Are you curious about doggy daycare? Are you wondering if is dog daycare good for dogs?

In this blog, we'll discuss if daycare is good for dogs. Spoiler alert, the answer depends on a lot of factors.

There are a lot of things to consider to ensure that your pup will benefit from these facilities.

Your dog is the main thing to consider when it comes to doggy daycare. Keep in mind that daycare is not for every dog.

As the pet owner, you should know to yourself your dog's characteristics.

There are, of course, some pros and cons with doggy daycares, and it's smart of you to carefully consider them.

As pet owners, we must make sure that our dog is living their best lives.

If you're the type of person who's always busy with work or other side hustles, dog daycares are the best thing for you.

Doggy daycare provides a place for our dogs to play and socialize with other dogs under the sharp eyes of caretakers while we're away at work.


Is Dog Daycare Good For Dogs?

Dogs are not just a pet—they've been a part of our family!

As their guardians, we have to ensure that they’re happy, healthy, and prospering in their environment, even if we can’t be by their sides.

Fortunately for busy people, there are now doggy daycares that can help their pups grow, build up confidence, socialize, and more!

If you're not working remotely, chances are, your pup is left alone in the house more often. But with doggy daycare, they'll be the one that keeps them company.

Now, you're not going to worry if they've eaten already, drinking enough water for the day, or making mischievous activities around your home.

There are still plenty of positive benefits that doggy daycare can impact your pup. Scroll down and look at these examples!

Exercise and Training

Firstly, doggy daycare is where your dogs can get enough exercise and proper training.

If you're a real dog owner, you should know that training and exercise are one of the most crucial aspects of owning a dog.

Daycares offer plenty of physical activities that can help them reach their required exercise per day.

These activities can burn off excess energies that'll make them tired and happy.

Exercising your dogs is crucial since it keeps our dogs healthy and fit.

It can also reduce behavioral issues like excessive licking, barking, chewing, digging, and other anxiety-related problems.

Moreover, it can also reduce the chances of obesity in dogs.

Furthermore, these facilities offer different kinds of training for dogs. You can either enroll them in one-on-one training sessions or group sessions.

Doggy daycares can help you achieve even small commands like sit, down, come, and stay.

But they can also help solve other behavioral issues that your dog might have.

Mental Stimulations

Just like humans, dogs can get bored too. When you're away from home and your dog is bored, they'll make their own fun. But their kind of fun is not fun for us.

Bored dogs will do anything just to pass the time. They can start chewing furniture and shoes, shred pillows, or even play with your toilet paper.

Daycares can arrange interactive games to challenge your dog's mind. They can also do activities like hide-and-seek and tug-of-war.


Another great benefit dogs can get from doggy daycare is that they can socialize in these places.

Now, socializing is another essential thing that dogs must learn.

Socializing can help them get used to the company of dogs of different sizes and breeds.

But with dog daycares, dog parks are not the only place where dogs can socialize.

Introducing your dog to daycare can help them see and learn from a new environment.

doggy daycare vs boarding

When is Daycare Bad for Dogs?


Unfortunately, not all dogs are compatible with daycares. Some dogs may not pass the requirements such as socialization or temperamental test.

For safety purposes, dogs who do not pass these tests are not credited to join the daycare as they may lead to disputes with other dogs. 

Another component is the dog being overly stressed and anxious. This may happen to dogs who have separation anxiety the most.

If the dog who is prone to this gets more exposed to these situations, it may affect the dog heavily physically and mentally. 

Owners may have their dogs sit by a person they know instead.

Somewhat the dog may have to accustom themselves so much and feel more safer and comfortable in a shorter amount of time.

Plus, since the person is someone you’re familiar with, it would feel more at ease for you as well. 

Currently or Lately Hospitalized

Dogs who were just hospitalized or are currently undergoing maintenance should avoid going to daycare as much as possible.

These dogs are still patients and are best to be closely and properly monitored. 

Exposing their dogs to a new environment may trigger their symptoms and may worsen their conditions.

Daycares may only do much for these dogs. They are not veterinarian hospitals, and accountability for these kinds of situations also falls on the owner. 

Owners may ask the veterinarian what options may be possible for their dogs who are currently or lately hospitalized.

It’s best to minimize exposure to disease and accidents as much as possible together with their safety and comfort.

Inadequate Facility, Services, or Staff 

Daycares with inadequate facilities, staff, and services will deliberately influence your dog’s stay.

If they are not monitored provided well and on time, it may affect their condition unknowingly. 

Unkempt kennels, cramp spaced or playpens that fit all dogs of all sizes are a big no-no.

Missed meals or medicines, lack of exercise and training services, and improper handling are also best avoided.

Excessive Daycare Exposure

Dogs need some quiet time and bonding time with their owners as well.

If a dog spends too much time in daycares, it may get overstimulated and be exhausted from over-socializing and overly exerting energy.

Not only that, spending excessive periods outside their home may disorient them. These dogs may also not get used to staying home alone anymore.

Dogs who also spend unnecessary time in daycares may develop behavioral changes. 


How to Choose the Right Daycare for your Dog

Check the Requirements

Reliable daycares have requirements one must qualify for before joining. These requirements may help discern if your pet is up-to-par for daycares as well.

Daycares may prepare for socialization or temperament tests. The daycare may also ask for your pet’s records.

Using records, includes their identification, vaccination card, medical history, and emergency contact information.

This can help the daycare determine if your dog can be supervised properly and as needed. 

