Home Dog Supplies How to Wash a Dog Bed (That’s too Big for the Washing...

How to Wash a Dog Bed (That’s too Big for the Washing Machine)


og beds can be a pain to keep clean

Your dog's hair and dander will cling to his bedding, and dirt and debris from his coat and paws will cover the bed in no time. 

That's why every owner needs to know how to wash a dog bed, even if it's too large to fit in the washing machine.

Just like your own bed, you need to maintain the cleanliness of your pet's bedding. 

Whether he has a large orthopedic bed or just a few blankets in the corner, cleaning his bedding is a MUST.

A dirty bed can lead to a nasty odor and hygiene and health issues.

According to the International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene, you should wash your pet's bedding at least once per week. 

To some pet owners, this sounds like a lot of work. 

You should consider it when shopping for a dog bed, as some beds are easier to wash than others.

How to Wash a Dog Bed
(even if it's too big for the washing machine)

how to wash a dog bed

Learning how to wash a dog's bed isn't the only important part of keeping your dog's bedding clean. 

You should vacuum your pet's bed daily or at least every other day. 

This will keep the amount of hair, dander, and dirt to a minimum.

Vacuuming regularly is also one of the best ways to prevent a parasite outbreak. 

Fleas, ticks, worms, and other parasites can live in the environment for days. 

Regular vacuuming will help eliminate eggs, larvae, and parasites that fall off your dog.

The easiest dog bed to clean is one with a removable cover.

When shopping for a dog bed, choosing one with a removable, washable cover is best. 

This will prevent a lot of hassle down the road. When learning how to wash a dog bed, you can simply remove the cover and throw it in the washing machine.

how to wash a dog bed

When shopping for a dog bed, choosing one with a removable, washable cover is best. 

This will prevent a lot of hassle down the road. When learning how to wash a dog bed, you can simply remove the cover and throw it in the washing machine.

When washing a dog bed cover, put it in a separate load by itself. 

Follow the washing instructions exactly. If you cannot find the bed's tag instructions, look on the company's website.

It's also essential to use a pet-friendly washing detergent.

If Fido's bed does not have a removable cover, learning how to wash a dog bed could get tricky. 

If the bed is small enough, you should be able to put the entire thing in the washing machine.

If the mattress is too big for the washing machine, you'll need to wash it in your bathtub. 

If the weather permits, you could also wash it outdoors if you have the ability. 

Fill your bathtub halfway with the hottest water that you can stand, and add pet-friendly detergent and 1/4 cup of vinegar.

Vinegar is a very effective deodorizer. 

You may also need to use stain remover if your dog has soiled the bed. Submerge the bed in the water and scrub any filthy spots with a washcloth or sponge.

You can put bed covers in the dryer if the instructions say it's allowed. 

If you have to wash the entire bed, you'll want to allow it to air dry. 

Putting dog beds in the dryer can cause the stuffing to become lumpy and displaced.

How To Wash A Dog Bed: Summary

Try out this guide on how to wash a dog bed, and let us know how it works.

I know it's always great when I wash my dog's bed. 

However, I always clean the washer and dryer after washing my dog's blankets and bed.

I recommend throwing a few Swiffer mats in the dryer to grab all dog hair.

Otherwise, the dog hair gets all over our next batch of clothes.

READ NEXT: How To Get Pet Stains Out of Carpet and Furniture

Samantha’s biggest passion in life is spending time with her Boxer dogs. After she rescued her first Boxer in 2004, Samantha fell in love with the breed and has continued to rescue three other Boxers since then. She enjoys hiking and swimming with her Boxers, Maddie and Chloe.