies in Dogs: Causes and Treatments

Weight Gain

Eggshells are high in calories, and if your dog eats too many, they may cause weight gain.

Intestinal Perforation

If Fido eats an eggshell, the jagged edges could puncture his intestinal wall, which could be fatal if not addressed immediately.

This happens when eggshell fragments pierce the intestine's outer wall, allowing intestinal contents to flow into the abdominal cavity.

My Dog Ate Eggshells What Do I Do

My Dog Ate Eggshells – What Do I Do?

You must first determine what kind of eggshells your dog ingested and how many.

Watch out for signs of upset stomach if Fido ate too many eggshells.

Additional warning signs include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Itchy skin
  • Inflamed ears

Generally speaking, ingesting eggshells won't cause dogs any long-term issues.

If your dog exhibits severe bloating, which can be a sign of an infection or gastroenteritis, contact the vet right away.

Fido might contract it if they come into contact with eggshells that still contain some bacteria on them.

My Dog Ate Eggshells – Do I Need to See the Vet Immediately?

You won't need to take their dog to the vet, but it's always a good idea to call one if you suspect Fido is acting oddly after consuming them.

Strange stools should raise a red flag. It might indicate that something wrong is going on.

Most likely, your vet will advise you to observe while you wait. 

They'll most likely advise you to check to see if your dog experiences any intestinal issues.

If not, the threat normally disappears within a day or two. 

When vets find that an infection has spread, they may give the go-ahead for antibiotics.

Also, if an intestine has been ruptured, they might suggest surgery.

How Much Eggshells Should A Dog Have?

The amount of eggshell powder Dr. Burch advises adding to your dog's food twice daily is 7 grams, or the equivalent of 1 large eggshell.

But remember that it will still vary from dog to dog and from context to context. 

And as mentioned, anything is poisonous when taken in excess.

Too many eggshells mean more calcium added, which could lead to a nutritional imbalance.

How does this happen?

The calcium imbalance and the phosphorus deficiency will have subsequent adverse effects on vitamin D, hence affecting skeletal metabolism.

Further, chronic renal disease may develop due to elevated calcium levels.

It’s the kidney’s job to filter minerals from the blood.

However, it is at considerable risk when Fido consumes too many eggshells.

This condition is called hypercalcemia, which is when the blood contains a very high amount of calcium.

How Do You Give Eggshells To Dogs

How Do You Give Eggshells To Dogs?

Dogs can eat eggshells, as I'm sure you've learned by now.

They are wonderful complements to any dog meal, and you may cook them however you like.

But to avoid any problems with hard or sharp edges, we advise you to first grind them into powder.

This should also make it simpler for your woofer to ingest and absorb the calcium.

To provide the powder's nutritious benefits, put it in an airtight jar and dust it on their meals.

You won't need much in terms of how much to add.

You could get advice from the vet, although an average starting dose is as small as 1/8 of a teaspoon.

You’ll also want to choose organic, hormone- and antibiotic-free, pasture-raised chicken eggs when possible.

Safe Alternatives Your Dog Can Eat

Are there any safe alternatives I can give to my dog?

Of course!

When your dog isn't eating them every day, cooked eggs are both safe and nourishing for Fido.

Just make sure the eggs are clean and plain before serving them. 

Lean chicken chops are one example of a sort of meat that goes well with eggs.

A packaged organic dog food product, which almost certainly contains eggs and a variety of other dog food varieties, is something you might want to consider.

My Dog Ate Eggshells: FAQs

What happens if my dog eats eggshells?

Eggshells typically have jagged edges and are sharp. 

This means that the shells can potentially sever the esophagus, cause choking, or cause minor tears in the mouth, esophagus, or digestive tract.

Dogs that ingest eggshells may also get diarrhea and vomiting.

SUGGESTED READ: How to Save Your Dog from Choking

Can my dog eat a raw egg with a shell?

There is no nutritional advantage to giving dogs raw eggs. 

However, there is a chance that a raw egg will infect your dog with Salmonella.

Acute diarrhea is typically the predominant sign of salmonellosis.

Beyond microorganisms, biotin deficiency also poses a risk to your dog's health when eating raw eggs.

The AKC explains: 

“[Raw eggs] contain an enzyme that ties up biotin and prevents absorption of biotin into the body.”

A lack of vitamin biotin puts your dog at risk for major health issues since it supports important physiological processes.

How many eggshells do you give dogs?

Powdered eggshell from a big egg yields roughly 1 teaspoon. This has around 2,000 milligrams of calcium in it.

The Association of American Feed Control recommends that adult dogs should get 1.25 mg of calcium for every 1,000 calories that they eat.

Although Fido's kibble probably already contains the appropriate amount of calcium, you can add eggshells to their meal to improve their calcium intake.

My Dog Ate Eggshells

My Dog Ate Eggshells: Before You Go…

My dog ate eggshells. Is it safe for them? 

The occasional ingestion of eggshells should be completely safe in most cases.

But if you’re feeding your dog too much on a daily basis, that’s a different story. 

You must consider the kind and amount of eggshells your dog has eaten.

If they are uncooked eggshells, keep an eye out for symptoms of a stomach ache.

Eggshell powder can be a safe option if Fido needs more calcium than they are getting from their food.

You may use a food processor to make a fine powder and keep it in an airtight container.

To maximize the nutritious content of eggshells, add roughly a teaspoon to your dog's meal.

The optimum time to give our furry pets eggshells to eat is once in a while.


How Aubrey describes love is a wet nose and a happy tail. She now has over a year of experience writing about canines with a particular emphasis on health and behavior. She enjoys sharing dog tips, fun facts, and pet med topics, among other things. Her passion for both writing and dogs inspired her to share her knowledge and experience with other dog parents so they could provide the greatest care for their pets. She also stands against alpha, leader, and dominance theories. She believes there’s no need to do extra things like eating prior to your dogs.