Socialization and temperamental tests will reveal the pet’s response to certain stimuli they will be encountering during their stay.

If the dog responds well, it may qualify for the daycare’s availability. 

Sadly, not all dogs should be put in daycares.

Some dogs may harm or trouble other dogs and the staff. Safety is always a priority for both dogs and staff. 

Requirements such as vaccination and medical records are essential for daycares as well. This is their go-to data in case of emergencies occur.

Dogs who will be staying in the daycare are required to have a fully updated vaccination. This is for the safety of the other dogs and yours as well. 

Medical records are also a must since there are conditions that are best not exposed to daycares.

Some conditions may need extensive monitoring and the staff may not be able to provide it.

Keep in mind that some daycares will require dogs to be neutered or spayed. 

Know Your Dog’s Preference

Before anything else, it's important to know your dog’s preference for which type of daycare would work for them. Remember, your pet will be staying in this area for days.

It is advisable to make their stay comfortable and safe for them as well.

There are numerous types of daycare and you may do a test trial to see which daycare would best fit your dog. Try visiting daycares with your dogs and have your dog familiarize the area and the staff.

If your dog responds well, the site may become an option. 

Check the Facility

There are a variety of daycares such as Dog Park Style, Private or Home-Based Daycare, Obedience Sessions, Separate Play Areas, and many more.

These daycares have different facilities. Owners should check out the site in person instead. 

Owners may evaluate the facility’s condition, cleanliness, and fitness for their dog.

This can help answer some of your questions such as if they separate dogs based on sizes, if the cages are adequate for your pet, or are playpens available, etc.

If you have a specific facility in mind, make sure to bring your dog on your next visit, and have them familiarize themselves with the area by sniffing and looking around.

This may help your dog be more comfortable the next time they visit. 

Know the Services

Daycares also provide services during your dog’s stay. Owners may ask what services are available or what other supplemental services can be added as well.

Make sure to be clear about what services are included with your dog’s stay.

Owners may check from daycare hours, food provided exercise and training sessions, medicine/supplements administration, grooming, and other inclusions their dog may need. Do double-check inclusions and their rate.

For emergency services, owners may ask what are the protocols for these situations.

It’s a must to ask about these inclusions because you are not present at the site for your dog’s stay. 

Owners should also be provided with reports regarding their dog’s stay.

This can help ensure that your dog is well-monitored and nurtured as needed.

Know the Staff

While you’re away, the ones who would be by your pet’s side most are the staff. Get to know them and get them to know your dog as well.

If you're visiting the daycare of your choice, have your dog gradually introduced to the staff as well. 

This can help you, your dog, and the staff to handle your pet while you’re away.

This is most important for dogs who are prone to separation anxiety or timidness around strangers.

This can also help your dog be more comfortable and feel safe while you’re unavailable.

Know the staff yourself as well. It’s best to put your pet in the hands of those you trust.

Get to know who’s handling your dog and how they handle them. 

It’s best to have staff that is professional and certified.

Owners may also ask about the ratio the daycare has for staff-pet handled to know if their pet is being monitored properly. 

Ask around

Being securely positive isn’t something to be ashamed of.

Owners may check out the daycare’s reviews from their customers or ask around the area if the daycare is trustworthy and accomplished. 

It’s preferable to have your pet stay in a safe daycare and secured where they are provided and taken care of whilst you’re elsewhere.

Reviews and assessments from other customers may help you get a brief inspection of the daycare. 

Is Dog Daycare Good For Dogs

Frequently Asked Questions

Do dogs get sad at Doggy Daycare?

This will all depend on the dog. But yes, dogs can get sad at doggy daycare.

Unfortunately, some dogs suffer from separation anxiety.

Imagine a child being dropped off at a daycare for the first time. That's what it's like for dogs that have separation anxiety.

How do I know if my dog likes daycare?

There are a bunch of signals that can tell you that your dog loves to be at daycare.

A few of these indications are when they feel excited when they know they're about to leave the house.

Other things are when you see them calm or excited when entering the facility, they are responsive to the staff, and they are relaxed and happy when they get home.

Where do dogs sleep at daycare?

This all depends on the doggy daycare facility you chose.

That's why before enrolling your pup into some random daycare, it's best advised to tour their facilities first and be familiar with its surroundings.

Some facilities have designated nap rooms for their dogs.

Others, however, have individual enclosures where dogs can relax and have their “me time”.

is daycare good for dogs

Is Dog Daycare Good For Dogs: Summary

Is dog daycare good for dogs? Well, the answer lies with your dog.

To determine if is daycare good for dogs, we must assess our dog's personalities.

For instance, some dogs tend to be stressed, anxious, and reactive when it comes to interacting with other dogs.

However, doggy daycare also holds plenty of benefits for some owners. Especially for those that work all day and don't have enough time to exercise and train their dogs.

Doggy daycare can help dogs socialize with other humans and different sizes of dogs.

These facilities can help keep them safe and mentally stimulated while you're away.

But again, it all comes down to you and your dog's preference.

If you see them relaxed and seem to be enjoying their time in daycare, that's a win-win for both of you.

As pet parents, we all want what's best for our pups. But keep in mind that owning a dog is a lot of work.

That's why it's best to consider different factors in your life right now first before adopting one.


Toby loves spending time with his dog and two cats. They are the best stress reliever and affectionate pets, especially his Belgian Malinois, Shawie. Shawie's favorite activity is running or jogging. But their go-to spot is to chill and swim around a nearby river.