Excessive barking in dogs is a pretty common thing most, if not some, dog owners have experienced at some point in caring for pups.

Barking, after all, is the number one way for dogs to communicate with us.

However, barking non-stop can signify something's wrong and that something should be addressed before it gets too out of hand.

What dog parent would want their neighbor complaining about “nuisance” just because of his dog's barking, right?

And yes, if you're wondering, there are local noise ordinances in some cities or counties.

Before getting the animal services involved or even the mediation services of your city government, it's probably best to nip the problem in the bud.

But the question is: how much dog barking is too much?

In this article, let's discuss what causes excessive barking in dogs, how to ultimately stop excessive barking, and how to prevent dog barking (if it can be prevented).


Excessive Barking in Dogs: When is it Too Much?

Dogs usually bark because they want to tell us they need something or are concerned about something.

And while barking is pretty normal for all dogs (except Basenji, the barkless dog!), sometimes, they can just get overboard with it!

Excessive barking in dogs could mean they are excited, frustrated, stressed, in pain, or their needs are not being met.

While it can be considered a behavioral problem, it's also important to rule out any health concerns that might be causing it.

But how much dog barking is too much?

Legally speaking, different cities or counties have their own definition of excessive barking and noise nuisance.

In the City of St. Cloud in Minnesota, for example, if a dog or any animal barks, howls, or whines for a period of 6 minutes or more, that can be considered a noise nuisance.

Contra Costa County in California, on the other hand, considers it a nuisance if the animal is making noise for 30 continuous minutes or more (incessant) or for 60 minutes off and on within a 24-hour period (intermittent).

In both cases, the city and the state encourage the complaining neighbors to call Animal Services.

It's really best for you to research the local ordinance existing in your area, especially if you have a vocal pet or pets, to avoid any problems.

Just remember that barking is normal for dogs. Excessive barking is not the “disorder” itself that can be treated away; it's a sign that something is not right for your dog.

RELATED: 7 Most Common Signs of Anxiety in Dogs

Is Excessive Barking Bad for Dogs?

Any legal issues that might arise from your dog's excessive barking shouldn't be your only concern because it can also be bad for your dog's health.

It can actually damage their vocal cords and cause sore throat.

Apart from that, the stress associated with excessive barking (especially if they're being ignored) can further lead to more behavioral issues like digging, excessive licking, or picking fights with other dogs or pets.

Dog Breeds Prone to Excessive Barking

As we know, there are certain dog breeds that are quite “talkative.”

They love showing off who the boss is in the house and how their needs have to be met at all times.

Different breeds have different barking frequencies and patterns, and it can also be one of the considerations you should think of when adopting a new fur baby.

Some of the common dog breeds that are vocal and prone to barking (in no particular order) are:

  1. Chihuahua
  2. Pomeranian
  3. Yorkshire Terrier
  4. Miniature Pinscher
  5. Siberian Husky
  6. Australian Shepherd
  7. Basset Hound
  8. German Shepherd
  9. Rottweiler
  10. Alaskan Malamute

On the other hand, there are breeds that are more reserved and don't bark that much.

You'd probably want to consider them if you're living in an apartment setting or a quiet neighborhood.

OPPOSITE: 25 Most Quiet Dogs (Based on Studies)


Common Reasons Why Dog Barks

While we wish our dogs could just tell us what they need, they're just not able to do that, unfortunately.

All they can do is bark. And so it's our duty as the dog owner to figure out the reason behind their persistent barking.

Health Issues

The first thing to rule out is any health issues that they may have.

It's possible that they're in pain or that they have an underlying condition that needs veterinary help.

Barking out of nowhere for a prolonged period of time is one of the symptoms of Canine Cognitive Dysfunction or Dog Dementia, which is common in senior dogs. Deaf dogs are prone to vocalizations, too.

Any physical pain can also cause barking, whether it be a bee sting, a wound, or a strained muscle or bone.

It's important to bring them to the clinic to assess them for any possible injury or condition they may have.

Being Protective

Dogs are naturally protective of their pack, and yes, they consider their humans as members of the pack.

Constantly seeing unknown people, animals, or even objects near their territory (a.k.a. house) can cause them to bark incessantly.

Sometimes, when the stranger comes near the house, bed, or crate, the dog's barking intensifies as an attempt to intimidate the stranger.

Fear of Something

You may think that they're barking out of nowhere, but in truth, they could be afraid of something.

The most common example of this is during a fireworks display, seeing something that triggers a past trauma (especially for rescued dogs), or getting startled.

If a situation is uncomfortable for your dog, they're probably telling you that through their barking.


Being excited about things can also cause your dog to bark.

Notice how they wag their tails and bark at you whenever you get home from a long day at work? That's their way of greeting you.

Seeking Attention

When dogs are hungry, want to go outside for potty, or just want some playtime with their owners, their way of asking for these is through barking.

You also gotta make sure that your dog is getting enough attention and that his needs are being met to prevent him from barking too much.

Separation Anxiety

Dogs with separation anxiety will especially bark for long hours as long as they're alone in the house.

More often than not, these dogs also develop compulsive and/or destructive behavior, such as pacing, chewing off furniture, and soiling in inappropriate places.

RELATED: How To Deal With Puppy Separation Anxiety


How To Stop Excessive Barking in Dogs

Excessive barking in dogs is considered a behavioral problem. Good thing that there are ways to stop it.

However, make sure to squeeze in lots of time, effort, and patience to stop your dog's barking habits successfully.

