Clumber Spaniel Dog Breed Profile Featured Image

Clumber spaniels are loyal and affectionate dogs.

They have enthusiasm for work, and they love to play.

They can adapt easily and are happy indoors or out, but of course, they prefer being close to their owners.

The breed was originally made to find and retrieve games for hunters.

But in this day and age, there are still dog enthusiasts gunning for the Clumber Spaniel to be a spectacular gundog.

You'll also be able to see these dogs in show rings and compete in tracking, obedience, rallies, and other dog sports.

If you plan to adopt a Clumber Spaniel, well, you're in luck!

This blog will discuss everything you need to learn about the breed.

Below, we'll tackle the breed's temperament, health care, training needs, and more.

But before that, let's first talk about the Clumber Spaniel's history.

Clumber Spaniel - Best Hunting Dog

Clumber Spaniel History

Many dog breeds have an unclear origin, like the Clumber Spaniel.

For instance, many people believe that the Clumber Spaniel is connected to the French nobility, English Dukes, and revolutions.

The story began when the French Duc de Noiailles shipped his entire kennel of spaniels to the Duke of Newcastle in England to save his valued dogs during the French Revolution.

However, the evidence is not big enough to support their theories.

On the other hand, a painting of the Duke of Newcastle in 1788 (a year before the French Revolution) depicts him with several white and lemon dogs who very much look like today's Clumber.

The breed's name came from the Duke's estate called the Clumber Park in Nottingham.

In addition, the Duke's gamekeeper, William Mansell, is attributed with shaping the breed.

The breed was popular with noble hunters in the mid-19th century.

Even Edward, Prince of Wales (later Edward VII), was a fan of the breed and kept them at his Sandringham House estate.

In 1844, the first Clumber Spaniel was shipped into North America by a British officer named Lieutenant Venables, who was stationed in Nova Scotia, Canada.

The first ever registration of a Clumber Spaniel was in 1878, and the Clumber Spaniel Club of America was founded in 1972.

Physical Characteristics

Even though the Clumber Spaniel has relatively short legs, they are still the largest member of the spaniel family.

Male Clumber Spaniels stand about 18 to 20 inches at the shoulder, and they weigh an average of 70 to 85 pounds.

On the other hand, female Clumbers stand around 17 to 19 inches and weigh about 55 to 70 pounds.

This breed is easily recognizable due to its long, low, heavy-boned body with a massive head. And because of their build, it's easy for them to work and serve their purpose.

They'll be able to push through rough environments while tracking birds.

The Clumber Spaniel has a soft, medium-length coat, which is also thick and straight.

Their coat color on the body is primarily white with lemon or orange markings around the eyes, head, or ears.

Clumber Spaniel Close up portrait

Clumber Spaniel Temperament

Clumber Spaniels are great and interesting dogs. Some Clumbers are reserved, and some just want to spread love to everyone.

These dogs are silent workers, and they really are quiet even at home. But don't worry; they will still alert you if they sense any danger.

Clumber Spaniels are sweet and gentle, but they can also be a bit mischievous at times, especially male Clumbers.

However, Clumbers can develop bad habits like counter surfing (when your dog jumps up on the kitchen counter and steals food) or fridge raiding. And that's why they are sometimes called Scavenger Spaniels.

Even though it's cute and funny, it's best to correct these behaviors as early as possible.

For aspiring pet owners, you must know that a dog's temperament is affected by numerous factors such as genetics, training, and socialization.

If you plan to adopt a new pup such as the Clumber Spaniel, you must first meet the puppy and the puppy's parents to ensure that they have nice characteristics that you'll be able to get along with.

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Living with a Clumber Spaniel

Clumber Spaniels are calm, sweet, and gentle dogs that can be a great addition to your family.

They love to bond with the entire family, even children. They will love to play with your kids all day and cuddle with them when it's nap time.

Due to their easygoing personalities, they are great for first-time owners.

But as pet owners, we must supervise all interactions between the children and the dog, no matter the breed, to prevent harm from both parties.

Teach your children how to approach and touch dogs properly, and never to approach a dog while he's eating or sleeping.

Remember that a child should never be left unsupervised with a dog, no matter how sociable and friendly.

RELATED: 11 Interesting Dog Facts for Kids on Canine Behavior 


Training is one of the most essential things in owning dogs, especially for Clumber Spaniels.

If you don't train them and don't establish a strong bond with them, they can become pushy and possessive. With these dogs, you need to show your leadership at an early age.

But of course, training, like in any other breeds, is best done with positive reinforcement.

Training takes time, so be gentle and patient. Be firm but not harsh.

Like any other dog, Clumber Spaniels benefit from early socialization.

It's important to expose them to different people, pets, sounds, environments, and experiences.

Early socialization can help ensure that your pup will grow to be a well-rounded dog.

Clumber Spaniel Outside


As discussed earlier, the Clumber Spaniel was made to be a working dog.

Their task was to retrieve game birds for hunters or herd livestock, and they did this easily due to their stamina.

