Seattle Builds Dog Park for Homeless Women
A non-profit organization in Washington has given homeless women a safe place to let their dogs exercise, play, and rest.

This past weekend, a non-profit called Fences for Fido built a dog park for dogs owned by homeless women. The dog park is off-leash.

Volunteers built a fence around the Kirkland’s Lake Washington United Methodist Church. This church already has a “Safe Parking” program which allows up to 50 women and their families to stay in their cars on church property.

Seattle Builds Dog Park for Dogs of Homeless Women
Photo: Lake Washington UMC

One woman who uses the church’s Safe Parking program lives in the back of her VW Jetta with her dog, Shiloh. She says this dog park is a huge deal to her.

This woman has health issues which render it difficult to keep up with Shiloh’s physical needs, but the off-leash nature of this dog park helps her out with that. She says it’s great to be able to let her dog out of the backseat to romp, play and run free for some time.

Homeless women and their dogs have a safe place to stay on the Eastside.

The Safe Parking program has a lot of amenities for homeless women, and this dog park is just an additional feature to that generous package.

Women can use the church’s kitchen on a daily basis, as well as the Wi-Fi connection. Food and toiletries are donated regularly. If temperatures outside get too cold, the women can sleep inside on the church pews. A background check is required for guests wishing to take part in the Safe Parking program.

Fences for Fido is based out of Portland, Oregon. It is a non-profit organization with a chapter in Olympia, Washington.

Michele Coppola of Fences of Fido said that because the church has already stepped up to allow their facility to be used for helping women in need, it is even more important for the community to step up and help the pets of those women. She says “pets are their family and friends.”

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Seattle Builds Dog Park for Dogs of Homeless Women
Photo: Fences for Fido

The non-profit build donor-funded fences for families who keep their dogs on chains or small enclosures, and do this free of charge. This allows confined dogs to easily get exercise their owners may otherwise feel they cannot provide.

It’s a good way to keep pets with families even if the families have situations which are not ideal for dogs who need to run.

Fences for Fido also provides insulated dog houses, spaying/neutering and critical veterinary care for these families and their dogs.

During the past 9 years, Fences for Fido has won numerous awards, and has managed to unchain more than 1,600 dogs in Oregon and Washington!

They are actively seeking volunteers for all sorts of different functions – to apply as a volunteer to Fences for Fido, visit their page.

READ NEXT: How to Start an Indoor Dog Park

SOURCEKind 5 News
Cody has worked and volunteered with rescue animals her entire life. She worked as a veterinary assistant and technician in shelters, rescues, boarding facilities, doggy daycares and animal hospitals in New York and Chicago throughout her teens and twenties, and now resides as a pet foster mom in Upstate New York.