dog breed groups australia featured image

Getting the right dog isn’t easy.

It requires intensive research into the dog’s size, personality, temperament, playfulness with children, openness to strangers, shedding, and many other factors.

Different countries have set up ways to divide dog breeds into various categories to make this arduous task easier for the general public.

Dogs Australia—previously known as the Australian National Kennel Council—recognizes seven distinct dog breed groups based on their uses.

Here, we’ll guide you through information regarding these groups, mentioning their initial purposes and well-known breeds in that respective category.

Everyone deserves a dog that fits well into their family, after all!

Dog Breed Groups in Australia

best toy dog breeds

1. Toy Dog Breeds

Toy dog breeds are good-natured, small-sized breeds with a diverse and royal history.

They were traditionally regarded in high esteem by the ancient aristocracy owing to their diminutive stature and bewitching looks.

Some breeds—such as Pekingese—could only be owned by the royals in old China.

Now, everyone adores them for their charming personalities and miniature size.

Dog enthusiasts with smaller apartments prefer them since these joyful creatures don’t take up much space.

#14: Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise

These curious and playful dogs only grow up to be 9.5-11.5 inches and weigh around 12-18 pounds. Their small size makes them a perfect cuddle companion for adults and kids alike.

They’re a family-friendly breed whose warmth and comfort will melt your heart. They are also hypoallergenic.

Their minimal shedding is unlikely to cause any discomfort to people with allergies.

Cute Flat-faced Chihuahua Breed


These charming dogs will make you laugh with their sassy looks and personality. They are loyal and friendly once they get acquainted with their owners.

But it may take some time before this conventionally stubborn and unsociable breed can come out of its shell.

They have a smooth, short-medium coat that requires monthly grooming.

If you’re looking for a playful dog with a knack for being a watchdog, chihuahuas will suit you well!

pekingese dog how to care


Pekingese will be perfect for you if you’re looking for a loyal and affectionate dog with a royal demeanor. Their long double coat requires moderate grooming.

This makes them a perfect cuddle buddy that you can use for stress relief when you return from work.

They’re playful and vigilant watchdogs, always protecting you as you sleep.

Other Notable Toy Dog Breeds

Black and White Scottish terrier

2. Terriers Dog Breeds

Are you looking for an adventurous dog that will accompany you on long walks and exercise?

Do you want a lively, joyful, energetic dog that makes every moment entertaining?

If yes, you might want to look at the various terrier dog breeds as your companion. Originally bred as hunters, they’re highly intelligent, trainable, and adaptable.

Airedale terrier health

Airedale Terrier

Regarded as skillful hunters, powerful athletes, and loyal companions, Airedale Terriers will protect you with their life.

Their cleverness makes them exceptional watch and guard dogs who will look out for you and your family.

They’re also great with children, making them a wise choice for people with families.

You won’t have to worry about triggering allergic reactions since these fierce allies are hypoallergenic.

2. American Staffordshire Terrier

American Staffordshire Terrier

This confident terrier breed grows to be about 17-19 inches in height and weighs approximately 44-70 pounds.

These measurements may vary depending on the gender of the dog.

They are regarded as good-natured medium-sized dogs that are heavy for their size.

They’re incredibly affectionate with families and offer great company.

But their friendliness does not extend to other dogs, which may be a problem for people with existing pets.

Bull Terrier

Although playful and mischievous, Bull Terriers are powerful dogs with a broad structure. They have short and smooth coat that doesn’t require frequent grooming.

They have an average shedding level, and you won’t have to worry about being covered in hair every time you spend time with your pet.

But they’re not hypoallergenic and may cause excessive sneezing and runny noses among people with allergies.

Other Notable Terrier Dog Breeds

Invaluable Resources for Hunters with Gun Dogs


3. Gundogs Dog Breeds

As the name implies, gundogs are hunting dogs used by huntsmen to find and retrieve prey.

Their primary purpose was locating and further assisting in capturing the animal for food.

These days they’re regarded as energetic, intelligent, and loyal pets that make great companions.

Labrador Retriever Dogs

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers will be suitable for anyone looking for a social, playful, and highly adaptable dog.

They’re friendly, active, and outgoing and will likely go along with any strangers, whether human or animal.

Labrador Retrievers require a lot of physical stimulation, so be prepared to play with them for up to 1.5 hours, depending on their age and activity level.

English Springer Spaniel Health

English Springer Spaniel

These friendly, obedient, and playful dogs will bewitch anyone with their adorable looks and fun-loving spirit.

They are energetic, highly trainable, and likely to comply with everything you teach them.

The ideal owner for an English Springer Spaniel would be anyone who enjoys walks and playtime.

They’ll find great amusement and company in this dog breed, which also enjoys loads of physical and mental stimulation.

Cocker Spaniel Dog

Cocker Spaniel

Affectionate, intelligent, and gentle, Cocker Spaniels get along with everyone.

Their non-aggressive temperament makes them a perfect fit for anyone with children or other existing pets.

They’re intelligent and highly trainable. Perhaps the only downside is that they’re not hypoallergenic and may cause discomfort to people with allergies.

Other Notable Gundog Breeds

American Foxhound is among the true American dog breeds

4. Hounds Dog Breeds

Hounds are large-sized dogs used for hunting and preying purposes. They have a keen sense of smell and sight that further fuel their predatory instincts.

Their height and weight may vary depending on the breed. They are the largest type of dog among the others.

They’re also low maintenance with minimal grooming needs, so you won’t have to worry about frequent visits to the groomer.

dogs good for hot weather afghan hound

Afghan Hound

Afghan Hounds are family-friendly dogs known for their sweet and independent nature.

They’re generally not regarded as the most affectionate and cuddly breed. But they do make it up for it with their fierce loyalty and make excellent guard dogs.

