Today we will answer the question, can a vet prescribe CBD for your pets? The answer will depend on where you live.

The use of CBD for dogs is now widespread throughout the world. But not all countries accept it as a suitable medication, especially for pets like dogs.

For instance, here in the U.S., the American Veterinary Medical Association does not advise Vets to give or prescribe CBD for pets due to the current federal and state law.

If veterinarian experts could prescribe using CBD for Dogs, how would they determine what CBD products are legally accepted by law and what would be suitable for your pet?

Can a vet prescribe CBD for dogs?

Can Vets prescribe CBD for dogs?

If you live in the U.S., the answer is no. Vets are not advised to prescribe CBD products under Federal Law.

This is due to the cannabis act, which states that only humans can use cannabis or CBD products. This is why vets can't use CBD for a prescription for medical purposes on dogs or animals.

In the United States, CBD or any products containing cannabis are not legally advised based on the protocol. Federal Law forbade veterinarians to possess and administer and urge of using it.

However, that's not the case in the countries that legalized this kind of medication. These include Argentina, Australia, Barbados, Brazil, Canada, and many more.

In these countries, they allow using certain cannabis products in pharmaceuticals.

So, the answer depends on your local authority law and your vet. Check the laws in your area, and then check with your vet.

Do I Need a Prescription for CBD oil for my dog?

If you live in a place where CBD for pets is legal, it would be best to consult with your trusted vet for the best possible CBD for your pups.

Again, here in the U.S., the FDA still does not regulate CBD for pets and is not approved officially for the help with animals.

But that doesn't mean you're unable to buy these products online or in-stores. You can now buy CBD products in PetCo and PetSmart. Many dog owners widely use CBD for pets.

Since the FDA doesn't regulate the use of CBD for dogs, we suggest you look at CBD products with a Certificate of Analysis or COA.

The FDA can restrict CBD from pet foods and drugs, but they do not have control over pet supplements.

Certificate of Analysis on CBD Products for Dogs

The Certificate of Analysis is the lab results' documentation of the CBD products. It is recorded by an accredited lab that will tell you the exact compounds, chemicals, or any other ingredients present in the product.

COA is done for the safety and accuracy of the product. Some CBD companies tend to mislead pet owners or falsely advertise their products, which can harm our dogs.

If you live in a country that allows CBD prescriptions, you should get your vet's advice on your best choice of CBD for dogs.

For example, you can buy only “veterinary health products” made from hemp in Canada without prescriptions.

What CBD oil for dogs your vet can prescribe?

What Cannabis Products can a Veterinarian Legally Advice on?

In countries that legally allow CBD, veterinarians could advise any products made with cannabis unless it contains THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol. This compound could have psychological effects on any animal and is considered toxic.

Your vet will probably have a professional judgment about what CBD products are safe and effective. They consider many factors when choosing the product.

How do Vets Determine if a Cannabis Product is Legal or not?

As a professional, a vet will not prescribe unapproved products. To help vets determine if the product is legal or not, the cannabis or CBD products should be:

  • Distinguishable from illegal or does have any notification number or else a seal from National Animal Supplement Council
  • Well packed and appropriately labeled according to the rules of medical authorities
  • Does not make any health or therapeutical claims
  • Has undergone clinical trials
  • Certifications from the company
  • Proven effective by many people who already used it

A vet can choose to consider these things or not. But, a good vet should do research for himself before suggesting it to their patients. Just ask your vet what he has learned.

CBD for dogs can be used for many health problems

Why Do People Use CBD for Their Pets?

Though there are not a lot of scientific data supporting the benefits of CBD for dogs, many dog owners highly suggest it.

According to AKC's veterinary expert, Dr. Klein, CBD has anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, and anti-anxiety properties. So, it is a good pain reliever.

Some studies have discovered that it can help with cancer, arthritis, and other health problems. That's why CBD is now widely used in different countries worldwide for both humans and our pets.

Commonly Asked Questions About CBD For Dogs

Is CBD oil toxic to Dogs?

No, CBD is a non-toxic supplement for dogs, but be careful with products that contain THC. Only 0.3% of THC or less is allowed in CBD products for dogs.

THC toxicity symptoms for dogs can include:

  • Lack of coordination and balance
  • Disorientation
  • A slow rate of heart
  • Enlarge eye pupils
  • Sensitive to light and sound
  • Trickled urine

CBD oil that is not pure cannabis will not toxify your dog. But, like anything, if you overly took it, it could be harmful. So, if this happens, contact your vet immediately. 

Does Pet Insurance Cover CBD oil?

As dog owners, you want to ensure the safety of your pet. So, many owners have insurance for their loved ones if something happens to them.

Some insurance companies, like Healthy Paws, don't typically cover treats and supplements if we're talking about CBD oil. On occasion, if your canine has gone through an accident or illness, it can be considered to be added to the plan.

Is CBD Bad for Dogs Kidneys?

Veterinary researchers know about a few of the side effects of CBD products, specifically on dogs' kidneys. They have learned that kidneys can eliminate compounds that have CBD. Therefore, CBD is not bad for dogs' kidneys when adequately given.

Can a vet Prescribe CBD for Dogs? Conclusion

You might have wondered if a vet can prescribe CBD for your dogs?' The answer is yes, and no. It will depend on where you live.

Under the current federal and state laws, vets are not allowed to administer or prescribe CBD products for animals.

However, recommendations are possible if the local authority legally accepts CBD oil for dogs in your area. When seeking advice from your vet about CBD, make sure they have done their research.

Keep in mind that there are different regulations for CBD in every state. In countries that allow CBD oil products, dog owners could use them freely.

The number of dog owners that say that CBD for pets is helping their dogs is significantly increasing.

CBD for dogs has many health benefits. But it is still best to make sure your dog is compatible with this natural supplement.

Remember that for any medications your canine needs, consult your vets first, do your research, and see if CBD for dogs could make life easier for you and your beloved pet.

CBD for Dogs