Home Top Lists Dog Names Starting With F

Dog Names Starting With F

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Looking for a dog name is not as easy a task as you think. But if you're looking for dog names starting with F, we've got your back!

Naming pets can represent their personality, breed, or appearance.

Sometimes, pet owners prefer naming them to significant events, such as how they met them or when they were born.

In my case, we named our Belgian Malinois after our grandma's favorite singer, “Shawie,” and I called my cat “Junior” since he looked a lot like his parents.”

Moreover, some pet owners prefer naming their dogs after their personalities, such as their favorite movies, TV shows, anime, and more.

Now, if you're having a hard time choosing a name for your new pet, let me lend a hand.

Choose one that offers accessibility and familiarity. Think of something easy to remember and easy to pronounce.

Below, we've compiled a list of the best dog names starting with F.


Best Dog Names

Female Dog Names

Male Dog Names

Cute Dog Names

Cool Dog Names

Funny Dog Names

Without further ado, let's get on with it!

cute jindo puppy utility dog breed

Best Dog Names Starting With F

The problem with choosing a pet name is that there are too many names to choose from. Here are a few well-known and timeless dog names starting with F.

If you're looking for a dog name that has been proven and tested for the long run, you better scroll down!

  • Frank
  • Faith
  • Frankie/Franky
  • Flash
  • Fanny
  • Fang
  • Fiffy
  • Fio
  • Fido
  • Fluffy
  • Floppy
  • Foster
  • Freya
  • Freddy
  • Fuzz
  • Felicity
  • Fury
  • Funk
  • Foxy
  • Flower
  • Finley
  • Fara

Female Dog Names That Start With F

Are you looking for a name for your new female dog? Here are a few to consider that are particularly feminine names.

You don't have to choose a feminine name if you don't want to. Naming a dog is all but a preference.

But if your pet is somewhat of a Princess in your house, here's a list of feminine dog names starting with F to name your beautiful puppy.

  • Fara
  • Faustina
  • Fabi
  • Farah
  • Fiona
  • Feni
  • Fiza
  • Fila
  • Fifi
  • Frisa
  • Fresca
  • Francesca
  • Felis
  • Fera
  • Fidela
  • Farga
  • Fergie
  • Fantasia
  • Fleur
  • Fortuna
  • Face
  • Frosty
  • Furry
  • Fusa
  • Faye
  • Felicia
  • Freda
  • Folly
  • Ferno

Dog Names Starting with F

Male Dog Names That Start With F

If you're looking for a more masculine type of name for your dogs, we got male dog names that start with F.

The dog names starting with F below are a few of the most commonly used for boys.

  • Frank
  • Figo
  • Fin
  • Floyd
  • Flynn
  • Frederick
  • Fredrickson
  • Ford
  • Forest
  • Fox
  • Frost
  • Flint
  • Florentino
  • Franklin
  • Frodo
  • Finch
  • Fynch
  • Furball
  • Flitz
  • Fred
  • Fidel
  • Fando
  • Flock
  • Farell
  • Flip
  • Farro
  • Fango

Cute Dog Names That Start With F

Have you recently adopted a cute little puppy? Or maybe you prefer calling them something on the sweeter side?

If you're looking for cute dog names that start with F, here are a few examples!

  • Fae
  • Fable
  • Fairy
  • Flo
  • Flow
  • Flora
  • Feather
  • Floss
  • Fella
  • Fico
  • Flan
  • Fargus
  • Farley
  • Flick
  • Florina
  • Flipo
  • Flummi
  • Floriño
  • Finesse
  • Fia
  • Fisher
  • Fish
  • Flakes
  • Fuller
  • Foz
  • Filly
  • Fita
  • Flounder

Cool Dog Names Starting with F

Cool Dog Names That Start With F

Now, if you own a cool-looking dog like Great Dane, German Shepherd, or Rottweiler, they deserve a cool and unique name.

Check out these cool and special dog names starting with F.

  • Falcon
  • Frieza
  • Finn
  • France
  • Fly
  • Fawn
  • Frisbee
  • Fog
  • Fade
  • Flex
  • Fire
  • French
  • Fluke
  • Ferret
  • Feather
  • Fangtooth
  • Free
  • Figaro
  • Fiddler
  • Flowerhorn
  • Flamingo
  • Flicker
  • Ferrari
  • Ferrara
  • Flare
  • Frozen
  • Fedor
  • Fantasy

Funny Dog Names That Start With F

Dogs can sometimes be a comedian. They love making people laugh.

