Home Dog News A Can of Tesco Dog Food Exploded in Consumer’s Kitchen

A Can of Tesco Dog Food Exploded in Consumer’s Kitchen

A Can of Tesco Dog Food Exploded in Consumer's Kitchen
Photo: thedogplace.org

It’s not very common, but every once in a while a commercial canned food product will explode. If this has ever happened to you, then you know the immediate terror that races through your body when you hear the noise of the explosion and need to figure out exactly where the sound came from. One consumer who purchased canned dog food from a Tesco supermarket wrote a hilarious letter in response to one of their cans exploding in his kitchen.

Dave Crissell says that he heard a strange noise downstairs in his kitchen so he went down to check it out. He found the contents of a can of Tesco dog food covering the walls and floor of his kitchen. There was even dog food on the ceiling. He ended up having to repaint his ceiling after the incident, prompting him to contact the company.

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Since he knew employees of the company were busy and were often fielding complaints from customers, he decided to write a comedic letter to Tesco instead of calling on the telephone. In the letter he writes that the incident amused him more than anything, because he had never seen anything like it before.

A Can of Tesco Dog Food Exploded in Consumer's Kitchen
Photo: Mirror

Crissell wrote that he awoke to find the dog food had “made a successful attempt at freedom from its oppressive metal incarceration.”  He said that he knows this is an unusual incident, and writes that he checked with his cats “just in case they rigged the can in a hilarious feline jape, aimed at scaring the dogs.”

The sidesplitting letter goes on to say that he knows it was not the cats doing, but he does have a ceiling that needs painting and a piece of furniture that will be marked forever with the circular dent of where the can exploded. He attached pictures with the letter and asked the company what his plan of action should be from there.

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The supermarket responded appropriately with their apologies and their assurance that this type of incident does not happen often. They write that “The time and effort that must have gone into planning such an elaborate escape is really quite impressive,” but that they will pass Crissell’s information on to their suppliers so appropriate measures can be taken.

Crissell will be returning the can to Tesco so that it can be sent in for an investigation into the source of the explosion.

Samantha’s biggest passion in life is spending time with her Boxer dogs. After she rescued her first Boxer in 2004, Samantha fell in love with the breed and has continued to rescue three other Boxers since then. She enjoys hiking and swimming with her Boxers, Maddie and Chloe.