Home Top Lists 9 Best Dog Podcasts for Pet Owners

9 Best Dog Podcasts for Pet Owners

Top Ten Best Dog Podcasts for Pet Owners

Everyone loves a good podcast and what could be better than listening to a podcast that’s all about dogs? Whether you’re on your commute to work or heading off for a long walk, you can enjoy all things dog related, thanks to the best dog podcasts.

For those of you who are not familiar with podcasts, they are just audio files that you can download to your computer or media device (like a tablet, mp3 player or smartphone). Essentially, it's like someone giving a lecture and uploading the audio of that lecture onto the web for others to listen to. You don't watch a video, you just listen to the person speak.

There are many great dog podcasts out there that will delight any dog lover. Whether you’re looking for tips on how to train your dog, puppy advice or just general dog care, one of the best dog podcasts out there will be ideal for you.

Best Dog Podcasts for Pet Owners9 Best Dog Podcasts for Pet Owners

1. Theory of Pets

Theory of Pets PodcastTheory of Pets Podcast is a new pet talk show with our Editor-in-Chief, Samantha Randall, as the host. The podcast is aimed at dedicated and passionate pet owners who are interested in learning more about pet ownership and how to improve the way we care for dogs and cats as well as dig deeper into the subject of pet parenting.

Theory of Pets covers anything and everything related to our furry companions: from veterinary care and grooming to finding the best pet supplies and in-depth information from the pet industry itself.

Samantha chooses to keep variety with her topics, and often mixes between her own storytelling episodes and those where she interviews other people. Who can you hear on the podcast? Almost anyone who are in some way related to pets and the industry. The show brings together long-time pet owners, experts from many different fields, industry professionals, veterinarians, trainers, authors, entrepreneurs, bloggers, celebrities and personalities to talk exclusively about pets and go behind the scenes of the commercial side of pet businesses and trade.

2. Canine Nation

Canine nation is a fantastic podcast that is updated monthly and will provide any dog lover with a wealth of very useful information on how to care for their dog. Canine Nation is great if you’re interested in dog behavior, and it covers many science topics relating to this. Each and every podcast is interesting and you’re certain to learn something new each time.

You will get to learn about how dogs behave, the reasons they behave in certain ways and how we as their owners can communicate better with them. We all want to understand our dogs better and discover new and exciting things about them, and with Canine Nation that’s exactly what you get. This is one of the best dog podcasts because it focuses on interesting topics that will help you learn so much more about your dog, and what could be better than that?

3. The Dog Trainer: Quick and Dirty

This is a very useful podcast that is updated weekly and covers a wide range of topics that are all about dogs. For any dog lover, this podcast is a must. You will learn more about fostering dogs and all that’s involved. If you’re interested in volunteering with dogs that’s discussed too.

Absolutely everything you can imagine about dogs is talked about, and this is one reason as to why The Dog Trainer: Quick and Dirty is one of the best dog podcasts available. If you love learning about dogs then this podcast is the perfect choice for you.

4. Dr. Dunbar’s iWoof Podcasts

There are five seasons with Dr. Dunbar’s iWoof podcasts, and they cover everything you could possibly want to know about dogs. They have real life stories about people and their dogs, and you get to learn so much more about how to best care for your canine companion by picking up lots of advice and tips.

Each episode is totally new, so you know every time you tune in you’re going to be learning something different. If you're looking to increase your knowledge of how to best care for your Fido, Dr.Dunbar’s iWoof is a must.

Best Dog Podcasts for Pet Owners

5. Creative Dog Training

This podcast has one aim, and that’s to educate dog lovers about everything there is to know about dogs. They cover all dog topics that are imaginable and will provide you with a wealth of great info about how to look after your own dog. Their website is great, and allows you to find a topic of your choice and then listen to it.

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The topics cover everything including stress in dogs, aggression and dog parks. These are just a few of the topics that’s on offer with Creative Dog Training, there are just too many to mention here – they really have got it all covered! On their website they also have a great search function which allows you to type in a topic that you are looking for and then listen to it.

6. In Dog We Trust – This American Life

This podcast is amazing and really has been around for a long time. There’s a reason for that – they have everything dog-related covered. This American Life is a weekly show and is broadcast on over 500 stations. It has a massive 2.2 million listeners, so they must be doing something right.

In Dog We Trust gives you the ability to enjoy listening to stories about dogs and cats and also other household animals that we share our lives with. The stories are heart warming, and show that our pets really are a big part of our family. They really are the heart of our homes.

7. Working Like Dogs

If you’re a proud owner of a working dog, then you’re really going to love listening to this podcast. Working dogs are amazing and where would we be without them? If you have a working dog at home or are thinking about getting a working dog, then Working Like Dogs is one of the best dog podcasts for you. You will be provided with advice and tips and very useful information about working dogs.

All working dogs are discussed including police dogs, military dogs and seizure dogs. There’s a lot that has to be learned if you’re thinking about working alongside a working dog, and this is what Working Like Dogs is all about. This podcast is your best friend when it comes to learning all there is to know about looking after, and working with a working dog. You will learn about the gear your working dog will need, their diet, travelling with them, how to groom them and also the process of retiring them from duty.

Best Dog Podcasts for Pet Owners

8. DogCast Radio

This is a great podcast for dog lovers and will provide you with so much information when it comes to looking after your dog. You get to listen to the latest news, so you’re constantly being kept up to date on all things dog. You will also be able to listen to reviews and interviews, which will keep you entertained for hours.

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There is always something different to learn about dogs and all topics imaginable are covered. You will learn about the different dog breeds, how to train your dog, puppy care and fun tips too. Their website is great, and you can just click on a topic and listen to it from the comfort of your home.

9. The Pet Doctor Podcast

The Pet Doctor Podcast covers everything health related and will provide you with a great deal of information about your dog’s health. You will learn about pet medicines, emergency first aid, senior pet care, pet paediatrics, pet foods, dental treatment and also pet insurance. Also covered will be tips on grooming.

There are many more topics covered, these are just a few of them. They have a fantastic website that allows you to find an episode and then play it. If you want to learn more about pet health and pet care then you really should tune in. The Pet Doctor is definintely one of the best dog podcasts, as they really have got everything health related covered.

Have a favorite dog podcast that didn't make the list? Share it below so other readers can check it out!

James has been a certified veterinary technician for the last 8 years in Birmingham, UK. After working with many dogs, he's changed his focus to writing, building businesses and researching subjects on canines and products created for dogs.