borzoi dog breed profile - featured image

Are you looking for an athletic dog to accompany you on adventurous hikes?

Do you want an affectionate and loyal furry buddy who enjoys cuddle sessions but is also highly independent?

Then, allow us to introduce you to the world of the Borzoi dog breed.

These intelligent and trainable dogs have an interesting history that fascinates their owners. They started as hunters for the aristocracy.

Nowadays, dog enthusiasts love them for their energetic and dignified temperament. But that does not mean that Borzois are for everyone.

We recommend learning more about their personality to determine if they would be an appropriate choice for you.

So, whether you want to adopt a gentle Borzoi or look forward to understanding their nature, here is an effective place to start.

We have compiled everything you need to know about these quiet creatures that will soon learn to be your best friends.

So, without further ado, let us get started!

Borzoi Dog Breed: Overview

Height and Weight

Borzois may grow to be around 26 to 28 inches, depending on gender. Their weight may range between 60 to 105 pounds.

That makes them elegant and huggable large-sized dogs that will be a pleasure to hold and hug.

Borzoi Dog Breed Profile


Borzois have silky and luxurious coats with long hair that flows as they move with great agility.

The texture may vary from straight to wavy and even curly.

They have a diverse color range, including black, brindle, cream, gold, red, sable, and white.


Borzois are known for their long and muscular build. This makes them seem like grand royals relative to other breeds.

These chasers (and sometimes hunters) dogs have long ears that enable them to detect their prey from a distance.

Their narrow feet have well-arched pads that increase their graceful and swift movements.

A match if you’re an adventure enthusiast who wants a fast and free-spirited dog as a companion!

How To Care for Borzoi Dog Breed


In the past, Borzois were bred and kept for hunting. Though their purposes have evolved, their need for physical and mental stimulation hasn’t diminished.

So, they require a minimum of 30 minutes of playtime or exercise to relieve some of that energy.

We recommend a good game of fetch or run to bond with your athletic buddy for optimum health.


Borzois are sensitive and affectionate. But they’re also known to be independent and stubborn.

How well they respond to training depends on their age. The younger ones may be more adaptable than their old counterparts.

But one thing is sure—with Borzois, rewarding behavior in the form of treats, praise, and affection goes a long way.

They don’t respond well to harsh treatments. Just be clear on your stance and appreciate them when they listen to instructions.

This will work on every Borzoi and tune their nurture as required.


Borzois have a long coat that requires brushing twice weekly to keep them free of tangles and mats.

You may need to do so more frequently during shedding season as they may begin to lose more hair.

You must also trim their nails regularly to keep them from becoming overgrown.

Borzois are low maintenance, and bathing them once a month will be sufficient for most.

Remember: Following these tips may seem like a chore, but they’re only going to ensure the optimum hygiene and health for your furry best friend.

Diet and Nutrition

The Borzoi is a big animal and requires a protein-rich diet for growth and development.

These include meals mixed with chicken, fish, and lamb to sustain a healthy body weight.

A balanced blend of minerals, vitamins, fats, and carbohydrates is also essential.

Keep in mind that Borzoi is prone to weight-gain issues. So you must divide their food intake throughout different times of the day to keep them well-fed and nourished.

You can even try homemade recipes specifically curated for large-sized animals for optimum health.

borzoi dog close up

Borzoi History and Why Are They So Rare?

Did you know that Borzois were bred in Russia during the 1600s for hunting purposes?

This athletic breed worked in teams and was a hunting tool for pinning down rabbits and even wolves!

They would attack from different positions and hold the animals down until the huntsmen arrived.

Their efficient speed and strategic predatory instincts soon made them quite famous amongst the Russian aristocracy.

They were rarely let out of Russia to preserve their noble heritage.

But that is when things went downhill. As the Russian revolution started in the early 1900s, the majestic and dignified Borzoi soon shifted from being swift hunters to easy prey.

The association with the aristocracy that had always treasured them soon led to their demise.

While they may have become endangered during that time, steps have been taken to increase the quality and quantity of this intelligent and independent breed.

Are Borzoi Good Family Dogs?

Borzois are sensitive, protective, and independent, which makes them great family dogs.

They are self-confident and do not require excessive attention from their owners.

They can even be left alone for 4-6 hours. But that won’t be a big deal if you’re a family with adults and there’s someone at home taking care of their needs.

Borzois will be a decent choice for your teenagers. They’ll provide an opportunity to socialize and make conversations with other dog enthusiasts.

This can also help foster leadership skills as they train their loyal dog to behave in socially appropriate ways.

But things do get slightly tricky with babies. Why? Well, Borzois are large-sized dogs that love chasing small animals and objects.

Leaving him unattended with your child may be unsafe for both of them.

Even your toddler’s tendency to hug the dog may come off as a threat if the Borzoi hasn’t undergone appropriate social training.

So, are Borzoi good family dogs? Yes, and no.

No Borzoi is the same. It all depends on factors such as:


1. The Age and Maturity of the Family Members

They are generally not recommended for families with young children.

This is because children are naturally curious. They may go around poking and provoking the dog’s predatory instincts.

