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Best Female Dog Names & How To Pick A Name For A Female Dog

Top Best Female Dog Names

Picking out a name for your female dog doesn’t have to be a complicated effort. The name that you select for your dog is really your choice. However, if you are absolutely stumped on what to name your new pet and you need some guidance, you could try one of the best female dog names that other pet owners picked out.

Before we get into specific names for female dogs, let's talk a little about naming your female canine, and what you need to think about before you make this decision.

Consider things from this perspective: whatever you name your dog, that name will be indicative of her identity. It will be the first impression of your dog that you present to others. It will be the label that you will use during every training session, every play session, and every ‘hanging around with the family’ session.

Your female dog's name will be who you see your Fido to be, and perhaps who you would like her to be. The name will be what she will respond to for as long as she is on this earth. Don't expect to choose one of the best female dog names from any list that is silly and have her act like a professional show dog.

People are going to treat your pet a certain way based on the name that you give her. For example if you want a girl that will be taken seriously at agility competitions, a name like FeFe or Fluffball will certainly give people the wrong impression.

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Best Female Dog Names
How to Pick a Name for a Female Dog

Best Female Dog Names & How To Pick A Name For A Female Dog

The basics of naming a female dog

Whatever name you choose for your dog, keep it short and sweet – no more than two syllables if you can help it. Remember that you will be using this name during training and when you want the dog to come to you.

It’s okay to be creative, but don’t try to be overly witty or a trendsetter. Do you really want to be calling out some obscenely long or hard-to-pronounce name as you’re trying to get your dog to come inside?

Try to stay away from common or popular dog names as well. Things get a little complicated at the dog park when an owner yells out for “Buddy” and 15 dogs come running. Or several owners all call out for “Max” and well, can’t you just picture the chaos that would ensue in that scenario?

If you don’t mind your dog being nameless for a short time, wait until you get a good idea of her personality before you choose one of the best female dog names. Remember that the name you give your dog will be an indication to other people about her identity. Sometimes when you see a display of her antics or adorableness, an appropriate name will just come to you.

You can also choose a name based on her appearance or unique aspects to her coat. If she has an all brown coat “Brownie” or “Cocoa” would be an appropriate name. If she has a coat that is all one color, but two white paws “Mittens” or “Socks” might come to mind.

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What do you like for a female dog name

What do you like?

Dogs understand the frequency of words and commands you give them, so do not choose a name that sounds similar to a common command like ‘stay’ (and naming your dog Fay) or ‘sit’ (and naming your dog Kit). In addition, starting their name with a sharp consonant(s) such as ‘s’, ‘ch’, or ‘k’ and ending their name with a short vowel sound ‘a’ or ‘e’, will help in getting their attention.

Still stumped on what to name your dog? Try picking a name from a favorite TV show, movie or a favorite book. Pick out a spice from your spice rack. Cinnamon or Clover is a lovely name for a female dog. Have a favorite sport? How about the name, Reebok for your dog?

You can even choose one of the best female dog names based on your favorite type of food or a favorite snack. The name Oreo is adorable, especially if your dog has a black and white coat. If the dog is tan, Melba is another cute name. Or how about a dog that comes running in response to the name, Snickers?

Make it a family affair

Make it a family affairGet the rest of the family involved in naming the dog. If the family is allowed to put in suggestions for the dog’s name, they are able to feel more invested in the process and ownership of the dog. Plus it’s a whole lot of fun to pick out a name for the family dog!

They may see features or personality traits in the dog that you don’t see or haven’t observed yet. Having the family participate in the naming of the dog also ensures that everyone will use the same name when calling her. Dog’s really need consistency when communicating commands and especially when calling her name.

There are also name lists and internet tools out there that can help you in picking out a name. The website, My Dog’s Name requires certain criteria to be entered in to their database including the gender of the dog, personality traits, and name themes in order to choose a name that fits.

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After you've chosen a name for a female dog

After you've chosen a name

Once you decide on what you want to name your dog, try it out on her for a few days and see how she responds. This is the early part of her training, so whenever she responds to her name be sure to reward her with positive reinforcement – a treat or praise. This will be a good time for you to test the name you have chosen for her as well to see if you like using it.

It should be a name that is comfortable and rolls off the tongue without too much effort. If it doesn’t work, you can always change it. But don’t let it go too long before you change it, otherwise your dog is liable to get used to the undesirable name. Then she won’t respond to anything else when you try to change it!

No matter which one of the best female dog names you choose, make sure you put a lot of thought and consideration into it. It is the name she will be living with for the rest of her life – it will be the name you call her by for the rest of her life. It will be a window into her personality and temperament. Plus, it is the most important identifying mark of being part of and cherished by a loving family.

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James has been a certified veterinary technician for the last 8 years in Birmingham, UK. After working with many dogs, he's changed his focus to writing, building businesses and researching subjects on canines and products created for dogs.