Rehoming your dog is a difficult task. If you truly love your pet, this decision is a tough one. But that could also mean that this is the best option for both you and the dog.

Our dogs are a big part of our lives. If you're planning on rehoming your dog, it means that you care greatly for them.

But let's not be overhasty, ask yourself “I need to rehome my dog?” or are there any other ways that I can keep my pup with me?

You might be feeling guilty about what you're going to do. But if you truly believe that it's what's most suitable for your dog, by all means, do it.

Why do Pet Owners Rehome Their Dogs?

There are multiple reasons to re-home your pet. Circumstances like an illness, injury, loss of a job, moving to a location where animals are not allowed.

A study in 2010 says that in 12 animal shelters across the U.S., the main cause of rehoming pets is behavioral reasons.

Financial Difficulties

Health issues that the owner can't afford or manage are a common reason for rehoming a dog.

Sometimes the family can be in a rough patch and can be experiencing financial difficulties. Taking care of a dog is not a cheap task.

Even dog foods in some cases can be overwhelming. In some cases, dogs can get sick, and health care is pretty expensive.

New Apartment Doesn’t Allow Dogs

On rare occasions, the owner or the family needs to move due to rent increase or to move in closer for a new job or a relative.

Rehoming a dog often happens when a certain breed, size of the dog, or multiple pets are involved.

In certain dog breeds, even golden retrievers or labradors are excluded. But the most common dog breeds that they deny are Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, and Dobermans.

I know that's not fair, but in some cases, it's their reality to face.

Having a New Baby

When dog parents have a baby, it's a life-changing event that is filled with joy and celebration. But on the other hand, it's the opposite for the family dog.

Some pet parents don't feel like they will have the time to take care of their dog anymore once they have a newborn baby. Other dog owners are also afraid that the dog will not accept their baby and could even be aggressive towards the baby.

In addition, parents are also scared that a dog that's plenty of energy can sometimes harm or knock over their babies.

Sickness or Injury

Above, we've tackled where the financial state of the family can't take care of the dog's sickness or injury. But here, the pet owner is the one sick.

Life happens and everybody gets sick once in a while. But some injuries can take away a person's ability to take care of their dogs or pets.

Dog Aggression

Some dogs, even with our best efforts can be too aggressive to our home. This can become dangerous and a matter of security for family members.

If your dog suddenly exhibits signs of aggression, it can be caused by a bunch of things. It can be caused by fear, anxiety, or an illness that's giving them major discomfort.

Dog's Aggressive behavior can be towards other pet dogs, family members, and even the dog owner. Pet owners feel that rehoming their aggressive dogs would be best for their safety.

dog anxiety

Separation Anxiety

Dogs that have Separation Anxiety are being rehomed because their family can't fix it. But there are plenty of ways to help these kinds of dogs.

Treating your dog's separation anxiety is not an easy task but is a job that we should be willing to do if we truly love our pets. You can train your dog, give them toys to play with, or in severe cases, use drugs or supplements for anxiety.

Rehoming Your Dog Due to Behavior Issues

Other behavioral problems like fearfulness, housetraining problems, or escaping issues are also reasons why people are rehoming their pets.

Lazy or busy pet owners tend to just rehome their dogs when it comes to behavioral issues. Some owners don't have the time to train or re-train their dogs to some of these tasks.

dog aggression

Dog Mismatch Can Lead to Rehoming Your Dog

When it comes to this reason, it can be a mismatch between the owner or a mismatch with another pet dog.

Some dogs can have too much or not enough energy which can create an imbalance of chemistry at home.

For instance, a young Golden Retriever will have too much energy for owners that prefer to just chill and watch T.V. on the couch all day. Another example would be a Shih Tzu is a mismatch for an owner who likes outdoor activities.

rehoming your dog

Rehoming Your Dog Because a Family Member is Allergic to Dogs

In rare cases, some of our family members don't even know that they are allergic to dogs until they begin to live with one.

That's some bad luck and bad timing indeed. In another scenario, a new person can join the home and he or she is allergic to dogs.

How to Find a New Home for your Dog?

I know you love your dog. And after months of consideration and researching for alternatives, you've come to realize that the best thing for both of you is to find him a new home.

You don't just give away your dog. Thorough research is required to avoid people that just want dogs for the wrong purposes. We want our best friends to be rehomed in an appropriate and caring home.

In giving away your pup, you need to be honest about their personality, needs, age, health backgrounds, social behavior, or any behavioral problems.

You'll also need to be precise in giving your dog's temperament, routine, grooming, and exercises they need.

Animal Shelters, Breeders, or Rescue Groups Help Rehome Your Dog

I recommend reaching out or researching about your local rescue groups. Inquire about their policies regarding rehoming dogs or adopting dogs.

An extra benefit you can get for reaching out to rescue organizations is that they can also help you interview adoption candidates to make sure you can find the best home for your pup.

With you being there to speak to interested people, you'll be able to make sure that you're leaving your dogs in good hands. This can help put your mind at ease after the adoption process.

Rehoming Your Dog Yourself

In rehoming your dog yourself, look for a family member, close friend, or someone that you can fully trust that can give your pup the best life.

Speak with them and advertise your dog. Show them the pros of having a pet dog. But also thoroughly explain to them why have you decided to rehome your pet.

Additionally, you can create a Facebook or Instagram page for your pup. Or if you want a more old-school type of advertisement, you can always create posters to spread the word about what your pet needs.

Put in their name, recent photos, breed, personality, and of course, your contact number.

