Charity Group Seeking Volunteers to Raise Puppies
Photo: Guide Dogs of America
Looking for a fulfilling way to raise a puppy with a purpose? Guide Dogs of America needs people to raise their dogs, and it’s for an awesome cause.

Guide Dogs of America is seeking the help of volunteers; they need people to raise their puppies, who will go on to become Seeing Eye dogs for the visually impaired.

This is an amazing opportunity to foster dogs for a great cause, and is a way to spend all your free time with a puppy to love!

Volunteers raise these dogs beginning at 8 weeks of age, and give them a loving home until about 18 months of age. Specifically, GDA is seeking puppy parents from the Southern California region.

The role of these volunteers is called puppy raisers by GDA.

What Do Puppy Raisers Do?

As a puppy raiser, you will need to socialize your foster dog and give him or her plenty of exercise. Tons of socialization is imperative; the more socialized the dog is as a puppy, the more successful their guide dog training will be.

Because of the need for socialization, households with pets and children are a plus!

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There is some work involved for puppy raisers, as well. Volunteers are expected to teach the pups basic obedience, such as sitting, staying, laying down, leash walking, and coming when called.

Charity Group Seeking Volunteers to Raise Puppies
Photo: Guide Dogs of America

Monthly meetings with other volunteers and their dogs are also required, as a socialization practice and a chance for volunteers to check-in and get any assistance they need.

You’ll receive all the supplies you need, such as bowls, leashes, collars, jackets, and some food to start.

A huge plus – anything you wind up buying to care for your puppy is tax-deductible!

At about 18 months of age, the dogs have to go on to formal training in “guide dog college.” When they graduate and become assigned to a blind recipient – and you will get to meet that person at the Graduation Ceremony!

The best part? These Guide Dogs are given to people who need them free of charge.

How Does Raising a Puppy Help People?

GDA receives no government funding, and operates completely on donations. The cost of raising and training one guide dog is about $48,000. And 87 percent of the monetary donations go directly to program services.

So, GDA depends entirely on their passionate and dedicated volunteers to help them in their mission to provide dogs to people who need them the most.

Guide dogs not only provide their visually impaired owners with safety and the freedom of mobility, but also are a source of companionship. They help their owners get out and socialize, and do things they couldn’t do before.

So if you live in the Southern California region and have been considering fostering a dog, why not do it for an amazing cause?

To read about the experiences of past or current volunteers, go here to check out their inspirational stories, and find out if this is for you!

Apply here if you would like to raise a puppy for Guide Dogs of America!

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SOURCEGuide Dogs of America
Cody has worked and volunteered with rescue animals her entire life. She worked as a veterinary assistant and technician in shelters, rescues, boarding facilities, doggy daycares and animal hospitals in New York and Chicago throughout her teens and twenties, and now resides as a pet foster mom in Upstate New York.