UPDATE: This product is no longer available. I highly recommend you check out other popular dog grooming wipes instead, which I have done reviews on in the past!

What would you do if your dog had some smears of mud on his face? Would you give him a bath? Of course not!

You'd probably get a paper towel, wet it down, and then clean his face with it.

But what if he rubbed his face on your couch or carpet before you could get back to clean him up?

Having dog grooming wipes, like Amigo dog wipes, on hand would be a big help in this situation.

Dog grooming wipes aren't a big expense, and they're helpful to have on hand when your dog just needs a quick cleanup.

You can use them to clean dirty faces or muddy paws, much like you would use baby wipes to clean up a messy child.

Amigo dog wipesWipes like these aren't a must-have for pet owners, but they are convenient and beneficial to take while hiking, traveling, or going on any adventure with your dog. Keep in mind that Amigo dog wipes and all other similar products are not a substitute for traditional baths.

If your dog gets into something stinky or has fun playing in the mud, he's still going to need a traditional bath.

In fact, all pet owners should follow an appropriate schedule for bathing and other grooming tasks.

For some breeds, weekly or monthly baths are necessary, while others may only need a bath a few times each year.

Amigo Dog Wipes Cleansing Towels Review

Amigo Dog WipesThese wipes are larger than many similar products, and they're designed to be more durable than other dog grooming wipes as well.

This is what initially attracted me to the Amigo dog wipes in the first place.

I love the convenience of having dog grooming wipes on hand, but I hate that many of them rip easily when I'm trying to clean my dog's paws.

Amigo Dog WipesAmigo dog wipes are extra thick and 8″ X 8″ in size. They're made to clean tough messes, like sticky sap or caked-on mud. The large size and durability make these wipes ideal for cleaning dirty dog paws, which is what I usually use them for.

If the wipes were made with natural ingredients, I'm sure they would note that on the packaging.

Not to mention, they'd probably list the ingredients so pet owners could see that the product is natural.

Amigo dog wipes also have a pleasant odor, so I know they include more than just water to moisten the towelettes.

As you will see in my video review, these wipes do clean really well.

They remove shed hair, dirt, and debris with just some gentle wiping.

Since they are thick, you can also use them to scrub off tough, sticky messes or larger messes, like mud.

Sadly, I was very disappointed when I tried to find the full list of ingredients used in these wipes. The company doesn’t list the ingredients on the packaging, and I couldn't find them on any website that sells Amigo dog wipes.

Not listing the ingredients on the packaging or online is a big drawback for me!

The company does say that they make Amigo dog wipes with vitamin A & aloe vera to help moisturize your dog's skin and coat.

I've been using these dog wipes with our dogs for quite a while, and I can say that they definitely leave the coat shiny and clean.

They don't leave a residue, and I do believe that they help to keep the fur moisturized (especially in the dry, cold winter air that we have in Maine).

You can probably buy small packages (like the one featured in this review) at your local pet store.

If you choose to order them online, you can buy 42 wipes on Amazon for $7.16 (at the time of this review.

They come in small packages, like the one I feature, that only hold 7 wipes.

I actually enjoy these smaller packages because they're easy to stick in your purse, carry with you on a walk, or bring with you while hiking.

If you order these on Amazon, you'll receive 6 packages that contain 7 wipes each (for a total of 42 wipes).

READ NEXT: How To Groom A Dog – All-in-One Guide for Beginners

Samantha’s biggest passion in life is spending time with her Boxer dogs. After she rescued her first Boxer in 2004, Samantha fell in love with the breed and has continued to rescue three other Boxers since then. She enjoys hiking and swimming with her Boxers, Maddie and Chloe.