They need only moderate exercise since they are not very active dogs like other spaniel types.

These dogs are also intelligent, which means they'll also need mental stimulation.

Exercise your Clumber for about an hour per day.

Exercise can also be a way of bonding with dogs, and walking them will also help you get your much-needed workout.

Clumber Spaniel Health Care

The Clumber Spaniel is generally a healthy breed. Their life expectancy is about 10 to 12 years!

Unfortunately, they can be prone to health problems like any other breed.

As pet owners, we must do our best to keep them healthy so that they can live a long and happy life.

Owners should schedule regular vet visits to maintain their good health.

Below, we've listed a few possible health risks that the Norwegian Buhund can be susceptible to.

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a genetic condition wherein the socket of the joint and ball becomes deformed during growth.

If your Clumber is diagnosed with hip dysplasia, it is important to keep their weight within the standard range and exercise them with activities that promote joint therapy.

Vets can also prescribe medications for anti-inflammatory, pain relievers, and supplements for this disease.


Hypothyroidism is the inactive function of the thyroid gland. Metabolism is slowed down if diagnosed.

The immune system attacks the thyroid gland as it does not recognize it. Usually, this is an inherited disorder.

If they're experiencing lethargy, slow heart rate, weight gain, excessive shedding, and high cholesterol, it's best to have them tested by the veterinarian.

If your Clumber is diagnosed with hypothyroidism, the veterinarian may provide maintenance and recommended diet.

It's best to have this condition checked and addressed immediately.


Ectropion is a defect where the eyelid is rolling out or sagging.

It leaves the eye exposed and prone to irritation and possible infections like conjunctivitis.

Treatment for severe cases can be surgery.


Entropion is a defect seen as early as six months old. This health issue causes the eyelid to roll inward, irritating or injuring the eyeball.

As pet owners, we must monitor our pups closely. Check if Fido is constantly rubbing his eyes and take him to the vet.

Entropion can be treated through surgery.

Ear Infection

Clumber Spaniels are also prone to ear infections.

Ear infections are usually caused by bacteria, yeast, and other related conditions like ear mite infestation in the outer canal can also contribute to this condition.

Ear infections are common for dogs with long ears, such as Spaniel and Hound breeds, but other dog breeds can be vulnerable, too, especially when the dog's eardrum is damaged.

Clumber Spaniel Physical Characteristics

Grooming Needs

Clumber Spaniel's coat will need brushing at least 3-4 times a week, even daily if it's shedding season.

If you plan to bring home a Clumber Spaniel puppy, keep in mind that these dogs are heavy shedders. So beware of any family members that have allergies.

Lack of grooming can cause tangles and mats, which can be painful for dogs when trying to rectify it.

Clumber Spaniels should be bathed at least once every month or two.

Dog nails should be kept short. A good rule of thumb is their nails should not be touching the ground.

Regular nail trimming prevents overgrowth, discomfort, and potential injuries.

Ear cleaning is also crucial for the Clumber as they are also prone to ear infections.

Use ear-cleaning liquid and a soft cloth or cotton balls to make this task easy and hassle-free.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a Clumber Spaniel rare?

In this day and age, Clumber Spaniels are looked at as a rare breed.

According to the AKC, less than 200 Clumber Spaniel puppies are registered yearly in the United States and less than 300 in the United Kingdom.

What are spaniel dogs known for?

Spaniel breeds were historically bred to be compact, athletic, and enthusiastic hunting companions.

These dogs excel at finding, flushing out, and retrieving game birds across various terrain, even water.

Are clumber spaniels good family dogs?

Yes, Clumber Spaniels are great family dogs. They are affectionate, loyal, and have an eager-to-please attitude.

They are good with children and other dogs. These dogs are intelligent and trainable, perfect for first-time dog owners.

White Clumber Spaniel Puppy

Clumber Spaniel Dog Breed Profile Before You Go…

Clumber Spaniels are large, heavy-boned dogs, and they are the largest dog of the English Spaniels.

Clumbers are known to be gentle and loving. They are loyal and would love to spend their time with you all the time.

They are great family companions and can be suitable for aspiring pet owners. But they can be aloof with strangers.

These dogs have a long, dense coat that will require regular brushing. They also have floppy ears and large eyes.

Clumber Spaniels are relatively low-maintenance dogs. However, they require regular grooming to keep their coats in peak conditions.

These dogs are also prone to certain health problems like hip dysplasia, entropion, hypothyroidism, and ear infections.

It's best to adopt a Clumber Spaniel puppy from a reputable breeder to ensure that your dog is healthy and has a good temperament.

So, do you think a Clumber Spaniel is the perfect dog for you? Share with us your thoughts in the comments section.

And if you want to have an in-depth knowledge about different spaniel breeds, check out our other dog breed profile articles below!


Toby loves spending time with his dog and two cats. They are the best stress reliever and affectionate pets, especially his Belgian Malinois, Shawie. Shawie's favorite activity is running or jogging. But their go-to spot is to chill and swim around a nearby river.