
The best content on Top Dog Tips. We invite knowledgeable dog experts to provide free information, tips, how-tos and advice on dog ownership, dog grooming, dog training, dog supplies and other pet related topics. Our editors then read through all the dog related content and pick the best of the best to post here.


Should I Treat My Dog for Cancer?

"Should I treat my dog for cancer?" This is probably the first question that popped to your mind upon learning that your precious furball got...
Top 40 Reputable Dog Breeders in USA

40 Reputable Dog Breeders in the U.S. (2022)

Finding good dog breeders is challenging because of how popular and lucrative the dog breeding industry has become, resulting in many places to choose...
leukemia in dogs

Leukemia In Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Although no one likes to think of the worst with our furry companions, cancer in dogs is more common than we realize. Leukemia in dogs...
docker dog breed profile

Docker Dog Breed Profile

The Docker is a mixed breed dog, combining the Dachshund and a Cocker Spaniel. These dogs range in size from small breed to medium...
Designer Dog Breeds

10 Cute Designer Dog Breeds That You Wish You Had

Did you know that designer dog breeds represent the majority of the dog population? Learn more about the latest trend in dog ownership. Designer dogs...
Mixed Breed Dogs for Families

Best Mixed Breed Dogs for Families

Looking to expand the family? Whether you’re buying your first pup or your tenth, it’s never too late to give mixed breed dogs a...
most loyal mixed dog breeds

10 Most Loyal Mixed Dog Breeds Who Won’t Leave Your Side

Dogs have resided with us for quite a long time. They have even left a mark of their existence on us humans in history...
Connecticut Pet Stores, Dog Parks, Grooming, And More Featured

Connecticut Pet Stores, Dog Parks, Grooming, And More

In this blog, we'll tackle everything related to pet essentials in Connecticut. So, if you're planning to move or travel here, we've got you! We've...
What to do if you cant afford your dogs cancer treatment Featured Image

What To Do If You Can’t Afford Your Dog’s Cancer Treatment

Just like with humans, treatment for cancer in dogs will not be cheap. When this unfortunate event happens, you'll need to know what to...
The 15 Ways to Prepare for Last Days of Your Dying Dog

15 Ways to Spend Your Last Days With Your Dying Dog

Sooner or later, aware or unaware, you will spend your last days with your dying dog. This is a painful topic none of us dog...
Treat Dog's Anal Glands

Dog Anal Glands: 12 Preventions and Treatments (Video Included)

You're here right now because you might have been bombarded with the same question: "What the heck are dog anal glands? Is this a serious...
Reasons Dogs Cough and What to Do

Dog Coughing: 7 Reasons Why Dogs Cough and What to Do

Firstly, you might be wondering, can dogs cough? That quick answer is yes. Why do dogs cough? There can be many reasons for this, and you can...


Sasha the dog running on the beach

4 Tips & Tricks for Navigating Peak Flea and Tick Season

Here it comes... the dreaded peak flea and tick season. For us pet owners, while we love those sunny beach trips and walking in the...
Sasha in the car

Have Pet, Will Travel: Guide to Spring or Summer Trips with...

In Partnership with Merck Animal Health In my opinion, there's no better time to travel with your pet than in either spring or summer. The weather's...
Can I Afford A Dog

Can I Afford A Dog?

Owning a pet is expensive. It’s more than just planning for food and toys. If you’ve been asking yourself, can I afford a dog, here is everything you need to know. A big part of being a responsible pet owner is preparing for the endeavor financially. Creating a consistent budget can help you plan for routine expenses like food, treats and toys, as well as unexpected expenses like vet visits in the event of an emergency. Asking the question can I afford a dog is a very responsible thing to do. Many pet owners don’t plan a budget before adopting a dog, and that can get you into a lot of trouble.
how to get rid of a dog

How to Get Rid of a Dog: The Right Way

Are you faced with the challenging decision of how to let go of your furry companion? We understand that circumstances change. And even...
Why Are Dogs So Loyal?

Why Are Dogs So Loyal?

One of the best qualities of our canine companions is their unwavering loyalty. Why are dogs so loyal? There are amazing stories about the unmatched loyalty of dogs - dogs that have sat on their owner’s graves, waited patiently for months for their owners to return from war and even stories of dogs walking thousands of miles to reunite with their masters.
Why Do Pets Make Us Happy?

Why Do Pets Make Us Happy?

Nothing beats the feeling of seeing a happy dog or friendly cat come running over to you looking for a pat on the head or a scratch behind the ears. Why do pets make us happy? Pets do a lot more than just keep us company. The unconditional love that they provide us with is priceless and incomparable to any love that we get other humans.

Dog Names Starting With Z

Are you looking for dog names starting with Z? Well, you're in the right place! Getting a new pup would mean preparing for a new set...
How many dogs are too many featured image

How Many Dogs Are Too Many?

We've all been there. Pet owners of one dog think, "Maybe I should get one more." Then, once you get the second dog, you'll...
Can dogs get sick from humans featured image

Can Dogs Get Sick From Humans?

If you have been caring for dogs for quite a while now, you must have known we can get sick from them. Rabies, giardia—name...
Dandie Dinmont Terrier Breed profile

Dandie Dinmont Terrier Breed Profile

Not a lot of people know about this breed, but the Dandie Dinmont Terrier is not something you should ignore when you chance upon...