Home Dog Health Home Remedies for Tooth Infection in Dogs

Home Remedies for Tooth Infection in Dogs

Providing proper dental care is essential to raising a healthy pet. Like humans, a dog's mouth is full of bacteria. If you don't brush your dog's teeth regularly, tartar and plaque can build up on the teeth and lead to an infection. These home remedies for tooth infection in dogs can be used to help ease the symptoms until you can be seen by your veterinarian.

A survey of veterinarians reported that approximately 85% of dogs over the age of four suffer from some form of periodontal disease. That staggering statistic could be drastically reduced if pet owners had better education about dental hygiene for their pets.

Consulting your veterinarian is the first step in providing proper dental care for your dog. They can show you how to brush your dog's teeth, recommend teeth cleaning products to use in between brushing and give your pet an examination to discuss any complications Fido may already be facing due to lack of dental care thus far.

Another study shows that 82 percent of dogs between the ages of six and eight and 96 percent of dogs beyond 12 years old suffer from periodontitis. Most dogs develop some form of dental problem by the time they are three years old because of a lack of dental cleanings and checkups, which their owners should have initiated.

If your dog is suffering with a tooth infection, it is likely due to neglected dental hygiene. You can use these home remedies for tooth infection in dogs to help ease the symptoms associated with the condition. However, there are no effective home remedies that will cure a tooth infection in dogs.

Home Remedies for Tooth Infection in Dogs

Home Remedies for Tooth Infection in DogsI cannot state strongly enough that you MUST seek veterinary care to treat and cure your dog's tooth infection. The only way to completely get rid of the infection is via antibiotics or dental surgery.

If you can't get in to see your veterinarian right away, you can use home remedies to help soothe the pain and discomfort as well as prevent the symptoms from getting worse. Either way, it's important that you consult your veterinarian and ask their advice on how to proceed.

One of the most common reasons for a tooth infection is an abscess. An abscess is an enclosed pocket of infection that occurs when bacteria makes its way into the root of the tooth.

Did you know that dogs instinctually hide their pain? In nature, dogs that show weakness or pain are the first to be attacked by prey or left behind by the rest of the pack. That means that your dog will probably hide the signs that his mouth hurts as best he can.

Subtle signs of a tooth infection in dogs include:

  • not wanting to eat hard kibble or treats
  • not chewing toys
  • especially bad breath
  • excessive drooling

If you notice any swelling of the face, that is an advanced sign of infection and you need to call your veterinarian for guidance IMMEDIATELY!

dog teethAs previously stated, these home remedies will not cure your dog's tooth infection. To completely cure the problem, your veterinarian will likely recommend pulling the tooth because that's the cheapest and easiest option. A root canal could solve the problem, but that is usually only done if the owner really wants to save the tooth, as it's more invasive and much more expensive.

If your veterinarian gives you the okay to try a home remedy to help with the symptoms of the infection, a salt water solution is usually the best option. You'll just rinse the infected area with a salt water solution in a syringe every 2-3 hours. The solution can be made my dissolving 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 cup of warm of water.

You can also try rubbing coconut oil on the infected area. Coconut oil has natural antibacterial properties. It also works to soothe the infected area and reduce swelling. The oil is 100% safe for dog's to ingest, but you should try to keep your dog still for at least 15 minutes after applying the oil to the affected area.

Your dog will likely try to scratch the area or rub his face on flooring and furniture to soothe the discomfort. You need to prevent your dog from irritating the area. Sit with him or use a protective cone if need be.

warm compress can also be used to help soothe the abscess/infected tooth. Use warm water and a clean cloth to make the compress. Apply the heated compress to the area 5-10 times per day. This will help to bring blood to the area and aid in the healing process.

Applying a warm compress may cause drainage of the abscess, which isn't anything to worry about. Wipe away any discharge and flush with the saline solution mentioned above until it stops draining.

Remember that these home remedies for dog tooth infection are not cures. You still need to consult your veterinarian and schedule a time for your dog to get into the office and be examined. It's likely that your pup will need to have the tooth removed, so you should be prepared for that outcome.

READ NEXT: 11 Science-Based Dog Teeth Care Tips

Samantha’s biggest passion in life is spending time with her Boxer dogs. After she rescued her first Boxer in 2004, Samantha fell in love with the breed and has continued to rescue three other Boxers since then. She enjoys hiking and swimming with her Boxers, Maddie and Chloe.