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Do you plan on getting a pup? Do you have a new furry addition to your family?
If you do, you're probably pondering what would be the perfect name for your new buddy!
Fortunately for you, we have compiled a long list of dog names starting with Y.
I know. Who would name their dogs starting with Y? It's one of the most uncommon letters there is.
But you'd be surprised that you can get many cool and unique dog names—whether it's a boy or girl dog name.
Popular Dog Names Starting With Y
Unique Dog Names Starting With Y
Popular Dog Names Starting With Y
I know you're all too excited to pick a name for your pup.
And if you're still a little hesitant about naming your dog with words starting with Y, you might want to start with the popular names!
In this section, you will have plenty of options for the most popular dog names starting with Y.
Note: These names are not categorized by gender and may be applicable to both male and female dogs.
Yago | Yasu | Yoda | Yoshi | Yappy |
Yahoo | Yedi | Yogi | Ying | Yuki |
Yaki | Yelo | Yoko | Yippee | Yolo |
Yankee | Yelpy | York | Yona | Yollie |
Yao | Yeti | Yorkie | Yumi | Yoyo |
Yaro | Yety |
Dog Names for Males
Do you have a boy pup coming soon?
Personally, I wanted to name my male Shih Tzu something cool and unique, like Ygor or Yusef.
But I got carried away by his cuteness and called him “Yuki” instead.
It's different for every pet and owner. So, if you opt for cool, unique, or macho dog names, check out the list below!
Yacco | Yafar | Yacki | Yucco | Yillo |
Yack | Yaffo | Yadin | Yucon | Yimbo |
Yaku | Yagow | Yani | Yukan | Yino |
Yalck | Yaguar | Yannie | Yuken | Yko |
Yambo | Yakko | Yellu | Yumbo | Ykosch |
Yanek | Yaky | Yippie | Yungster | Ylles |
Yanic | Yalco | Yony | Yunker | Ylo |
Yannick | Yaldo | Yoshua | Yunno | Ymbo |
Yano | Yalk | Ypsilon | Yunus | Ymo |
Yanos | Yalko | Yuko | Yupp | Ynkas |
Yarrow | Yalkor | Yuppie | Yuppy | Yoch |
Yarwen | Yalle | Yery | Yuro | Yockel |
Yashico | Yamo | Yesko | Yuso | Yocky |
Yasko | Yando | Yeto | Yustin | Yoe |
Yason | Yandro | Yeuth | Yvado | Yogger |
Yassim | Yango | Yicko | Yvetto | Yok |
Yasso | Yanik | Yim | Ywan | Yoky |
Yaten | Yanit | Yimm | Yxus | Yoll |
Yavis | Yanker | Yiwo | Yannek | Yonas |
Yawa | Yanki | Ykon | Yannic | Yong |
Yell | Yanko | Yllo | Yannik | Yonn |
Yello | Yanky | Ylon | Yannosch | Yonny |
Yeno | Yann | Ymir | Yanus | Yoop |
Yento | Yannes | Yilko | Yapo | Yordan |
Yerüs | Yanush | Yobo | Yardo | Yorgio |
Yesso | Yap | Yock | Yarin | Yorick |
Ygor | Yard | Yocker | Yarl | Yorok |
Yimmy | Yargo | Yody | Yarno | Yory |
Ylko | Yarko | Yogy | Yarok | Yoscha |
Yoga | Yarn | Yoke | Yarro | Yoscho |
Yogi Bear | Yaron | Yolk | Yasar | Yosh |
Yogo | Yarus | Yollo | Yasho | Yost |
Yoker | Yasi | Yon | Yasir | Yosty |
Yoki | Yasmo | Yonasch | Yasmir | Youky |
Yorker | Yasper | Yonker | Yasoko | Youri |
Yoschi | Yaic | Yonnie | Yaspo | Yovan |
Youmen | Yasson | Yontar | Yasti | Ypo |
Young | Yastor | Yoopy | Yörg | Yrk |
Yps | Yato | Yorg | Yatt | Yugo |
Yak | Yatu | Yorgo | Yavo | Yso |
Yackson | Yax | Yoris | Ybo | Yubel |
Yaris | Ybs | Yorko | Ybskop | Yucatan |
Yako | Ycon | Yoro | Yco | Yucko |
Yankor | Yearly | Yorry | Yeal | Yudo |
Yanno | Yeck | Yosch | Yecko | Yuk |
Yasco | Yeckon | Yoschek | Yecky | Yukatan |
Yaboo | Yedo | Yoschy | Yeff | Yumo |
Yanis | Yefro | Yoss | Yen | Yunk |
Yabo | Yellor | Yoster | Yenko | Yunko |
Yac | Yelov | You | Yens | Yuno |
Yacky | Yenn | Yowo | Yerk | Yupi |
Yaco | Yenor | Yron | Yero | Yury |
Yado | Yerbo | Ysko | Yerry | Yusso |
Yaeck | Yermak | Ysso | Yes | Yustus |
Yael | Yerro | Yuby | Yester | Ywo |
Dog Names for Females
If you're having a pretty pup coming instead, your choices might've gotten a little bit challenging.
