Home Lifestyle 18 Signs You’re Definitely Obsessed With Your Dog

18 Signs You’re Definitely Obsessed With Your Dog

It's no secret that very few animals are as easy to fall in love with as dogs are. Because dogs are cute, friendly, adorable and loyal, it's hard for pet owners to ignore their unconditional love, so we can only reciprocate.

For some dog lovers, however, the passion for their dogs could go overboard (in a good way), so here are 18 signs that say you’re quite possibly obsessed with your dog.

1. You always talk to your dog

You always talk to your dog

You can't help but tell your dog about your day. You discuss problems with your pet like a therapist. Even if your dogs do not understand a word you say (or maybe they do?) it makes you feel good just to unload and confide in your furry best friends. When you’re not sharing feelings, you have small talks with your dog. It’s not unusual for you to ask how he likes his food, or if he’s bored and you’re just watching TV, you tell him about what’s happening.

2. You treat your dog like your baby

Your treat your dog like your baby

You spend a lot of money on doggy clothes, shoes, accessories, and toys for your pooch like you would provide for your child. Your dog has her own closet space in your room or a special corner with her name on the wall. She also has grooming stuff in your bathroom and a spot in your medicine cabinets for her itch creams, ear cleaner, and other pet medication.

3. You cannot sleep well without your dog

You cannot sleep well without your dog

That exhaling sound your pooch makes when he lies next to you on the bed? That's your sleeping pill. You sleep better next to your dog even if you have a partner who also keeps your bed warm. So, you invest in a bigger bed you can share together with your pup and significant other. Interestingly, you're not the only dog owner who feels this way. According to a study in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, dog lovers sleep 83 percent better if their dog is on the bed with them.

4. Your dog is in your family photos

Your dog is in your family photos

Your yearly Christmas family portraits are never complete without your dog. Spike might even have his solo shot, or he’s the star of your Christmas cards. You don't send out those cards without pointing out something about your dog, or when remembering about how the photo was taken, it's always about getting your dog into the picture.

5. Your dog's photo is on your work desk

Your dog's photo is on your work desk

You proudly display your dog's photo on your work desk, along with the rest of your family photos. Your pet's image is also your computer wallpaper and the background or theme on your mobile devices. You actually have over 200 pictures of your dog in each of these gadgets and you occasionally scan through them when you miss your pup.

6. Your dog has a social media account

Your dog has a social media account

Of course, if you keep that many photos of your dog then it makes sense to create her own social media account so you can share her latest shots with family, friends, and followers who should also appreciate how fun and cute your pup is. You might even reply as your dog in these accounts, attempting to imitate the dog's manner of speech.

7. Your dog has playdates

Your dog has playdates

You know that your dog needs to have other dog friends and a fully explored social life, so you happily arrange doggy play-dates with friends or even strangers who also have dogs. You make frequent playdates especially if your dog spends most of his time at home. A dog with well-formed social skills is less fearful of new things, people or events and that's important to you.

8. Your social life centers around your dog

Your social life centers around your dog

You hardly go to parties or events that don't allow dogs. You skip a Friday night out with friends because you don't want to leave your dog alone at home. Sometimes you do this out of principle because you believe dogs should be allowed everywhere since they're an inherent part of our lives. You'd rather spend a day alone with your pooch by the lake than go out with friends.

9. You hire the best dog sitter when you're away

You hire the best dog sitter if you really have to be away

If it's an important social event that you cannot turn down, you hire a dog sitter to look after your dog. If you have to be away for days for a business trip, you need to be assured that someone is looking after your furry friend, and you will obsess over finding the best possible dog sitter, comparing different dog boarding and pet sitting services until you find someone who you can almost trust.

10. You eagerly wait for updates from your dog sitter

You eagerly wait for updates from your dog sitter

It's never easy for you to be away from your pooch. You're on your vacation or business trip but now you keep checking your phone all the time for any message from your dog sitter in case something happens or if the sitter needs to know something about what your pup needs. You may even give the sitter some unsolicited tips just in case. And you want photos, too!

11. You don't mind paying for weekly grooming

You don't mind paying for weekly grooming

You keep your pooch so neat, clean and well groomed and you've developed a great set of skills of DIY grooming at home. But still, every weekend your dog has an appointment at the salon for a shampoo service, nail trimming, ear cleaning, and dental care done by a professional. Grooming your pet at the salon is important to you because you associate it with his well-being.

12. Your clothes have dog hair and that’s okay

Your clothes have dog hair and that’s okay

You find dog hair on your clothes, your couch, and your bed. At first you probably tried different dog hair removers and other tools, but eventually you realized this is just part of both of your lives. This is a norm for you now and it's not a bother because you can easily clean off the hair with vacuum or a lint remover for a short period when necessary.

13. You celebrate your dog's birthday seriously

You celebrate your dog's birthday seriously

You prepare for your dog's birthday a few weeks ahead and you plan carefully what you can and want to do to surprise your pooch with yet another thing to do to cross of your dog's bucket list. You usually just invite family and close friends over, but on certain milestones, you go all out and have an elaborate dog party with a theme, doggy cake or dog ice cream and a loot bag to boot.

14. You call your dog by another (secret) name

You call your dog by another name

To everyone, he's Max but of course you found another “pet name” for your pet that only you will use. So you call your dog Booboo and a thousand other terms of endearment, and these are only shared between the two of you because you have a special relationship.

15. You let your dog lick kiss your face

You let your dog lick your face

Experts say that at least 500 types of bacteria live in your dog's mouth and about 10 percent of these bacterial species are bad for a human's immune system. Others might find these facts gross and scary, but you don't have any problems with your dog licking your face, especially since you know he's not actually that dirty.

16. You prefer dogs to children

18 Signs You're Definitely Obsessed With Your Dog

You plan for the future involves adopting more dogs than having children. You also prefer to carry your friends' dogs eagerly and shy away from having to hold their babies. When you're picking a new home to move to, your first concern is how dog-friendly it is rather than having a room for the kids.

17. You talk about your dog too much

You talk about your dog too much

There's never a day that goes where you don't talk not only to your dog but also about your dog to others. At work, to your friends, on social media, your pet's name always slips into the conversation. You have updates about everything your pooch does. He’s like a child to you so he’s the center of your life.

18. You have a secret look or non-verbal language

You have a secret look or non-verbal language

Your bond with your dog is so strong that not only you have a secret special name for your pup but you also share a secret language together. Maybe it's a look or a gesture, but your dog knows what you’re talking about when you show this non-verbal language, so he acts or behaves accordingly. Yet this same thing doesn't work when others do it.

The truth is true-blooded dog lovers will understand these obsessions and there’s no shame in celebrating your love for dogs this way. They deserve it for making our life happier and fuller after all.

READ NEXT: 12 Fun Ways to Bond with Your Dog

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18 Signs You’re Definitely Obsessed With Your Dog

Latasha Doyle is a writer, wife, and a fur mom living outside of Denver, CO. She has always been an animal lover and adopted her dogs, Clyde and Webster, in 2008. Latasha and her husband also have four cats for a complete and friendly family.