Going somewhere? Pending vacation or long workdays, perhaps?

For working fur parents, leaving our dogs home alone for a lengthy amount of time can be challenging.

When they spend too much time on their own, dogs of all ages and temperaments can become agitated, lonely, and bored.

Nobody wants that for their cherished best friend!

Yet, you might need to spend time away from your pooch for numerous reasons, like an unpredictable schedule.

Fortunately, there are several ways to guarantee that your pet is content, secure, and well-cared-for in these circumstances.

While some opt for hiring a dog walker, professionally delivered dog boarding and dog daycare services can give families priceless peace of mind.

Dog Daycare

As the name suggests, a daycare for dogs is what is meant by dog daycare.

It resembles a typical daycare for kids in many ways. Their philosophical views are similar.

The Dog Days of Birmingham in Alabama, for example, is a short-term daytime care for dogs, making it ideal for pet owners who must be away at work during the day.

Due to hectic schedules and long work hours, owners are unable to spend as much time as they would want with their fur babies.

Your pet's daycare options include:

  • time and space for dogs to interact and play with one another under staff supervision
  • physical activity and mental stimulation to combat boredom, behavioral problems, and obesity
  • services for optional grooming, if required

Doggy daycare

Is Dog Daycare Right for Your Dog?

Every dog has distinct demands.

You know your pooch better than anyone, so you are in the best position to determine whether the environment is ideal or not.

Dog daycare facilities come in a variety of settings and arrangements.

For instance, some facilities offer a cage-free area where dogs can play while being watched over by a trained staff member.

Others might offer a cage-free area for dogs to play for a portion of the day while keeping dogs in cages at other times of the day.

Some places let dogs go around outside. Others exclusively provide indoor facilities where dogs can mingle and play indoors while using specific indoor restrooms.

The doggy daycare setting might be a suitable choice if your dog is well-socialized, enjoys being around other dogs, and will benefit from regular exercise, fun, and loads of stimulation.

The fact that your dog will be contentedly worn out and ready for a restful evening at home at the end of the day will be another advantage of doggy daycare for you.

To customize care, some daycare for dogs conducts a thorough evaluation of your pet’s personality and behavior before accepting him.

Considerations When Choosing a Daycare for Your Dog

Here are a few considerations whenever you opt to choose daycare for your pup:

Cleaning Process

When visiting a facility, ask about the cleaning process and the policies that are followed. It's also critical to understand what chemicals they use.

Some clean really well yet may be dangerous to animals.

Play Facilities

When choosing a daycare facility, it's important to have both indoor and outdoor play facilities.

Make sure there is ample space at the facility for outdoor play because dogs like being outside in the fresh air just as people do.

Additionally, indoor rooms should always have air conditioning available.

Size of Other Breeds

It's crucial for dogs to play with breeds of comparable size. Playing with larger breeds might scare or overwhelm smaller dogs.

Larger dogs are more likely to play rough and cause injury.


It’s all fun and games until a play escalates to aggression.

Therefore, it is important to make sure that dogs will be supervised while participating in group play.

Watching too many dogs at once can be harmful to both the dogs and the staff.

Trained Staff

Staff should receive body language training to understand how to interact with and care for dogs. Dogs use a variety of body movements to communicate their emotions.

Staff workers can avoid trouble if they know what to look for and comprehend what the dog is trying to tell.

dog boarding what you need to prepare

Dog Boarding

When a pet owner needs longer care for their dog while away from home, they can turn to boarding for dogs. The difference between dog daycare and dog boarding is an overnight stay.

The Doggie Dog World in Alaska is an example of this service.

If you don't have somebody to watch your dog while you're gone on a work trip or holiday, boarding is an option.

It is an excellent choice if you can't always travel with your dog to take care of their needs.

To make your dog more at ease, you can also bring their bed and toys. It is feasible to keep your dog secure and content while you are away thanks to dog boarding services.

Boarding kennels for relocating has also grown in popularity providing canine companions with a cozy place to stay while their owners settle into their new residences.

Some pet boarding facilities provide you the choice to enhance your pet's stay by adding amenities such:

  • play dates and walks with caregivers
  • private windows to take in the outdoors
  • cradles for added comfort

You might decide to reserve dog boarding services for a few days or a few weeks, depending on your needs.

RELATED: What to Expect in Dog Boarding

Is Dog Boarding Right for Your Dog?