Their long, silky, and luscious coat is hypoallergenic. So, if you want a watchdog that doesn’t trigger skin conditions, consider Afghan Hounds.

Basset Hound Health

Basset Hound

Patient and charming, Basset Hounds have a friendly and easygoing temperament that makes them a wise choice for people with children.

Their short and smooth coat doesn’t require much maintenance, provided you brush them at least once per week.

Not doing so would result in profuse shedding, which may be an ill-fit for people with allergies since they’re not hypoallergenic.

Brown Greyhound portrait


If you’re looking for a playful, independent, and gentle dog, Greyhounds will be perfect for you.

They’re cuddly, affectionate, and great at socializing with other dogs.

So, if you want a hunter breed that will go along with your other dogs, a greyhound will be a wise decision.

Other Notable Hound Dog Breeds


5. Working Dogs Breeds

If you've ever watched a crime movie or drama, you must have encountered a dog accompanied by the police to carry out their work. Such is the role of working dogs.

These strong, protective, active, and dutiful dogs enjoy participating in activities. These include guarding/protecting people and property.

German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd

Do you want a clever, confident, and courageous dog to accompany you through life? Then the German Shepherd will be a suitable fit.

These curious and intelligent dogs have a double medium coat that does not require much grooming.

But they do shed a lot. Additionally, early socialization and proper training are a must to negate aggressive tendencies in this dog breed.

Border Collie

Border Collie

The Border Collie is an intelligible, energetic, and affectionate dog breed exceptional at sociability and playfulness.

They have an alert, loyal, and tenacious temperament that makes them exemplary watchdogs.

They’re also highly adaptable, so you can enhance their skillful nature as required.

The ideal owner of a Border Collie would be someone that can match its need for physical and mental stimulation, which may be more than the average doggo.

dogs good for hot weather australian cattle dog

Australian Cattle Dog

Australian Cattle Dogs are energetic, loyal, and protective, making them incredible watchdogs. They’re eager to please, making them highly trainable.

They have a stable temperament, and you may raise them along with other dogs and children. But, professional training may be required to minimize their inherent domineering and territorial behavior.

Other Notable Working Dogs Breeds

  • Australian Shepherd
  • Finnish Lapphund
  • Komondor
  • Icelandic Sheepdog
  • Pumi

Utility Dog Breed

6. Utility Dog Breeds

As the name suggests, utility breeds include dogs that provide value, comfort, and benefits to our lives.

While they’re not sporting breeds per se, they serve purposes that make our lives easier. These may range from warning against potential dangers and fighting, etc.


Affectionate, loyal, and brave, the Bullmastiff generally grows to be 24 to 27 inches and weighs around 100-130 pounds, depending on gender.

They have short and smooth coats that don't require frequent grooming.

But they do have average shedding and are not hypoallergenic. This means they may cause allergic reactions among some people, depending on skin sensitivity.


If you’re looking for a vigilant watchdog to protect you and your family, a Schnauzer will be a wise choice.

These are fearless, smart, and highly energetic and may require excessive physical and mental stimulation to keep them engaged.

They’re also highly adaptable, making them excellent family pets as they will adjust to your home effectively.

Shiba Inu

Remember the dog meme that shook the internet in 2013?

That funny-looking dog breed was the active, attentive, and alert dog breed regarded as the Shiba Inu.

These adorable and cuddly dogs are highly affectionate and make great family pets, provided they are trained and socialized.

But they’re not hypoallergenic, and people with allergies may have to be cautious around them.

Other Notable Utility Dog Breeds

  • German Pinscher
  • Mastiff
  • Russian Black Terrier
  • Canadian Eskimo Dog
  • Dobermann


7. Non-Sporting Dog Breeds

In the past, dogs used to be bred for performing specific purposes. These services were quite diverse, ranging from hunting, guarding, herding, etc.

But as time went on, the uses for some of these dogs declined.

They were eventually called ‘non-sporting’ dogs, unable to fit into any category anymore. These days, they’re merely wanted for the great company they provide!

Chow Chow

Are you looking for a bright and distinguished dog with a solemn temperament?

Then the Chow Chow will be perfect for you. These adorable and fluffy dogs grow to about 17-20 inches and 45-70 pounds.

They’re fierce, loyal, and make incredible watchdogs. They need a lot of early socialization and training to interact with children.

Not doing so will make them aggressive, rendering them unfit for people with families.


This outgoing and bright dog breed is incredibly affectionate with families.

They’re intelligent and easy to train, making effective family pets and watchdogs.

But it is also worth mentioning that their energy may be too much for someone with small children.

Experts generally don’t recommend them for first-time owners and only suggest them to people interested in dog training.


Keeshonds are lively, friendly, and outgoing, making them an excellent choice for people who love socializing.

This is because Keeshond’s natural temperament centers around interacting with humans and other animals.

They’re also great with children, making them exceptional family pets. But they shed a lot of hair, which may be detrimental for people with allergies.

Other Notable Non-Sporting Breeds

Dog Breed Groups in Australia: Key Takeaways

Choosing a dog that is compatible with your lifestyle is essential.

For example, getting a high-energy Australian Shepherd will be a  poor decision if you won’t have the time to take your dog out for walks and playtime.

This is why understanding the traits you’re looking for is crucial before settling on your final pick. We recommend reading the list to learn which dog fits your needs most.

You can also go one step further and ask the shelter or shop you’re taking your dog from regarding overall suitability.

This will allow everyone to adjust with ease. Have fun living your best life with your loyal companion!

READ NEXT: 7 Dog Breed Groups: Your Ultimate Guide

Chin has been working as a writer for more than a decade in various niches and now she's finally living the dream of writing something she's passionate about—dogs!