CBD and Dogs Infographic

In the US, most states have legalized CBD use fully or with some restrictions.

Only in four US states — Idaho, South Carolina, Kansas, and Wyoming — CBD remains fully illegal.

If you live in any state other than those three, you're allowed to purchase CBD products either for yourself or your dog.

Prompt legalization of CBD was motivated by an overwhelming number of studies over the last decade showing the safety and benefits of CBD for dogs and humans.

Today, more and more pet brands and companies are delving into manufacturing CBD dog treats, oil and liquids, pills, gel pens, and other CBD oils for dogs products.

However, while evidence shows how CBD can benefit canines and that it's generally safe, there are still many things we do not know.

What we do know is how to safely give CBD oil to dogs to calm them down, relieve pain and anxiety through proper CBD dosage for dogs to avoid side effects, and optimize its efficacy.

Below is what you should know about CBD and dogs and how to use them safely.

CBD and Dogs

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CBD and Dogs: What You Must Know

What Is CBD?

CBD stands for Cannabidiol (a cannabis compound). CBD oil is derived from the marijuana plant.

This plant and its oil have been studied for decades, and there's a lot of research showing its health benefits, with more promising studies currently on the way.

Most CBD research is independent and sponsored by the U.S. government, which means we are likely to get the most accurate and unbiased results about the safety, efficacy, and benefits of CBD oil for dogs, cats, other animals, and people.

What we know today is that CBD and dogs go together well, and it's safe for them. CBD can be given to dogs in the form of CBD pills, liquid CBD oil, or CBD dog treats.

There is no difference between these three, and it mostly depends on convenience and your dog's preference; however, it's possible that CBD oil for dogs may have better absorption rates.

CBD for Dogs

CBD Business in the U.S.

Both medical marijuana and CBD products are quickly growing in popularity.

A distinction between medicinal marijuana products and CBD oil products needs to be made.

What is often classified as “medical marijuana” is likely to contain the psychoactive compound THC (what gets people “high”), and these products are dangerous to dogs.

CBD oil, on the other hand, is not psychoactive, provides many health benefits, and is also completely safe for dogs.

Below are the numbers of past and predicted future growth of the CBD oil business in the United States.

CBD and dogs are one of the quicker-growing subsets of this business model, with CBD dog treats being the most popular product bought by pet owners.

Past Annual CBD Sales Growth in the U.S.

  • 2014 – $108,100,000
  • 2015 – $172,900,000
  • 2016 – $262,200,000
  • 2017 – $358,400,000

Predicted U.S. CBD Market Growth (Annual)

  • 2018 – $512,700,000
  • 2019 – $813,200,000
  • 2020 – $1,153,000,000
  • 2021 – $1,546,000,000

A Few Facts About CBD

  1. CBD oil is not psychoactive and will not get you or your pet “high.”
  2. All CBD products (CBD dog treats, liquid, pills) contain no THC
  3. CBD has been proven to have antibiotic and medicinal properties
  4. CBD and dogs are currently a very actively studied subset
  5. CBD dog treats, liquids, and pills are used and recommended by vets
  6. CBD and dogs go well together, and side effects are rare and mild
  7. CBD has been proven to have powerful antioxidant properties
  8. CBD dog treats, oils, pills are safe to use for extended periods
  9. CBD oil for dogs is very effective and even works in drug-resistant dogs
  10. CBD dog treats, liquids, and pills are legal to purchase in 44 U.S. states

How to Choose CBD Dog Products

CBD and dogs are a great pair, particularly for pets with specific health conditions.

Because of this, more companies are developing new types of CBD dog treats, liquids, pills, gel pens, and other products to take advantage of CBD oil's health benefits.

Make sure to pick only quality CBD products:

  • Always check CBD dog treats ingredient analysis label
  • Avoid additives and fillers; the fewer ingredients, the better
  • Generally, organic CBD dog treats or oils are better (contain no pesticides)
  • Pick high-quality and well-known brands of CBD dog treats
  • Ensure the CBD products actually have a large amount of CBD to have any effect

15 Ways How CBD Can Help Your Dog

Below is a list of 15 reasons why CBD and dogs go well together and how CBD dog treats, liquids, and pills can help pets with a variety of health problems.

