“From Rags to Riches” - Watch the Unbelievable Transformation of an Abused Dog
Photo: Facebook/TrioAnimalFoundation
A dog showed up at the pound in deplorable condition, and her physical transformation is unbelievable.

On September 27th, a dog named Holland was dumped at an open access shelter in Chicago.

Shelter workers took one look at her and knew she was in dire and immediate need of a rescue. So they called one of the best dog rescues in Chicago – Trio Animal Foundation (TAF).

A Difficult Case

TAF is well reputed in Chicago for taking in homeless dogs who need a miracle and have no chance at life, and giving them all they need to be able to get a second chance. This often includes costly surgeries, expensive rehabilitation, and emotional therapy support.

Holland was the perfect candidate for TAF. Her physical condition made her almost unrecognizable as a dog. TAF posted her story on their Facebook page.

“From Rags to Riches” - Watch the Unbelievable Transformation of an Abused Dog
Photo: Facebook/TrioAnimalFoundation

She was encased in mounds and mounds of matted fur, and even had what appeared to be feces stuck to her poor little face. Her face smelled very badly, and she even rubbed at it incessantly because her skin was so irritated.

“From Rags to Riches” - Watch the Unbelievable Transformation of an Abused Dog
Photo: Facebook/TrioAnimalFoundation

Holland’s ears, which should have measured about 2 inches based on her breed, actually measured over 6 inches because of all the matted fur.

“From Rags to Riches” - Watch the Unbelievable Transformation of an Abused Dog
Photo: Facebook/TrioAnimalFoundation

The matted fur on Holland’s legs was 3 inches thick. This is unheard of.

“From Rags to Riches” - Watch the Unbelievable Transformation of an Abused Dog
Photo: Facebook/TrioAnimalFoundation

When TAF first went to work on her, they attempted to do some basic mat removal. But the grooming scissors they used could only cut through the tiniest bit of her massively thick fur.

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After a while, Holland demonstrated that she was stressed and in pain. She was beyond scissors at this point.

“From Rags to Riches” - Watch the Unbelievable Transformation of an Abused Dog
Photo: Facebook/TrioAnimalFoundation

So the decision was made to sedate her instead, because that’s the only way they were going to remove Holland’s fur without traumatizing her.

A Difficult Road to Recovery

Miraculously, it was discovered upon examination that Holland suffered no major health issues besides skin trauma.

But the skin trauma was intense. Holland was covered in cuts and bruises (an effect that heavy matting can have because of the weight and the tug on the skin). In some places, the poor baby’s skin actually started tearing open because her skin was physically unable to perform cell turnover and gain proper circulation.

And due to the severe change in her weight and shape, Holland couldn’t even walk properly at first. She was in so much pain.

“From Rags to Riches” - Watch the Unbelievable Transformation of an Abused Dog
Photo: Facebook/TrioAnimalFoundation

But she looked beautiful!

“From Rags to Riches” - Watch the Unbelievable Transformation of an Abused Dog
Photo: Facebook/TrioAnimalFoundation

So doctors started her on rounds of antibiotics to treat and prevent skin infections, and rounds of painkillers to help her heal comfortably.

On to Sunnier Days

With her darkest days behind her, Holland was now ready to start her new journey into a happier existence.

Her emotional state was not very good. She hadn’t had much exposure to human contact or socialization, due to having been confined and neglected. TAF went to work helping her heal this aspect of her trauma.

TAF has a therapy dog, Miller, a Doberman who helps their rescue dogs feel comfortable and at ease while they start their transitions into normal lives.

“From Rags to Riches” - Watch the Unbelievable Transformation of an Abused Dog
Photo: Facebook/TrioAnimalFoundation

Miller was what it took to get Holland to finally feel okay enough to smile.

“From Rags to Riches” - Watch the Unbelievable Transformation of an Abused Dog
Photo: Facebook/TrioAnimalFoundation

And then she couldn’t stop smiling!

“From Rags to Riches” - Watch the Unbelievable Transformation of an Abused Dog
Photo: Facebook/TrioAnimalFoundation

Holland went through weeks of medical treatments and emotional rehabilitation. Now, she was ready for the ultimate step toward her new lease on life – getting a new home.

It wasn’t difficult. As soon as Holland met the couple who came in to adopt her, she instantly loved them and bonded with them. The decision was easy – the smile on her face (and theirs) said it all – this was love at first sight!

“From Rags to Riches” - Watch the Unbelievable Transformation of an Abused Dog
Photo: Facebook/TrioAnimalFoundation

Now Holland is going to live an incredible life, full of love, cuddles, comfort, and endless care.

From wretched destitution to beautiful and free, Holland's transformation was only made possible by the love and devotion of Trio Animal Foundation.

“From Rags to Riches” - Watch the Unbelievable Transformation of an Abused Dog
Photo: Facebook/TrioAnimalFoundation

To see more heart-warming tales and photos of TAF transformations, visit their website.

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Cody has worked and volunteered with rescue animals her entire life. She worked as a veterinary assistant and technician in shelters, rescues, boarding facilities, doggy daycares and animal hospitals in New York and Chicago throughout her teens and twenties, and now resides as a pet foster mom in Upstate New York.