Great Weimar

Do you prefer larger breeds over small ones?

Are you ready to house a huge dog?

Then you might want to consider getting a Great Weimar in your house!

The Great Weimar dog is a crossbreed between the humungous Great Dane and the activeness of a Weimaraner.

Affectionate indoors but energetic outdoors, this beast can fill your need for a cuddling buddy!

So, for this blog, we’ll be talking about everything there is to know about Great Weimar dog breeds—from its history down to proper dog care.

How should you take care of a Weimaraner Great Dane mix if you own one in your house?

Without further ado, let’s begin!

Great Weimar History

Before we talk about the Great Weimar, we first need to give some background context with its purebred parents, the Great Dane and Weimaraner.

The Great Dane is a dog breed in Germany that people used for hunting.

When the wild boar’s population became a problem, Great Danes were the only breed that could compete with the boar’s strength.

This made them extremely popular in Germany, earning the name “Deutsche Dogge” or German Dog.

Great Dane breeds even eventually became Germany’s national dog by 1876!

Its popularity was carried overseas when German immigrants brought them to the United States.

Around the time when Great Danes started becoming popular was a breed called Weimaraner from the German city, Weimar.

Weimaraners are prized for their hunting instincts, retrieval, and soft-mouthing.

The breed also has rare and beautiful silver-gray fur, which earned them the nickname “Gray Ghost.”

Because of its popularity, the Weimaraner Club started regulating the breed’s standards and its ownership.

Non-Europeans were not allowed to own the breed until Howard Knight’s acceptance into the club.

Mr. Knight then imported the breed into the country and established the American Weimaraner Club in 1941.

Eventually, breeders started experimenting and crossbreeding dogs.

It's only recently, in the 21st century, however, that breeders have crossed Weimaraners with Great Danes.

Great weimar dog
Photo credits to

Great Weimar Physical Trait

Coming from two great parent breeds, the Great Weimar is a strong yet gentle-looking creature.

Here are some facts about its physical traits that you need to know.

Weight and Height

Since the Great Weimar is a Weimaraner Great Dane mix, there is yet to be a standard size for the crossbred.

However, the typical breed size falls in the large dog category.

Male dogs are tall, with a height of 27 to 31 inches, and can weigh 145 pounds at most.

Female dogs of this breed, on the other hand, are shorter, reaching only a height of 25 to 29 inches with a weight of only 100 pounds.

Great Weimars appear lean and tall, which is a similar trait shared by Great Danes and Weimaraners.


Generally, Great Weimars’ fur coat type is more consistent than most crossbreeds.

Not only that, but their fur color is also consistent throughout their body!

From their fur coat types alone, this Great Dane Weimaraner mix has smooth and dense coats while its fur coat is short.

Great Weimar’s fur color can range from gray, black, fawn, silver, white, blue, and brindle.

Distinct Features

There are Great Weimar's features that are specific to the breed but have yet to be standardized.

Most dogs of this breed get their long facial shape from their Weimaraner parent breed.

This explains why some owners can mistake black or fawn-colored Great Weimar dogs for Labrador Retrievers.

Sometimes, Great Weimars get a boxed or rectangular face shape, which comes from their Great Dane parents.

Regardless of their facial shapes, all Great Dane and Weimaraner mix dogs have droopy ear flaps instead of pointy ears.

Finally, Great Weimars have a rather long tail, which becomes a victim of the happy tail syndrome.

Great Weimar Temperament

Let’s talk about Great Weimar’s temperament.

Great Weimars are playful, affectionate, and loyal dogs.

Without entertainment or mental stimulation, this Weimaraner Great Dane mix breed can resort to destructive behaviors toward themselves or objects in the house.

And because they’re giant dogs, they’ll be wreaking havoc and inflicting significant damage in the house.

The Great Dane Weimaraner mix breed dogs are also affectionate creatures that enjoy every moment and time spent with their masters.

They rarely suffer from separation anxiety, but they require your loving attention to make them happy.

And finally, Great Weimars are loyal and obedient dogs, presumably because they got these traits from Weimaraners.

These dogs would show no resistance during training, so shower them with praise and treats after every training session.

RELATED: Most Loyal Mixed Dog Breeds

Are Great Weimars Barkers?

Does a Great Weimar bark?

No, a Great Weimar doesn’t usually bark because they’re also gentle giants like their Great Dane parents.

While they can be loyal and protective of their family, they reserve barking as a last-resort action only.

