halloween activities for dogs

Who says we are the only ones who can enjoy Halloween? I don't know about you, but I love Halloween!

This has to be one of my favorite holidays, but it does not feel complete without my loving dog.

While you can't give your dog sweets and chocolate, there are activities and treats they can safely enjoy!

Some are basic ideas that only take a few minutes to complete, while others require time and planning.

Either way, both you and your dog are sure to have fun with these Halloween dog activities!

Listed below are 5 Halloween activities for dogs and owners that are affordable, easy to set up, and fun!

halloween activities for dogs what to do

5 Fun Halloween Activities for Dogs

1. Trick or Treating—Puppy Style!

Your dog doesn't have to stay home while you trick or treat in your neighborhood.

Who can resist an adorable face wearing an even cuter costume?

Instead of leaving your dog at home while you continue getting more and more candy, you should find your dog a costume, a small ‘candy' bag, and a comfortable harness.

Pet-friendly costumes are everywhere! You can even find matching dog costumes to feel extra special with your best friend.

Your dog could be your pot of honey to your Pooh or your peanut butter to your jelly. I have also seen dogs dressed like their owners, with glasses, shoes, suits, and more!

The best part is some costumes come with a ‘treat' bag attached.

Who knows, you might even get more treats instead of tricks while showing off your adorable pet.

2. Daily Pet-Friendly Halloween Costumes

Who says you only need to find a costume for Halloween?

One of my favorite Halloween activities for dogs is shopping for costumes.

Deadly Doll Dog Costume, Funny Pet Outfits for Halloween, Cat Cosplay Appeal for Party Small
Get this Deadly Doll Dog Costume on Amazon

You don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home since large stores like Amazon and Walmart sell dog costumes online. However, just because a dog costume is advertised for dogs does not make it comfortable or safe.

Always consider where you are walking them and the temperature outside.

It doesn't make sense to bundle your poor puppy in hot layers when the outside temperature is still in the 80s and 90s.

If you want to take your dog outside during the day, it is also a good option to look for a costume with shoes that are easy to put on and take off.

There is nothing worse than coming home and trying to pull tight clothing off of your furry friend as they wait in discomfort.

halloween activities for dogs with dog playmates

3. Local “Spooky” Doggy Playdates

You would be surprised just how many pet owners think alike and love Halloween.

It would not surprise me if your neighborhood or dog community has Halloween or fall-themed events.

Imagine taking your pup to a ‘spooky' fun-filled doggy playdate with other pets in costumes.

Start by taking a look at Facebook. There are many local Facebook dog groups for meetups and special events.

If you can't find an event, you can also create one and have it at a public dog park or dog-friendly business.

4. Bake Halloween-themed treats

While your dog won't be able to participate in the entirety of this Halloween dog activity, they will enjoy the finished product.

Did you know there are tons of Halloween-themed baked sweets for your pup?

Some even only require two to three ingredients and some spare time!

Some personal favorites of mine include:

  • Sweet potato cookies
  • Peanut butter ghost treats
  • Pumpkin spice puppuccinos
  • Refreshing skull frozen treats
  • Spooky no-bake peanut butter delights
  • Blueberry yogurt ice scream

halloween activities for dogs host a party

5. Host a Doggy Party

Have you ever hosted a doggy party? If you haven't, you are really missing out!

These events are always a blast, and they don't have to be overly stressful.

First, start by making a list of your dog's best canine friends.

Next, enjoy looking for adorable puppy and Halloween-themed decorations. It doesn't have to be extremely expensive or time-consuming.

Plan outdoor and indoor games for your pup to enjoy.

Not only will you smile seeing your cute sweetheart playing with his friends, but you can mingle and socialize yourself. Halloween costumes are optional, of course.

How to Host a Doggy Party

Have you decided to host your own doggy Halloween party, and you don't know where to start? We have got you covered!

I recommend starting with the invitations.

The world has gone digital, but if you want to add an extra special touch, hand-deliver the invitations to the owners with a treat for their pup. It's even better if the treat is Halloween-themed.

After the invitations are sent, look for lovely decorations and an open space that can handle the invitees.

For instance, I have a large dog who loves to run around and wrestle with her friends, so I would plan a party outside with a shaded tent.

Public dog parks are a great start, but know that you typically cannot rent them. A house with a large backyard can do the trick!

