Home Humor 20 Vintage Photos That Prove Dogs Are The Best

20 Vintage Photos That Prove Dogs Are The Best

Top 20 Vintage Photos That Prove Dogs Are The Best

Ever since the dawn of time, dogs have been the most loyal friends to humans. We’ve been through thick and thin together, so it’s not a surprise to see so many vintage photographs featuring dogs and their proud owners.

To be fair, we never worshiped them as gods, but we did take some cool snaps with our canine companions that will keep amusing us for many years to come.

1. I Don’t Have The Heart To Tell Her…

Dont Have The Heart To Tell Her

…that No-Shave November is over.


2. Major Woof, What Are Our Orders?

Major Woof What Are Our Orders

You shall acquire doggy treats and provide belly rubs, soldier.


3. Onward, Mighty Steed!

Onward Mighty Steed

To glory, to victory! Or just to the kitchen, I’m fine with that too.


4. And This Is How You Get To Go on Walks Without A Leash?

And This Is How You Get To Go on Walks Without A Leash

Not too shabby, tiny human.


5. Damn, Girl, We Look Lit AF!

Damn Girl We Look Lit AF

You have to post this on Instagram.


6. It’s A No From Me, Dawg.

Its A No From Me Dawg

I agree, it’s utterly horrendous.


7. How Am I Supposed To Help You Navigate With These On?

How Am I Supposed To Help You Navigate With These On

Seriously, George, it’s not like Siri is going to help you drive.


8. I Already Told You To Use Only Chanel No 5, Nancy.

I Already Told You To Use Only Chanel No 5 Nancy

You know that cheap crap only makes me smell like a wet dog.


9. It’s Just Tobacco, Man, I Swear.

Its Just Tobacco Man I Swear

How would I get my paws on anything else?


10. Guys, I Think They Tricked Us.

Guys, I Think They Tricked Us.

I was told I’d get treats for this.


11. I Have No Idea What I’m Doing.

I Have No Idea What I’m Doing.

But only because I’m not used to gear stick.


12. Are You Sure The Safety Is On, Little Guy?

Are You Sure The Safety Is On, Little Guy?

Wouldn’t want for the things to get ruff, if you catch my drift.


13. Do You Kiss Your Mom With That Mouth, Sailor?

Do You Kiss Your Mom With That Mouth, Sailor?

No, but I did kiss yours, matey.


14. Oh My God, Is She Wearing Fido?

Oh My God, Is She Wearing Fido?

Run, boys, before we end up as slippers!


15. Before We Get A Gig As Sled Dogs…

Before We Get A Gig As Sled Dogs

…we earn our keep as models.


16. They See Us Rollin’, They Hatin’.

They See Us Rollin’, They Hatin

I might join Hell’s Angels next.


17. I Knew I Should Have Taken The Bus.

I Knew I Should Have Taken The Bus.

To be fair, they did say this ride will keep me on my toes.


18. Sure, You’re A Good Boy Too.

Sure, You’re A Good Boy Too.

I don’t know why always need someone to pat you on your shoulder, though.


19. Why Did I Agree To This?!

Why Did I Agree To This?!

Instant regret.


20. I Told Them I’m Not A Rabbit.

I Told Them I’m Not A Rabbit.

If you think the hat think is ruff, try eating carrots every single day.

Dom Naish is a Phoenix-based writer, vegan, cupcake addict and dog lover. Years in the animal rescue trenches have taught him every aspect of dog ownership from behavioral problems, personality and breed specific trait differences of all dogs.