The only time that these dogs would bark is when they get agitated or feel they are in danger.

Once Great Weimars start to bark, they’ll be barking loud and non-stop.

RELATED: How To Make A Dog Bark

Living with a Great Weimar

So what can you expect when you’re living with a Great Weimar?

Firstly, Great Weimars require a fenced space to expend their energy.

This fenced space can just be your backyard or your front lawn as long as your dog can move around.

Since its full-bred parents are both hunting dogs, it would also help if you could immerse their senses in nature.

Taking them for a hike or following a trail can help arouse their senses with a lot of stimulation from the wild.

Are Great Weimars Good Apartment Pets?

Can you keep Great Weimars in apartments?

No, you can’t because Great Weimars are as bad as apartment dogs because of their size.

Great Weimars are colossal creatures that would feel constricted in a small living space like an apartment.

This is true even if you constantly take and walk your dogs to parks.

RELATED: Best Mixed Breed Dogs for Apartments

Great Weimar Health

Believe it or not, Great Weimars are healthy dog breeds despite their giant size.

In fact, they’re a healthier breed than their Great Dane parent!

With the right care for them, they’ll grow to become an amazing companion in the house.

That’s why you have the responsibility to know the health information of Great Weimars to keep them in good shape.


Great Weimars have a life expectancy of 10 to 12 years.

Their life expectancy is greater than Great Danes’ 8 to 10 years; some dogs only reach an age of 6 to 7 years old.

You can help Great Weimars reach their life expectancy by tending to your dog’s needs and health concerns when they arise.

Health Problems

Great Weimar dogs will also suffer breed-specific health problems. Most of them come from their parents.

Some of the infamous health problems that Great Weimar dogs get are Hip Dysplasia, Bloat, Dilated Cardiomyopathy, and von Willebrand’s disease.

Hip Dysplasia on Great Weimars:

  • Abnormal development of the hip joint in a growing dog
  • A condition that can develop further into more serious health complications like arthritis and degenerative joint diseases
  • Causes extreme inflammation that is painful to dogs

Currently, there is no cure for this disease, but their vets can prescribe medications to help ease the dog’s pain.

Bloat or Gastric Dilation Volvulus on Great Weimars:

  • A disease where gases, liquid, and food fill your dog’s stomach
  • It can also include twisting the stomach
  • A disease that inflates the stomach and constricts the blood flow in your dog’s other organ

Veterinarians treat this health concern through abdominal exploratory surgery and untwisting of the bloated stomach.

Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) on Great Weimars:

  • A heart disease where the heart’s muscle tissue degenerates and becomes thin
  • Results to difficulty in breathing, weakness, and extreme fatigue
  • A disease that inflates and stretches the muscles, enlarging them in the process

While DCM is an incurable disease, some treatments would help prolong your dog’s life.

These medications include diuretics, anti-arrhythmic drugs, and cardio glycosides.

VonWillebrand’s disease (vWD) on Great Weimars:

A bleeding disorder both in humans and dogs because of the lack of a specific protein in the body (von Willebrand factor)

It can cause internal bleeding and not proper blood clotting during wound healing

While Von Willebrand’s disease is incurable, treating dogs in bleeding episodes requires a blood transfusion.


Here’s how to give your Great Weimar its appropriate nutrition.

Since Great Dane Weimaraner mix breed dogs are still heavy breeds, their diet should be proportional to their weight.

Great Weimar owners would report four cups of dog food as their intake per day.

That being said, giving them too much food can make them fat.

Give your dog a protein-based diet, preferably with chicken, beef, or pork.

You can also throw in vegetables in the diet to keep them healthy and disease-free.

Great Weimar Grooming

Indeed, dogs with attractive coats are beautiful and eye-catching.

But if you knew how difficult it is to maintain its long fur coat, you might want dogs with short furs instead.

Luckily for you, a Great Weimar is a low-maintenance pet in terms of fur care.

Here’s how to keep their fur and skin healthy and clean.

Doggy Odor

Bathing is not necessary when owning Great Weimars.

They’re not even smelly dogs, to begin with!

This is possible because these breeds have waterproof and dirt-proof fur coats that deflect water, dirt, and debris out of the fur.

Great Weimars are also not oily dogs, so they don’t stink as much as other dogs.

With all that being said, you should still bathe your dog at least once a month.

A little soaking in water won’t hurt them, especially when they need some hydration on their skin during the hot summer season.

