Dog Stolen, Reunited with Owner This Christmas
Photo: Facebook/BringBridgetBack

An Army veteran whose dog was stolen on December 20th was reunited with his dog in a strange turn of events 4 days later.

On December 20th, Oklahoma vet Geoff Hoffman suffered a dog owner’s worst nightmare when his home was burglarized and his pit bull was stolen.

Hoffman believed the burglars were after his valuables but was shocked to discover that the only thing they had taken was his beloved 3-year-old dog, Bridget.

Dog Stolen, Reunited with Owner This Christmas
Photo: Facebook/BringBridgetBack

A frantic search ensued by Hoffman, his loved ones, and local rescue groups. Hoffman offered up a large reward for the return of Bridget.

He created a Facebook page named “Bring Bridget Back,” where he told his story, posted her photos, and begged the public to help bring his cherished pup back home to him.

On his page, Hoffman said he and his girlfriend coped with their distress in different ways; he didn’t eat for days, and she couldn’t sleep.

On Christmas Eve, the fourth morning after Bridget had gone missing, Hoffman’s girlfriend was still unable to sleep or think about anything but Bridget.

She went out on an early morning search for the dog, cruising the local roads for any sign of her.

She must have been guided by a higher force to do this because, by some miracle, she found Bridget.

Dog Stolen, Reunited with Owner This Christmas
Photo: GoFundMe/BringBridgetBack

The dog was lying on the side of a rural road; she was curled up, exhausted, and injured.

But at the sight of Hoffman’s girlfriend, Bridget looked up and started to wag her tail.

Hoffman affectionately followed this with, “Typical Bridget!” while recounting the tale.

RELATED: Dog Lost for a Year Finally Reunited With Owner

Hoffman’s girlfriend immediately called him, and they rushed Bridget to the vet.

She had a number of alarming injuries and ailments, including extreme dehydration, bloody stool, a mysterious skin rash, and, most disturbingly, deep cuts into her legs.

Dog Stolen, Reunited with Owner This Christmas
Photo: Facebook/BringBridgetBack

The cuts seem to be most likely inflicted by a knife and were infected.

Dog Stolen, Reunited with Owner This Christmas
Photo: Facebook/BringBridgetBack

At the emergency clinic, she received IV fluids, stitches, various tests, and antibiotics for the infected cuts.

She also needed to remain there for observation before being released back to Hoffman.

Because of the extent and expense of her injuries, Hoffman’s friends set up a GoFundMe page for Bridget’s medical treatment.

$700 was raised the first day it was up until they raised over $3,600 with a $2,300 goal.

Nobody knows what happened to Bridget during those four horrific days.

Nobody knows who took her or why they gave her up so quickly; it is possible that the level of attention her case was getting spooked the cruel criminal(s) into dumping her.

But in all negative stories, there are always positives. Bridget’s harrowing encounter at least brought to light how people can really show so much love and support for animals in need.

Strangers banned together not only to find Bridget but to ensure that all of her medical needs will be taken care of.

Bridget is now recovering peacefully and happily at home.

Dog Stolen, Reunited with Owner This Christmas
Photo: Facebook/BringBridgetBack

So, never underestimate the power of social media or word-of-mouth.

If you see something that needs attention, make a poster. Create a Facebook page. Set up a GoFundMe account. Get people talking.

These seemingly simple actions save the lives of precious animals like Bridget every day.

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Cody has worked and volunteered with rescue animals her entire life. She worked as a veterinary assistant and technician in shelters, rescues, boarding facilities, doggy daycares and animal hospitals in New York and Chicago throughout her teens and twenties, and now resides as a pet foster mom in Upstate New York.