It's because there are so many options for female dog names starting with Y.
These names are very versatile and could match any theme you want for your lassie.
Not to mention, we have some very cute options, especially if you have small dog breeds.
Yuffie | Yoey | Yawe | Yulia | Yessica |
Yesika | Yohan | Yaza | Yulka | Yessika |
Yuri | Yaz | Ybsy | Yuly | Yet |
Yussuf | Yula | Yeckie | Yune | Yete |
Yvo | Yve | Yee | Yunte | Yette |
Yabu | Yva | Yeila | Yupie | Yexni |
Yakima | Yummy | Yelca | Yusca | Yffi |
Yala | Yetta | Yelka | Yusi | Yickie |
Yalu | Yeira | Yelli | Yussi | Yieni |
Yama | Yashna | Yelly | Yuvea | Yill |
Yamana | Yamini | Yelta | Yuxie | Yilli |
Yamba | Yazhini | Yende | Yvet | Yingera |
Yami | Yohanna | Yenia | Yvetta | Yinni |
Yana | Yulie | Yenni | Yvi | Yinti |
Yang | Yvaine | Yenny | Yvonn | Yipsy |
Yanda | Yui | Yenti | Yvorie | Yiz |
Yandra | Yeni | Yentl | Ywone | Yla |
Yanika | Yahara | Yera | Yxi | Ylga |
Yanita | Yaira | Yere | Yacine | Ylja |
Yanka | Yakira | Yerri | Yackie | Ylke |
Yanni | Yakuza | Yessa | Yadine | Ylma |
Yannis | Yalla | Yessie | Yaffa | Ylonka |
Yara | Yamai | Yessy | Yaika | Yndy |
Yarda | Yanina | Yeta | Yaka | Ynka |
Yaska | Yanna | Yetty | Yaklin | Yoca |
Yasmin | Yantra | Yeza | Yali | Yodie |
Yassi | Yela | Yiela | Yaline | Yogie |
Yata | Yesscia | Yilge | Yalke | Yole |
Yaya | Yildiz | Yilla | Yalli | Yoli |
Yelena | Yin | Yina | Yalta | Yolitha |
Yeller | Yoice | Yinka | Yamaica | Yolle |
Yellow | Yorika | Yinte | Yambie | Yudy |
Yelva | Yoy | Yipsi | Yammi | Yolly |
Yemina | Yo-Yo | Yira | Yananka | Yone |
Yemine | Yuka | Yka | Yandia | Yonni |
Yena | Yule | Ylanda | Yane | Yora |
Yenga | Yuna | Yliana | Yankessa | Yosa |
Yenka | Yuriko | Ylla | Yankie | Yoschka |
Yenna | Yusti | Ylona | Yanny | Yossi |
Yerina | Yvy | Ynda | Yapa | Ypse |
Yeska | Yaba | Yness | Yarelle | Ypsi |
Yessi | Yabsie | Ynta | Yarka | Ypsy |
Yica | Yade | Yoana | Yasa | Yris |
Yilma | Yaeckie | Yoche | Yasara | Yrka |
Ylka | Yagi | Yodella | Yaschi | Ysa |
Ymka | Yaila | Yofi | Yasemin | Ysel |
Yna | Yakari | Yoi | Yaskia | Ysha |
Yola | Yakitah | Yolana | Yasmina | Yssa |
Yolanda | Yalda | Yoldi | Yaspis | Yuca |
Yolande | Yalette | Yolei | Yassy | Yude |
Yonka | Yalie | Yolie | Yati | Yudith |
Yosie | Yalka | Yolla | Yawneie | Yuli |
Yra | Yally | Yolli | Yazz | Yulle |
Yska | Yalte | Yollina | Yda | Yunta |
Ysona | Yamaha | Yoly | Yecki | Yupha |
Yucca | Yamara | Yondra | Yeda | Yuppi |
Yukari | Yambi | Yoni | Yeika | Yura |
Yuma | Yame | Yonna | Yudi | Yurta |
Yume | Yamira | Yoola | Yelia | Yuschka |
Yummale | Yanin | Yordi | Yella | Yussa |
Yusha | Yanke | Yorka | Yellie | Yutta |
Yvette | Yanta | Yosi | Yelphi | Yuxi |
Yvonne | Yapsi | Yossa | Yemmi | Yvett |
Yacko | Yari | Yosy | Yenca | Yvon |
Yan | Yarwa | Ypsa | Yenja | Ywette |
Yassa | Yasada | Ypsel | Yenkie | Ywonn |
Yam | Yascha | Yassie | Yennie | Yzet |
Yabba | Yaschra | Yrisette | Yenta | Yorky |
Yodel | Yashi | Yrla | Yentie | Yava |
Yves | Yasis | Ysabellita | Yenua | Yukie |
Yiannis | Yaski | Ysett | Yerba | Yesse |
Yale | Yasni | Yssel | Yerna | Yespa |
Unique Dog Names Starting With Y
Do you want to take it up a notch and choose more unique names?