Dogs have amazing characteristics which humans feel naturally amused by.

We don't even have to dress them up as clowns or fancy clothes for them to make us smile or laugh.

It's the little funny things they do. Those quirky characteristics make them so charming and funny with it.

And with all that being said, here are some funny dog names that start with F.

  • Fudge
  • Frog
  • Fall
  • Fifty
  • Furman
  • Funny
  • Fontana
  • Felicks
  • Felix
  • Flabs
  • Field
  • Flea
  • Frisco
  • Furlot
  • Founder
  • Finder
  • Fabio
  • Fruity
  • Furdinand
  • Fonzie
  • Fotis

German Shepherd Dog

How to Pick the Perfect Name for Your Pup

Naming someone is also a huge deal. A pet's name can say a lot about their pet owners.

As you can see from the list above, those are popular dog names that reflect everything under the sun.

It can be from heritage, sports, fictional characters from favorite movies or shows, and celebrities.

Picking a name for your next best friend is a hard process. It would be best to have plenty of time to think, and there are hundreds of names to choose from.

If you’re looking for tips for naming your dog, we're still here to help you out.

Here's a quick step-by-step guide to help you choose a great name for your cute dogs.

Let's get started!

Keep it short and simple

When choosing a dog's name, it's best to make it short and simple.

Why? Because it's easier for them to recognize and remember the cue each time you call them.

According to Dr. Christopher Pachel, a veterinary behaviorist, “short” and “choppy” names get them to respond faster than “long, slow, soothing tones.”

Avoid Names That Sound Like Commands

When deciding on a dog's name, avoid names that sound like commands, such as “sit” or “stay,” to prevent confusion with their training.

Your dog might get confused about whether you are calling them or demanding them to act a specific way.

Consider your dog's characteristics

A dog's name can also come from the dog itself! It can be about their breed, height, size, personality, physical characteristics, and more!

These traits can help you choose a name that perfectly describes your dog.

If your dog is a bit bouncy all the time, consider calling him Jumpy. If your pup loves to take naps all day, call him Sleepy.

But you can also be humorous about it. For instance, my cousin has a HUGE Labrador Retriever named “Tiny.”

Ask for help from family and friends

If you're really struggling with choosing a name, you can always reach out to family members or even friends.

This can be a great bonding session for your family. Brainstorm potential dog names over great food or drinks.

You can also make a game out of it. For example, each family member gets to present one name, and whoever comes up with the best one gets to have a prize.

Avoid Changing Your Dog’s Name

Imagine if your mom changes your name frequently. Well, that's quite confusing and annoying at the same time.

Even though changing your dog's name is okay, it is still not advisable to change it over and over again.

If you've adopted an adult dog from the shelter and want to change its name, you can do so. But please change it to something that sounds similar to their old name.

For instance, if their old name is Fin, change it to Flynn.

two cute chihuahua white smooth coat and black & white long haired chihuahua

Dog Names Starting With F: Summary

Choosing a dog name might be hard, but it's fulfilling once we finally see our new puppies.

A name can give your dog an identity. It will be part of their uniqueness.

Choosing a name for your new pup is an intimate process, as it shows the beginning of your bond.

See how their tail wags as they happily greet you once you call your name. Sometimes, even those little things can take away our stress.

There are plenty of ways to name your pup.

Firstly, you can consider your dog's characteristics, such as its appearance, breed, temperament, or what they love doing.

You can also choose a unique name from your personal hobbies or interests.

Do you like superheroes? Try naming your pup Flash or Falcon.

Maybe some anime-inspired names, such as Frieza, Frost, Fritz, or Franky.

There are plenty of dog names starting with F!

If you love movies, go with Forrest, Fred, or Frodo.

But remember to avoid names that sound like commands and avoid changing their names repeatedly.

The main goal is to let them get familiar with their name as soon as possible so that you can begin training them.


Toby loves spending time with his dog and two cats. They are the best stress reliever and affectionate pets, especially his Belgian Malinois, Shawie. Shawie's favorite activity is running or jogging. But their go-to spot is to chill and swim around a nearby river.