Home Dog Supplies Reviews Review: Prana Pets Natural Respiratory and Cold Symptom Support (2018)

Review: Prana Pets Natural Respiratory and Cold Symptom Support (2018)

Natural treatments are becoming more popular in the human health industry, and (like many human trends) we're also seeing them becoming more popular for pets. The changing seasons often bring along cold, allergy and respiratory symptoms. If you're looking for a natural remedy for your pet suffering from these issues, treatments from Prana Pets may be just what your pup needs.

Prana Pets Natural Respiratory and Cold Symptom Support are made from ingredients that come from natural sources with no artificial additives. They are safe and healthy for most pets, but it's important to check with your veterinarian if your dog is taking any other medications or has a health condition.

Prana Pets Natural Respiratory and Cold Symptom Support ReviewI always try to find natural remedies for our pets. Of course I want them to feel better as soon as possible, but I also want them to be as healthy as possible for as long as possible. While some ailments require antibiotics or other prescription treatments, many common health issues can be cured with natural remedies.

We don't all have time to research natural remedies for dogs. Not to mention, you'll have to track down the ingredients for the remedy and prepare them as necessary. Prana Pets has taken all of the guesswork out of finding these safe and healthy treatments for your pup.

You can see tons of positive reviews on the company’s website for products related to specific conditions such as cancer, Cushing’s disease and liver disease. Their customers have some amazing things to say about the effectiveness of these natural remedies! Of course, every dog is different, so there is no guarantee that they will work for your pooch. However, these products have been effective for thousands of pets.

RELATED: Can Dogs Get Colds?

Prana Pets Natural Respiratory and Cold Symptom Support Review

Prana Pets Natural Respiratory and Cold Symptom Support ReviewAs I mentioned, Prana Pets Natural Remedies for Dogs are available to aid in the treatment of many different ailments, including:

  • asthma and respiratory issues
  • cancer
  • cold symptoms
  • Cushing’s disease
  • digestive issues
  • joint problems
  • intestinal worms
  • kidney issues
  • liver disease
  • seizure disorders
  • sinus problems
  • urinary tract issues

Of course, these remedies aren’t proven to cure any of the disease listed above. However, they can help to control symptoms and promote healing.

As with any over-the-counter treatments for your dog, you MUST seek the help of your veterinarian when creating a treatment plan for your pet.

It’s especially important to talk to your vet if your dog is already taking medications to treat one of the health issues above. While Prana Pets natural remedies are made with all-natural ingredients, only your vet can tell you whether or not they are safe for your dog to ingest.

Prana Pets Cold Symptom Support

The Cold Symptom Support remedy is a homeopathic remedy that provides lung support for pets with respiratory illnesses. It can relieve wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. This remedy can also helps to relieve inflammation, soreness and pain in the chest.

It can also help to reduce congestion in the throat and lungs. Prana Pets' Cold Symptom Support can also aid in the treatment of symptoms like sneezing, nasal congestion and wet or dry coughs. It opens the airways and promotes easier breathing.

The list of ingredients is:

Active ingredients: Aconitum Napellus, Arsenicum Album, Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Hepar Sulphur Calcareum, Sambucus Nigra, Verbascum Thapsus. Inactive ingredients: Purified Water, USP Cane Ethanol alcohol 15%, USP Glycerin.

I used this remedy for our Beagle, Molly, about a month ago when she was suffering from a cold. She is young and healthy, so it's likely that the cold would have passed on its own within a week or so. However, with the help of Prana Pets Cold Symptom Support Molly was feeling better in just 3 days!

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MORE: Holistic Dog Care – The Ultimate Evidence-based Guide

Prana Pets Respiratory SupportThe Respiratory System Support is formulated to relieve symptoms of poor respiratory function in dogs. Many pet owners have found it to be very helpful for their cats and dogs with asthma.

It relaxes the bronchioles to promote healthy lung function. It also reduces respiratory problems linked to stress and aids in the relief of labored, shallow or rapid breathing associated with asthma.

The ingredients include:

Active ingredients:Althea, Antimonium Sulphuratum Auratum, Arsenicum Album, Chelidonium, Ephedra Vulgaris, Inula, Kali Carbonicum, Kali Muriaticum, Lobelia Inflata, Phosphorus. Inactive ingredients: Purified Water, USP Cane Ethanol alcohol 15%, USP Glycerin.

Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to use Prana Pets' Respiratory System Support with my dogs yet. However, we did have a cat who was having some respiratory issues including shallow breathing. After just 5 days taking this supplement her breathing was much better!

Prana Pets Natural Respiratory and Cold Symptom Support ReviewThese products are very easy to use. As you can see in my video review at the top of this post, they are all equipped with a glass pipette under the cap. All you have to do is squeeze a little into the pipette and then dispense the recommended amount of drops onto your dog’s food or a treat. These supplements have dosage instructions on the back of the bottles.

I love that these supplements are safe, healthy and easy to administer. However, they come with quite a hefty price tag. You can purchase a 2-ounce bottle of Cold Symptom Support for $28.95 and a 2-ounce bottle of $32.95.

Just keep in mind that all natural remedies are more expensive than similar products filled with chemicals and artificial ingredients. Also, if you can switch to Prana Pets natural remedies, you’ll probably save a lot of money compared to purchasing prescriptions or over-the-counter medications.

READ NEXT: Who's Right? Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine (EBVM) vs. Holistic Veterinary Medicine

Ease of Use
Health Benefits
Samantha’s biggest passion in life is spending time with her Boxer dogs. After she rescued her first Boxer in 2004, Samantha fell in love with the breed and has continued to rescue three other Boxers since then. She enjoys hiking and swimming with her Boxers, Maddie and Chloe.
prana-pets-respiratory-and-cold-symptom-support-reviewWhile these Prana Pets natural remedies for dogs are healthy and easy to use, they're also quite expensive. Keep in mind that most natural remedies are pricey, and you may end up saving money if you no longer have to purchase over-the-counter or prescription medications for your pet. Not to mention, the health and safety benefits are much greater than OTC or prescription remedies.