2. The Age of the Borzoi You Are Adopting

Getting a puppy Borzoi and training them to socialize well with your children is preferable over getting an older one.

This is because the latter may be less adaptable, and it will take a while before they get the hang of your instructions.

3. Borzoi’s Level of Social Exposure

Borzois, which had more social exposure as puppies, are likely to be more friendly and less jealous than their counterparts.

This is because of reduced fear and shyness. They will not feel threatened since the family environment is not new for them.

How Much Do Borzoi Shed?

Borzois have a medium-long coat that may range from silky or wavy/curly in texture. They have moderate shedding, which is normal for most fluffy coats.

We recommend brushing them twice per week for scalp stimulation and health. Use a pin brush and metal comb to free them of tangles and mats.

Are Borzoi Hypoallergenic?

No, Borzois are not hypoallergenic and may cause discomfort for people with allergies.

You may experience a runny nose or excessive coughing and sneezing near Borzois.

We do not recommend adopting a Borzois if that is the case with you or your family.

We recommend choosing from a range of mixed-breed hypoallergenic dog breeds. That will be good for your physical health.

borzoi off leash

Can Borzoi Be Off Leash?

For centuries, Borzois served their role in hunting animals such as hares, foxes, and wolves.

They used their fast speed and efficient predatory skills to pin wolves down. But while they may serve other purposes now, their instinctual need to chase and strike remains.

Keeping your athletic Borzoi on a leash while embarking on hikes or long walks is recommended.

This is because they are likely to run after any animal or moving object that catches their eye.

Borzois are notorious for not being receptive to their owner’s calls when their hunting instincts kick in. Their large size may also pose a danger to those around you.

But there are exceptions to this rule. You can keep a Borzoi off the leash if they tick off the following checklist:

1. They have a relatively gentler and obedient temperament.

As a rule, a dog’s temperament depends on two things: its nature and nurture. While the former refers to its genetic makeup, the latter is its upbringing.

While Borzoi is an active and predatory breed, it might be the offspring of relatively calmer parents.

This would predispose the dog to the same gentle and obedient demeanor.

But it is also worth noting that such instances are rare. You’d have to ask the breeder or the adoption agency to give an overview of the parent dog’s personality.

This will help you ascertain the kind of pup they will grow up to be.

2. They have been trained properly by a professional.

Conditioning plays a significant role in dog behavior. This means rewarding and discouraging accordingly to foster appropriate behavior.

If you want to let your Borzoi off the leash, you’d have to discourage their random bursts of chasing and hunting from the very start.

This means starting early when they are still adorable puppies.

But there’s only so much you can do to diminish a dog’s instincts. Borzois are hunters, and that will always be their natural predisposition.

While you can reduce it, it will never be truly removed.

3. They have a strong grasp of recall training.

Recall training is the dog’s response to you calling its name.

So, suppose you yell its name and your dog comes rushing to your service. That is recall training at play.

Now, how does that apply here? Well, when you’re out on a walk and a kitten catches Borzoi's eye, they’ll want to go chasing after it.

If you call after them, and they have a grasp on recall training, they’ll be back in a minute.

They won't excessively chase after animals the same way. In other words, their chaser tendency will be relatively reduced.

This means you can unleash them while you’re on your hike.

4. They can have a GPS tracker dog collar.

So, you have decided to keep your dog off-leash. Now, it’s time to invest in an effective and high-quality GPS tracker dog collar.

“But why is that important?” you may be wondering. Well, it’s always better to be safe even if you think your Borzoi will stay near you.

So, even if they chased after something or even went missing, you wouldn’t have to worry about losing them forever.

Their live location will always be available in the palm of your hand- that is, your phone.

It will also help you let loose a little while they are off the leash, knowing you can always find them no matter how far they stray.

borzoi dog outdoor

Borzoi Dog Lifespan and Health Issues

Borzoi dogs generally have a life expectancy of around 9-14 years. They are healthy dogs that rarely get sick.

But that does not mean they’re not predisposed to genetic health issues inherited from their parents.

“But what are some potential health conditions I should beware of?” you may be wondering.

Well, here goes a general list of diseases prevalent among the Borzoi dog breed:

  • Wobbler syndrome
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Eye problems (mainly cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy)
  • Heart disease
  • Gastric dilation volvulus (commonly referred to as bloat)

Talking to your breeder about potential concerns from the start is crucial.

Any breeder who tells you that a Borzoi is 100 percent healthy is likely deceptive and untrustworthy.

A reliable breeder will disclose all information in compliance with ethical standards.

Borzoi Dog Breed: Summary

Borzois are a majestic and regal breed that loves playtime and adventures.

So, if you’re similar in temperament, these beautiful dogs will assist you through each one of your treks.

They’re affectionate, loyal, and with proper socialization, one of the most devoted dogs you’ll find.

But it’s also important to remember that they still harbor the predatory instincts they were bred for.

Keep them on the leash if there’s a chance of their instincts overpowering their social conditioning.

Be prepared to give them plenty of physical and mental stimulation. Go on long walks and have loads of playtime. Enjoy!

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Chin has been working as a writer for more than a decade in various niches and now she's finally living the dream of writing something she's passionate about—dogs!