Consider dog boarding to be a luxury pet hotel with a variety of services.

Boarding for dogs now has considerably more to offer than it did in the past when people associated them with chilly concrete, steel cages, and a lack of interaction.

It has both indoor and outdoor play facilities, just like dog daycares do.

Some boarding facilities even include televisions, swimming pools, and shuttle services to transport animals there and back. Doggie cots or even massages are available for pets.

Your pets will experience vacation-like feelings!

Certainly, not all facilities have such lavish amenities, but kennels are implementing them to ensure that pets are comfortable.

These services are intended to offset the harmful effects of the occasional stress that pets may experience in a new setting.

If you board your dog from a young age, it’ll become used to the changing surroundings.

Finding a suitable environment is crucial when looking for a place to board your dog. When leaving your dog with someone else these days, you have more options than ever.

There are dog sitters who will board your dog in your home or theirs in addition to boarding kennels.

Dogs Playing

Considerations When Boarding Your Dog

Here are a few things to keep in mind before deciding to board your dog:


A boarding facility's quality is clearly significant, but expenses are equally vital.

Discover the daily and nightly charges, as well as whether they cover walks, individualized care, administering medication, and bathing.

First-Time Experience

If your dog has never been boarded before, consider just a short overnight stay before an extended stay.

This will make your dog feel more at ease and assist the caregiver to understand your dog's requirements.

Additionally, it will allow you to see how your dog behaves when you pick them up.

Before Leaving

Bring your dog's food, health and vet records, bed, and favorite toys when you drop your dog off for boarding.

Leave current contact information and an emergency contact in your will. Be enthusiastic and optimistic when you depart.

Saying farewell should be brief and sweet.

Pre-Board Feeding

Don't feed or give your dog water for at least four hours after picking up your dog from the boarding kennel or dog sitter's house.

As a result of their potential excitement, they may gulp food, throw up, or have diarrhea. Allow your dog to relax and sleep.

Benefits of Dog Services

Both dog boarding and dog daycare have some significant advantages, even though they are often intended for distinct circumstances.

These advantages show why they're the ideal option for your dog's enjoyment and health and set them apart from novice pet sitters (such as a neighbor or friend):

Professionals You Can Trust

Your dog will receive care from a qualified professional while playing in a setting designed with their safety and enjoyment in mind.

Quality Facilities

Numerous locations, including indoor and outdoor play areas, restrooms, and even individual “pet suites,” are available for your dog to enjoy at high-quality dog daycare and dog boarding establishments.

Staff Simply Love Dogs!

The workers at respectable dog daycares and boarding establishments selected their profession because they genuinely love animals!

These staff members are friendly, compassionate, and eager to show your pet lots of love. They will accept your canines with open arms.

Peace of Mind

You'll be able to stay in constant contact with facility employees, giving you peace of mind that everything will run well while you're gone.

FAQs about Dog Daycare and Dog Boarding

Should my dog go to daycare every day?

It is not advised to rely on daycare as your dog's primary source of stimulation and exercise.

Make sure to make time for your dog to play, go for walks, and receive training; limit it to no more than three days each week.

Is doggy daycare a good way to socialize your dog?

Dogs can mingle, play, and engage with one another in a wonderful setting at a dog daycare.

It is a fantastic avenue for socializing with other dogs, so the short answer is yes.

Is doggy daycare good for dogs with separation anxiety?

One of the BEST ways to ease your pet's separation anxiety is doggy daycare.

It offers your dog mental and physical exercise as well as a regular schedule—all of which help ease separation anxiety.


Dog Daycare and Dog Boarding: Final Thoughts

With some much-needed time off or errands to run, who will make sure that your pets receive the best care while you are away?

Fortunately, you have dog daycare and boarding to choose from.

It's crucial to understand what you and your dog require if you're unclear about which dog care service will work best for you.

Whether you're boarding your dog over the weekend or sending them to daycare, knowing your timetable will make the choice easier.

Dog daycare is your best bet if you need someone to monitor your dog for a few hours throughout the day.

Dog boarding services may be necessary for dogs who must be watched for more than one night.

Trusting someone else to take care of your canine partner is frequently the most difficult aspect of traveling.

Finding a facility you can trust and that your dog will like will make a world of difference in the long run.

READ NEXT: How to Prepare Your Dog for Boarding