Home Dog News Pregnant Dog Gets the Maternity Photoshoot She Deserves

Pregnant Dog Gets the Maternity Photoshoot She Deserves

Pregnant Dog Gets the Maternity Photoshoot She Deserves
Photo: Mashable.com/Amy Rients

Chanel and LeeRoy are now the proud parents to a whopping ELEVEN puppies. The sheer number of pups born to the canine couple is unique in and of itself, but so is what happened just before the birth.

9 days before Chanel delivered, the dogs’ parents staged a photo shoot, and the world rejoiced. Amy Rients, mom to puppy papa LeeRoy, tells the story of how the two dogs met, fell in love and…well, you know the rest.

The two dogs’ owners were put in touch by their mutual groomer, who happened to be very good friends with Rients. The groomer thought the couple would make beautiful parents, and the stars aligned.

A little more than a week before the due date, LeeRoy headed to the home of Kennedy Sorensen (Chanel’s owner) for the photo shoot.

Pregnant Dog Gets the Maternity Photoshoot She Deserves
Photo: Mashable.com/Amy Rients

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The adorable pictures show Chanel in front of a sign which says, “9 Days Until Puppies!,” followed by a shot of her looking at the camera behind her. She dons a beautiful flower collar and a huge smile.

The last picture is the most heart melting one of all. It depicts Chanel, beaming with happiness, and an enamored LeeRoy nuzzling her. One cannot help but think of what many great human maternity photos look like and apply it to this picture.

When Sorensen tweeted the final result, it went viral. The tweet has amassed more than 40,000 likes and 24,000 retweets. It also brought in tons of comments, including invitations from ABC News and Inside Edition, who wanted to cover the story.

Sorensen’s idea was definitely a unique one. Other people have had similar notions, and apparently dog wedding pictures are a thing! I think there is just something about taking powerful dog love, and adding a layer of the human element to it, which makes us absolutely burst at the seams with adoration and gush with excitement.

That is likely why this doggy maternity photo shoot earned so much overwhelmingly positive feedback and attention so quickly. People cannot get enough of these expressions of family, love, and happiness from our canine counterparts.

READ NEXT: 5 Photography Experts' Tips for Awesome Dog Photo Shoots

Dom Naish is a Phoenix-based writer, vegan, cupcake addict and dog lover. Years in the animal rescue trenches have taught him every aspect of dog ownership from behavioral problems, personality and breed specific trait differences of all dogs.