Surf the Web

In this day in age, we can get anything on the internet. There are now even websites dedicated to pet rehoming.

For starters, a well-credited website is GetYourPet. It connects pet parents to other people that want to adopt. You'll be able to speak to possible families that you feel to be a good fit for your pet.

In addition, another site that can help you locate animal shelters and local rescue groups is PetFinder. It has a large database of rescue organizations for different kinds of pets.

Rehoming Your Dog and Questions to Ask When Interviewing a Potential Candidate

  • What are your expectations of the pet?
  • Have you ever had a pet before?
  • How long have you had your current pet?
  • Are there any family members scared or allergic to dogs?
  • Are you planning on moving to a new home? Will the dog come?
  • Are your other pets' shots and vaccines recent? Are they spayed or neutered?
  • Do you own a house or do you rent?
  • Do you have a yard? Is it fenced?

If you've found the most suitable candidate, you'll be needing these forms and documents:

  • Valid Photo I.D.
  • Proof of residency
  • A lease agreement that says pets are allowed in their home
  • Documents showing the pet's updated shots and vaccines

After that, conduct your research to verify all the given information of the candidate.

The Transition of Rehoming Your Dog

The transition period is probably the hardest thing when it comes to rehoming your pet. When you're about to pass on pet supplies to the chosen candidate, try to get a remembrance that can remind you of your pet.

Giving them up is probably the most painful process. Try and hold on to their collar or their favorite toy, it can maybe help you get through lonely days.

If you're having a hard time making the transition, try to write a letter for your dog. I know they can't read, silly. But putting your emotions into the letter can be therapeutic.

After your pet's rehoming, try to keep yourself distracted as much as possible. Try to exercise, socialize, do your hobbies or try new ones.

Alternatives Instead of Rehoming

Yes! There are other possible methods for resolving issues before jumping the guns and starting rehoming your dogs.

We all know it's hard to let them go even if things become harder and harder due to lifestyle changes and other resolutions.

Below, are options to consider instead of finding them a new home.

Dog Daycare, Dog Walker, Dog Sitter

Dogs love attention and if you have a job that takes up a lot of your time in the day, hiring a dog walker or a dog sitter is a great help to keep them company.

Dogs that have high energy can benefit from being in dog daycare or doing walks and exercise with dog walkers.

Although, these methods can be costly. And some of these helpers can also provide an option where they'll be the ones to keep your pup.

But before that, it is important to make a background check for whoever you're hiring.

Family and Friends

If you're short on budget, you can ask family and friends to help out on some dog duties. Ask your most trusted friend to take your dog out once in a while is fine.

Even if you don't need help every day. Family and friends are a good alternative if you ever need any assistance on a short-term basis.

Research Apartments or Homes That Allow Pets

In finding a place to move, research houses and studio apartments that allow pets. As the owner, you have the responsibility to investigate these things.

Not all apartments don't allow dogs in their facilities. Check with realtors, friends, and even online. Research about pet-friendly places to live. So that your dog's home transition will not be difficult since YOU are their home.

Get Professional Help

Professional Training

Some dog issues can be treated through training. For instance, if your dog is having behavioral issues, you can get help from behavioral professionals.

Another example is when a dog needs to stop jumping on strangers or family members, a professional positive-reinforcement trainer can be the help your dog needs.

Veterinary Help

Just like humans, dogs can get sick too. And in some cases, it's too expensive for pet owners to handle.

Here, you can ask the vet if there are other payment options. Some vets have plans where you can pay monthly or over a set time.

You can also look into pet insurance to lessen the financial damage when your pets get sick.

Rehoming Pets Frequently Asked Questions 

Should I feel guilty for rehoming my dog?

As long as you did your absolute best to find other alternatives to not rehome your pets, you should not feel guilty about what you did.

Remember that this is not for you, this is what's best for your dog in the long run. You should take pride that you've taken every step of precaution to rehome your pup and not just leave them in an abandoned place.

Do dogs miss their owners when rehomed?

It's pretty usual for dogs to notice that the person they spend most of their lives with is no longer present. Of course, they'll miss you, you've been part of their daily lives.

They might not understand why you're not around anymore, but they for sure understand their emotional feelings.

How long does it take for a dog to adapt to new owners?

It all depends, some dogs take about an hour, a day, or even months. It is important to be patient in these situations.

It's also important to give him his own space and his own pace as he'll start to feel settled in his new home. Slow and steady wins the race.

Rehoming Your Dog Final Thoughts

Rehoming your dog or any of your pets has got to be one of the most painful or sad moments any person can go through.

It's not easy leaving your best friend for years. Trust me, I've been there. But remember that you're doing this for the betterment of your dog's life in the long run.

There can be a lot of reasons why you're rehoming your dog. It can be because of your or the dog's safety or financial issues. But firstly, you must ask yourself “do I need to rehome my dog?”.

Have you tried all the alternatives for them to stay with you? If yes, and there are no other routes you can think of, it would be best to rehome your dog.

In today's society, you can rehome your pet through animal shelters or rescue organizations, through family members, or by advertising it online.

If you've found a potential candidate to adopt your pup, it would be best to research or do a background check. It would also be helpful to interview to make sure that they'll be able to give your pup the best life.

After all that process, you've now chosen the right candidate, now comes the hardest part. The transition period.

But remember that you've done all the things to make sure that he could've stayed with you. Remember that this decision is what's best for your loved one. And you'll always remember them as the good pup they are.