Brushing Fur

Great Weimar dogs have dense, short fur, so expect them to shed a lot.

Brushing their furs frequently catches the fur and helps regulate the amount of shedding that your dog will do.

A slick brush and a comb with small teeth will help to get rid of loose furs in your dog’s body.

Do this brushing at least once a day for five to fifteen minutes.

Great Weimar Exercise

Great Weimar dogs have a lot of energy to expend!

They may be companion dogs, but they still pack a lot of stamina that they need to exhaust.

And one of the ways to expend it is with physical activities and exercise.

Since your dog is an affectionate breed, think of physical activities that would help you two bond well together.

Physical activities don’t need to be a high-intensity workout for them. They just need to be engaging and consistent.

Some of the activities that I recommend are dog walks, jogging, fetch, swimming, and trekking.

Dog Walks

Dog walks are the best starters for a dog with a moderate activity level, like Great Weimar.

Dog walks help exercise the body and engage it to move.

More than that, a dog walk is a starting activity to expose your dog outside.

It’ll be entertained and potentially stimulated by the people, creatures, and objects that it may encounter outside.


Are you out of shape yourself?

Do you want more intense exercise than just walking?

Then, you may want to consider jogging.

Better, you can take your dog for your jogging sessions too!

Because jogging is a more intense physical activity than walking, it engages your dog’s need to move.

More than that, it also exhausts your dog’s stamina faster than dog walks.


Want to deepen your bond with your dog?

Try playing fetch with your dog.

Fetching involves throwing a target object at a distance and letting your dog pick it up.

Most dogs will be excited at the sight of the thrown object and will dash their way to retrieve it.

Fetch is an excellent choice for physical activity because it includes a back-and-forth interaction between you and your dog.

And since dogs run every time they get the object, playing fetch becomes an exercise in itself.


Dogs do indeed swim, especially Great Weimar, so it makes sense to turn swimming into a physical activity for you two.

Swimming involves constantly moving your body to stay afloat, making it a great exercise and pastime for this breed.

More than that, swimming enhances breathing and lung capacity.

Great weimar dog breed
Photo credits to

Great Weimar Socialization

If you want to own this crossbreed, then you have to know that they’ll do just fine in socializing.

They’re not a timid breed, but they don’t want to be the center of attention either.

Instead, they’re selective on whom to interact and would prefer to go after their owner’s attention.

But make no mistake—Great Weimars are not extreme people-pleasers; they’re just loyal and adorable to their owners.

Is a Great Weimar a Good Family Dog?

Are Great Weimars great house dogs?

Yes, this crossbreed makes good family dogs because of how affectionate they are to their owners.

This is because these dogs were intentionally bred to be companions in households.

Just take note that this dog breed isn’t recommended for smaller children because of how large these dogs are.

They can knock these children off even if the dog thinks it’s still playing.

Great Weimar Training

If we compare Great Weimar dogs to other dog breeds, they’re more willing to cooperate during training.

Because of their temperament and traits, this breed won’t give you a hard time during training.

You can start training your dog to adapt to a house setup.

This means knowing where to potty, not making a mess in the house, or even behaving when it’s near small children.

Teaching your dog to socialize is also a crucial part since you want them to be more comfortable with people.

Scent training is also possible with this dog breed.

Since both of its full-breed parents are hunting dogs, Great Weimar dogs also have exceptional senses around scents!

Are Great Weimars Rare

Did you know that the Great Weimar breed was created as early as 2013?

That’s right! They’re one of the latest crossbreeds in the dog industry right now!

Because of their newness, this breed would still be unknown to a large population, especially in the US.

Even major kennel clubs like the American Kennel Club have not acknowledged this relatively new breed.

And with that, you should expect a low demand and low count of these breeds from both owners and breeders alike.

That being said, you can still find this dog breed from reputable breeders across the country.

Great Weimar: Key Insights

A large body with a large heart, the Great Weimar breed is intentionally bred to be a buddy in your house.

This crossbreed is eager to give love to the family and is more than happy to receive its owner’s affection in return.

But don’t be fooled by its gentle behaviors. This Great Dane Weimaraner mix has a moderate energy level at its disposal!

If you want to own and keep this breed in your house, make sure to give it enough physical activity time every day.

Make sure to interact and engage it with love and care for it to become a reliable family member of the household!

But wait!

If the Great Weimar dog is not your type of breed, then I highly suggest these mixed breeds below!

Other Crossbreeds to Check Out