All of these conditions have been studied in canines, mice, and humans to some extent.

You can find a list of studies and references at the end of this article and also read a more well-referenced science-based article on 25 Health Benefits of CBD for Dogs.

1. Epilepsy

Studies show that CBD can help dogs with epileptic seizures.

2. Nausea

CBD oil helps to stop vomiting and recovers the dog’s appetite.

3. Anxiety

New research demonstrated that CBD helps dogs with severe anxiety.

4. GI Problems

CBD provides relief from gas, bloating, and diarrhea in dogs.

5. Stress

Regular use of CBD in dogs relieves stress and prevents destructive behavior.

6. Neurodegenerative Diseases

CBD helps with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease.

7. Pain

Clinical trials show that CBD is very effective at relieving pain in dogs.

8. Inflammation

Using CBD oil was shown to reduce inflammation and associated pain.

9. Heart Disease

CBD is effective for controlling hypertension and related heart problems in dogs.

10. Mobility

Cannabis oil can be used to alleviate joint and back pain and restore mobility.

11. Tumors

Research shows that CBD can stop cancer cells from growing.

12. IBD

CBD is proven to help with inflammatory bowel disease in animals.

13. Autoimmune Diseases

Cannabinoids suppress TH17 dominance responsible for autoimmune diseases.

14. Cancer Symptoms

CBD can be used to alleviate many symptoms of cancer in dogs.

15. Cardiovascular Health

Studies observed CBD’s positive effects on blood vessels, arteries, heart rate, and blood pressure.

CBD for Dogs Dosage Guide

How to Give CBD to Dogs

As can be seen above, CBD and dogs are a good pair. Thus, there are more and more products being created using CBD oil for pets.

The three most popular types are CBD dog treats, CBD oil for dogs (liquid additive), and CBD pills for dogs (supplement). Here's how to give CBD to dogs and the safe dosage for each product type.

CBD Dog Pills Dosage

1st week 2nd week 3rd week+
¼ pill
Once a day
½ pill
Once a day
1 pill
Once a day


CBD Oil for Dogs Dosage

1st week 2nd week+
1 drop of CBD oil
per 10 lbs of dog’s body weight
Once a day
1 drop of CBD oil
per 10 lbs of dog’s body weight
Twice a day


CBD Dog Treats Dosage

1st week 2nd week 3rd week+
¼ treat/cookie
Once a day
½ treat/cookie
Once a day
1 treat/cookie
Once a day


Potential Side Effects of CBD for Dogs

Studies show that veterinarians confirm that pairing CBD and dogs is safe and even recommended for many pets with specific health conditions.

Research demonstrated how side effects from giving CBD oil to dogs are extremely rare, and even when they do show up, they're usually very mild and will disappear after a few hours up to 2-3 days.

Signs of CBD side effects in dogs:

  • Disorientation
  • Hyperactivity
  • Vomiting
  • Drowsiness
  • Excessive Itching

The most common cause of side effects from giving CBD to dogs is too high a dosage.

Therefore, make sure to follow either the above-mentioned guidelines on CBD in dogs products or, better yet, always read the product's suggested dosage label.

What to Do?

Whenever you give your Fido any CBD dog treats, liquid, or pills, always observe your dog very closely, particularly after you've just started the CBD treatment.

Increase or decrease dosage as needed to see positive results while avoiding side effects.

When you notice any side effects from CBD dog treats or other products, stop the treatment for a week and let your pooch go back to normal.

After they go away, restart the treatment at a lower dosage. If side effects appear again, your pet may not be able to tolerate the CBD oil well.

Always consult with your veterinarian before, during, and after the CBD treatment.

CBD for Dogs

PODCAST: TOP #104: What Types of CBD Products Are Best for Your Dog

CBD and Dogs _15 Ways It May Help Your Pet