The best part of hosting a doggy Halloween party is the decorations and food.

I'd go all out with the theme and have fun creating spooky but dog-friendly decorations like little floating ‘ghosts' and mummy toys.

It can be tricky when handling so many dogs. It's easy for us to overlook the simple things.

So, never forget to purchase multiple bowls of water and fill them frequently.

Most of us experience a cool fall during winter. However, if you are in warmer states like Florida, dogs can still suffer from heat strokes and rashes because of the sun.

Another idea is that if you have the funds and the time, why not create a photo booth section?

Provide your guests with plenty of Halloween costumes for both the dogs and their owners. Imagine all the amazing memories your guests can bring home that night!

Have the Best Halloween Dog Games

Now that the party is planned, and you have a home full of furry and non-furry guests, what’s next?

Sure, dogs will entertain themselves easily by playing, chasing balls, and being overall goofballs, but what other games can they play?

Pet Costume Contest

These games are entertaining for both humans and dogs. A costume contest is always fun.

halloween activities for dogs pet costumes

Now, imagine making it more challenging and adding a clause that owners also have to participate in! You can either help by providing the costumes or have the partygoers create one at the party using unconventional materials.

There are many ways to spruce up the fun!

Considered one of the popular Halloween activities for dogs, a pet costume contest is also an opportunity for dog owners to get creative and come up with homemade Halloween dog costumes!

I do recommend choosing a contest judge who is not related to anyone involved. Not all prizes have to be a savory or sweet treat.

You can also include gift cards for the owners involved and colorful seasonal toys!

Hunting for Treats

Hunting for treats is a bit like a race. Place Halloween dog treats in random places all over your home or party location.

Let the fur babies loose and see how many biscuits and treats each one finds.

Maybe even put some of them to the side to give away to the little pups who are not fast enough.

Monster Obstacle Course

Obstacle courses are a lot of fun for both humans and dogs. Creating a monster-inspired obstacle course does not have to be hard or dangerous.

You can use cardboard boxes or pillows to create walls.

Encourage the dogs to run through the obstacle course or maze by placing a fragrant treat at the end.

Regardless of which game you play, always stay vigilant.

Some puppies get frustrated and overwhelmed when there are too many dogs, noises, or people.

Halloween dog activities: DIY Dog Halloween Costumes

FAQs About the Best Halloween Activities for Dogs

How do I keep my dog calm during Halloween?

Halloween can be scary, even for our mightiest and friendliest dogs.

The best way to keep a dog calm during Halloween is by offering them treats and comfort.

Watch for signs that your dog is stressed. Sure, they might not be able to speak human, but their body language is powerful.

Do dogs like being put in costumes?

Not all dogs like being put in costumes. However, those that do won’t take them off.

Some dog costumes can feel restricting or too tight, especially if your dog has never put one on before.

A word of advice: before a party or photoshoot, have your dog try on a costume and get used to the fabric.

Is Halloween stressful for dogs?

Halloween can be stressful for dogs, but not all dogs react the same way.

If you are going to have many trick-or-treaters and your dog is wary of strangers, it's best to help them relax beforehand.

What can I do with my dog on Halloween?

There are so many things you can do with your dog on Halloween!

You can take them with you trick or treating, partying downtown in dog-safe areas, or host your own party.

Want a night in? Wear matching costumes, bake puppy-friendly treats, and enjoy!

Should dogs wear clothes?

Dogs keep themselves warm and rarely have a need for clothes, towels, or blankets.

However, if the temperature is below 45 degrees Fahrenheit and you are walking your dog, clothing and warm layers are good options.

Light shoes can also help them keep their feet from burning on pavement and sidewalks, especially when your area has a warm climate.

Halloween Activities for Dogs: Conclusion

Overall, Halloween is a fun time for owners and pets!

There are many activities, games, and delicious goods you can enjoy that are themed in an exciting way.

Even if you can’t do everything on this list, even taking your dog out on Halloween for a stroll with others is a fun idea!

Hope you have an exciting time with your pooch with one (or two) of these Halloween activities for dogs!

READ NEXT: 15 Dog Safety Tips for Halloween

Chin has been working as a writer for more than a decade in various niches and now she's finally living the dream of writing something she's passionate about—dogs!