Coming right up!
As dog owners, we would want to name our pups in a way that's special to them.
For that reason, you may opt for the most unique option there is.
Sometimes, people choose a name that would turn heads whenever you call out your dog.
If that's the case, you might want to check this list of cool yet unusual dog names starting with Y!
We even have dog names you can't pronounce!
Yanosch | Yukon | Ypress | Yataka | Ypress |
Yajou | Yumak | Yahgan | Ydette | Youri-Kay |
Ysaap | Yaluta | Yakasin | Yenkilla | Ypsilona |
Ysop | Yosemite | Yassko | Yfke | Yndus |
Ytor | Ystra | Ycaros | Ymouche | Yatakan |
Yukinori | Youffie | Yencky | Ywanka | Yserex |
Considerations When Choosing Dog Names
Now that you have a handful of options for dog names starting with Y, you might want to finally pick one!
But before you do that, here are the do's and don'ts when considering your pup's dog name:
Do: Things to Keep In Mind
Keep the name short
I know. We might have thrown a few long and complicated dog names above. (we couldn't resist!)
But if you want your new dog to learn its name, it's best to stick with two-syllable dog names.
It's also a good thing for you as dog owners. Calling them wouldn't be such a mouthful.
End the name with a vowel
Dogs have better associations with words that end with vowels.
Dog names starting with Y and ending with vowels allow you to change the tone of your voice.
This also helps you when pairing with commands during training.
Based on your dog's appearance and personality
If you've run out of ideas on what to call your pooch, how about naming them based on their looks or personality?
You can call your Golden Retriever “Yellow” based on its looks.
Or you can call your small but rackety Pomeranian “Yappy” based on its personality.
However, you may not readily know the personality of your soon-to-be pup. So, give yourself some time before actually deciding on a name.
After all, it's going to be their identity for a lifetime, and there's no need to rush this.
Don't: Avoid These If You Can
Sounding like commands
Dogs are highly attuned to sound and may easily confuse their name with common commands.
Because of this, similar-sounding names could lead to misunderstandings and challenges during training sessions.
For example, “Yip” may sound like “sit.”
If you've already chosen a name that sounds like a command, consider using a nickname or modifying the pronunciation slightly.
Names or words with negative connotations
Certain names may carry negative associations or meanings, which can impact how others perceive your dog.
You also pick a dog's name that is appropriate to shout in public. If it's going to embarrass you or put disapproving looks on people's faces, then you shouldn't choose that name.
Swapping between names in the former months
Choosing your new pup's name can be very exciting. But it can also be challenging and confusing.
While certified animal behaviorist and dog trainer Karen London says it's fine to change your dog's name, it might not be good practice to start with.
Consistency in using that name is crucial for effective communication and bonding.
To avoid swapping names, discuss with family members first, then finalize. Tell everyone not to use nicknames or variations to prevent confusion.
And if you really change your mind, you can still switch your pup's name.
However, your dog will need extra effort, training, and patience to be familiar with its name.
Dog Names Starting With Y: Before You Go…
When it comes to dog names starting with Y, the possibilities are as vast as your imagination.
From classic choices to quirky selections, each name carries the potential to embody the unique essence of your canine companion.
With this list, we hope you'll be able to pick the perfect name for your pup—one that will not only reflect your doggo's character but also your dog-and-owner companionship.