Removing Distraction

If your dog constantly barks at the window while looking at passersby, it's best to remove this distraction by closing a curtain or removing the stool near the window where he perches.

LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Machine with 20 Unique Non-Looping Fan and White Noise Sounds and Sleep TimerIf it's the outside noise that's setting off your dog's barking behavior, you can try using a white noise machine like this to muffle the sound.

RELATED: Best White Noise Machines for Dogs and Their Anxiety

Teach Them Alternative Behavior

Giving in to what your dog wants just because he is barking loudly and non-stop will only teach him that his way is effective. Because of this, he'll probably do it again and again.

If he barks to ask for water or food, playtime, or outside potty, teach him new behavior to ask for them.

Ignore him for a while and do other things. Once he pauses, you can then proceed to give him what he needs.

Try to bang his bowl first before filling it. Learning this sound will encourage him to do the same by bumping it with his nose.

You can also teach him to bump the door or ring a bell by the door to signify wanting to go outside or pick up his toy if he wants to play.

Increase Enrichment Opportunities 

Bored dogs can get their entertainment by barking all day. They just seemed to love the sound of their own voice!

So, to prevent this, it's best to keep them preoccupied with things.

Physical and mental activities will keep them happy and busy either when you're away or at home.

Dog Puzzle Toys,Dogs Food Puzzle Feeder Toys for IQ Training & Mental Enrichment,Dog Treat PuzzleDog Puzzle Toys like this will not only help stimulate their minds but will also let them feed slowly while you're away.

Also, tired dogs won't bark. So make sure to walk them outside or do active playtime for a couple of minutes before leaving them at home.

Maybe you'd also want to consider doggy daycares or pet boarding if you'll be gone for extended periods of time.

WATCH: TOP #120: How to Pick Mentally Stimulating Toys for Dogs

Don't Punish

Imagine the stress of your dog's loud barking plus your neighbor complaining; it's easy to lose your cool and get into a shouting match with your dog.

No matter how tempting, please don't do this. Your dog will actually think you're joining him and might just bark even more loudly.

Instead, use a calm yet firm voice and tell him, “No!” or “Quiet!” Do this repeatedly until he pauses.

Once he does, give him a reward—a marker signal which means he did a good job, and a treat.

Just be careful not to give him any treats while he's barking, as it might only encourage him.

Also, never hit him or even act like you're about to hit him, as this may only do you both harm than good later on.

Remember that your dog isn't barking to actively stress you out; they just wanted to let you know that something is up.

Seek a Professional Dog Trainer

When you feel like you've done what you can and yet nothing's changed with your dog's barking behavior, you can seek help from animal behavior consultants or professional dog trainers.

You can ask your veterinarian for his referral so you know that the trainer is good and can be trusted.

Should Bark Collars be Used?

While bark collars are widely available in the market, it's recommended not to use them as your first option to treat barking problems, especially if the barking is fear or anxiety-driven.

Bark collars deliver a low-level shock to the dog's neck once they detect the vibration from your dog's barking.

And from the word “shock” itself, you can already guess it can get pretty uncomfortable, if not painful.

Good thing there are more humane alternatives you can use, like a calming collar or a citronella spray collar.

RELATED: 6 Humane Tools to Get Dogs to Stop Barking


How to Prevent Excessive Barking in Dogs

Preventing your dog from barking in the first place is easier than trying to get them to stop barking.

It's best to always keep your dogs happy, busy, and entertained as soon as you get them as puppies.

Being preoccupied at all times will help reduce their barking tendency and allow them to keep it under control.

FAQs on Excessive Barking in Dogs

Should you let your dog bark it out?

While ignoring your dog's barking for a short period of time can be part of training him to stop doing it, letting him bark it out for as long as he wants will certainly not help.

For one, it does not deal with their fear or their needs. While they'd get tired of barking continuously, they'd probably resume it once they'd rested and their needs weren't still met.

Besides, prolonged barking can also harm your dog. And not to mention the disapproving look you'll probably get from your un-friendly neighbors!

Can you remove a dog's ability to bark?

Scientifically speaking, yes. A dog's ability to bark can be reduced through the process of ventriculocordectomy or vocal cordectomy (or debarking, in simple terms.)

Here, a couple of tissues found on an animal's vocal cords are removed to permanently reduce the volume of its vocalizations. Take note, reduce, not completely remove.

However, there are ethical concerns surrounding it, saying that it's unjustifiably cruel as it strips dogs of their natural way of communicating. (Think of removing a person's ability to speak without his consent!)

Instead of resorting to this, it's best to spend your time and money training your dog with the help of a professional animal behaviorist.

Excessive Barking in Dogs — Final Thoughts

Ultimately, it's important to know the reason behind excessive barking in dogs.

Trying to solve it before knowing what causes the excessive barking will probably not get you or your dog anywhere.

There are sure ways to prevent dog barking and stop their excessive barking, but of course, not without time, effort, and patience on your part.

Remember: barking is normal for dogs the same way it's normal for us humans to communicate with one another.

Punishing them for it, or worse, removing their ability to do it, should never be part of your options in finding solutions to your dog's excessive barking problem.

READ NEXT: 5 Ways to Solve Your Dog’s Barking Problem

Jossana started as a TV writer in 2017, until her love for dogs gets the best of her and started writing about them instead for Top Dog Tips. Jossana is the proud mama to Xavier and to mixed-breed dogs Zorro, Budak, Lucky, and Lily, who she loves spoiling with toys and treats.